the best/funnies job u ever had


Well-Known Member
i was smokin b4 and remembered the funnies job i ever had and sometimes i really wish i didnt quit. the amount of shit we got away with was really unreal.

just a few stories thought id share.

1 of the times me and my friend decided we wanted to leave a massive shit in the ladies toliets for the morning staff (all the old women are were in mornings). so he goes and takes a shit, walks out and threw to the gents to wipe his ass. he gives me the go ahead. i go take a shit in the same ladies toilet, i then go back to the gents and wipe my ass.

all the old women were disugted when they found out!

i used to use the bakery knifes to cut my hash up. i used to roll up in the managers office (he had gone home by 5pm)

i used a fog horn on my superviser in the store.

i used to take longer breaks,whilst helping myself to some munchies out the back.

the list goes on. i had such a great time.

probablly the best job ive ever had


fucking baked.....

i had some really nice sativa/indica dominant tonight. found my sell reminiscing and gigglin


Well-Known Member
every summer I go up to the mountains and whitewater raft guide! that is the chillest job ever. its so much fun, whitewater is an exciting sport, and I get tips which is also very chill. Plus everybody up there are hippies and good bud, good other assorted drugs and cool ass people.


Well-Known Member
The best Job for me ever besides the one I have now , Was My 1st year in College In Melbourne ,Florida . I got a Job as a fry cook at a Stacey's Buffet , (let me remind you that back in 1983 I was good looking and had rich Parents) Well I was there for about a week and this one waitress invited me out for drinks ,, whooo hooo she rocked my world , she went and told another waitress there and what do you know ,,, Whooo hooo again.. and this one told the boss lady whom ran the place with her husband and whooo hoooo again,, the husband was too busy chasing his own tail and ignoring his wife , so for about 2 yrs I had these three women . giving me stuff , buying me tons of stuff for my apt, andI had endless amount of friends who ate for free at the place .. Life was great back then... The only thing I realy disliked about Florida is all the fucking bugs .


Well-Known Member
every summer I go up to the mountains and whitewater raft guide! that is the chillest job ever. its so much fun, whitewater is an exciting sport, and I get tips which is also very chill. Plus everybody up there are hippies and good bud, good other assorted drugs and cool ass people.

What Mountains ? What rivers ?


Well-Known Member
The best Job for me ever besides the one I have now , Was My 1st year in College In Melbourne ,Florida . I got a Job as a fry cook at a Stacey's Buffet , (let me remind you that back in 1983 I was good looking and had rich Parents) Well I was there for about a week and this one waitress invited me out for drinks ,, whooo hooo she rocked my world , she went and told another waitress there and what do you know ,,, Whooo hooo again.. and this one told the boss lady whom ran the place with her husband and whooo hoooo again,, the husband was too busy chasing his own tail and ignoring his wife , so for about 2 yrs I had these three women . giving me stuff , buying me tons of stuff for my apt, andI had endless amount of friends who ate for free at the place .. Life was great back then... The only thing I realy disliked about Florida is all the fucking bugs .
good stuff. the crickets are loud in florida :p


New Member
I worked at a dry cleaners .... Got paid to just hang up clothes and smoke bowls in the boiler room... Not funny but it was the best job I've had...


Well-Known Member
every summer I go up to the mountains and whitewater raft guide! that is the chillest job ever. its so much fun, whitewater is an exciting sport, and I get tips which is also very chill. Plus everybody up there are hippies and good bud, good other assorted drugs and cool ass people.
I went whitewater rafting once, our guide was some hippie chick named jeremy who had dreads and hairy armpits and legs...


