Government claims it owns children, threatens 2nd mom with jail


Well-Known Member
So if people who gave vaccines followed your system's wishes, but ended up harming somebody because the vaccine itself was found later to cause harm, you would indemnify them as individuals and then execute your system ? Who would you hold accountable ?

Honesty and responsibility. Ahem.
vaccines don't really cause harm though, that is dangerous disinformation that flies in the face of reality and science.



Well-Known Member
So if people who gave vaccines followed your system's wishes, but ended up harming somebody because the vaccine itself was found later to cause harm, you would indemnify them as individuals and then execute your system ? Who would you hold accountable ?

Honesty and responsibility. Ahem.
The project leaders/developers: Why was it harmful: quality control or erroneous science? Quality control: someone's gonna die; bad science: someone will pay something painful up to death.
Honesty, responsibility and do your fucking job.

edit: if someone harmed is unfortunately of a rare genotype, no fault


Well-Known Member
Recently in Michigan a 2nd woman faces jail for refusing to vaccinate her child. What's going on here ?

Dogs get vaccinated for spreading disease and some places require license with vaccination or you will be fined.

Some people rely on 'herd' for disease control- but one sick child can infect other non vaccinated which spreads like wildfire and soon an epidemic. I think this happened in France or somewhere in EU.

Recommendation: FINE

Cash hurts more.


Well-Known Member
Dogs get vaccinated for spreading disease and some places require license with vaccination or you will be fined.

Some people rely on 'herd' for disease control- but one sick child can infect other non vaccinated which spreads like wildfire and soon an epidemic. I think this happened in France or somewhere in EU.

Recommendation: FINE

Cash hurts more.
My dogs don't have shots never have and not one dog died from anything the vaccines are for. I have been threatened with fines but I don't own the dogs they just so happen to enjoy my company. They can leave anytime they like.


Well-Known Member
Do you ever take them to the vet?
Never, I'm actually a pretty good backyard veterinarian one dog had a nasty cyst and I cut it right out, another dog had an infection from a dog fight but I just gave him antibiotics and cleaned his wounds.

Fuck the vet it's $70 just to see them. I don't even go to doctors I got bit by a spider it ate a nice hole in my foot got some more black market antibiotics cured. :)


Well-Known Member
@Rob Roy this one is a candidate ;)

Never, I'm actually a pretty good backyard veterinarian one dog had a nasty cyst and I cut it right out, another dog had an infection from a dog fight but I just gave him antibiotics and cleaned his wounds.

Fuck the vet it's $70 just to see them. I don't even go to doctors I got bit by a spider it ate a nice hole in my foot got some more black market antibiotics cured. :)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Dogs get vaccinated for spreading disease and some places require license with vaccination or you will be fined.

Some people rely on 'herd' for disease control- but one sick child can infect other non vaccinated which spreads like wildfire and soon an epidemic. I think this happened in France or somewhere in EU.

Recommendation: FINE

Cash hurts more.
Oh, it's good to see you've come out from under your bed after that wave of Ebola which killed billions.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
vaccines don't really cause harm though, that is dangerous disinformation that flies in the face of reality and science.


Not true.

Would you be okay with forced liposuction for fat people on the grounds it could save lives ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Being a fatass isn't catching. Is it?
Haven't been to Walmart in awhile have you ?

No, but seriously, if the goal behind the forced vaccines is for the government "to save lives". How is doing a forced liposuction not aligned with the goals of the vaccine Nazi ?