Active Member
movie theater. I still work at one. high all the time! no one gives a shit. take breaks with my homies and smoke a bowl. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I worked at a buffet for a while, that was a pretty cool "stoner" job, because I could go in there with the munchies and eat for like an hour stragiht...I swear I didnt even eat at my house when I worked there lol


Junior Creatologist
Man, the best job for a stoner is a Telemarketer. You get to sit down all day long, draw, n just chill out n read from a screen. But even with that given, the WORST telemarketing job you could ever possibly have is at this place called Infocision, workin in the Christian fundrasing section of the building. You come across some of the most fucked up people in the entire world in there. All kinds of bible bashers, and extreme right wing fucks blabberin in your ear all fuckin day long, makin u wish u could just take a fuckin icepick and shove it into your ear as deep as you can so you dont have to hear this bullshit anymore.

The one perk though, is being able to observe how people REALLY act and think whenever they think theyre around their own kind. (Most) right wing christian bible bashers are some of the most racist, biggoted people i have ever met. Ive never heard the words n****r, f**got, and k*ke so much in my entire life, but whats REALLY funny about that shit is, that these people are the most outback podunk rednecked hillbillies ever. I mean, you wanna talk about whats wrong with this country, fuckin take a look at those fucks. Inbred pieces of shit talkin about every little thing that they think is wrong with our country for 8 hours straight really is somethin that i hope ill never have to deal with ever again in my life.

BUT, if you get the chance to, please just try it for a week, just so you can see what im talkin about. Workin for these televangelist people who try and convince the public that your only a good christian american if you buy this beautiful "I Love Jesus" wall clock for $600 bucks is pretty fuckin amazing, but whats even more amazing is the masses of good christian lemmings that believe these guys, and just shell out the money, over n over n over again, and dont give it another thought, as they assume that theyre going to heaven for it, while simultaneously calling their neighbors a pair of devil worshipping k*ke f**got n***ers who deserve to burn in hell forever


Man, the best job for a stoner is a Telemarketer. You get to sit down all day long, draw, n just chill out n read from a screen. But even with that given, the WORST telemarketing job you could ever possibly have is at this place called Infocision, workin in the Christian fundrasing section of the building. You come across some of the most fucked up people in the entire world in there. All kinds of bible bashers, and extreme right wing fucks blabberin in your ear all fuckin day long, makin u wish u could just take a fuckin icepick and shove it into your ear as deep as you can so you dont have to hear this bullshit anymore.

The one perk though, is being able to observe how people REALLY act and think whenever they think theyre around their own kind. (Most) right wing christian bible bashers are some of the most racist, biggoted people i have ever met. Ive never heard the words n****r, f**got, and k*ke so much in my entire life, but whats REALLY funny about that shit is, that these people are the most outback podunk rednecked hillbillies ever. I mean, you wanna talk about whats wrong with this country, fuckin take a look at those fucks. Inbred pieces of shit talkin about every little thing that they think is wrong with our country for 8 hours straight really is somethin that i hope ill never have to deal with ever again in my life.

BUT, if you get the chance to, please just try it for a week, just so you can see what im talkin about. Workin for these televangelist people who try and convince the public that your only a good christian american if you buy this beautiful "I Love Jesus" wall clock for $600 bucks is pretty fuckin amazing, but whats even more amazing is the masses of good christian lemmings that believe these guys, and just shell out the money, over n over n over again, and dont give it another thought, as they assume that theyre going to heaven for it, while simultaneously calling their neighbors a pair of devil worshipping k*ke f**got n***ers who deserve to burn in hell forever
That was quite possibly the best read all day. Thank you. :clap:

and yes, I'm serious.


Junior Creatologist
thanks man, i appreciate that. I mean, granted, i know that alot of the shit i post is reeeeeeally long winded, but i like to shoot the shit. Some people dont like that, but i think the whole point of forums is for just that purpose. I get out alot of the shit thats on my mind here on RIU, and it feels great to just let out n fuckin talk about shit thats botherin me. The REALLY cool thing is, that most of the shit that i vent about, theres already a thread about it that someone else started, lol. Its nice to feel like theres a fuckload of likeminded people out there, or at least in here.