Government claims it owns children, threatens 2nd mom with jail

I say we, to mean our country. The experiments were intended to watch the progression of syphilis and the eventual death of the subject, who were blatantly lied to. If you don’t see a difference between a crime against humanity and a medical innoculation, I dunno what to tell you.

So the crime was the experiments in Tuskegee were done without the human guinea pigs consent and that's what makes it wrong ?
I say we, to mean our country. The experiments were intended to watch the progression of syphilis and the eventual death of the subject, who were blatantly lied to. If you don’t see a difference between a crime against humanity and a medical innoculation, I dunno what to tell you.

So, you'd be okay with forced sterilization of lesser human ?
Yep. However, there should also be a means of holding national leaders responsible for wars of profit and adventure, then they pay the price
Name one, that has been held responsible?
Like Nixon? (Vietnam)
Like Bush? (Iraq)
Like Reagan? (Grenada/Lebanon)
They were never held accountable for the American soldiers they sacrificed for their egos.
All they get is warships and airports named after them.
Isn't it the other way around?
How are vaccinated kids in danger? They work right??
So, you'd be okay with forced sterilization of lesser human ?
No, because there is no “lesser human” and no one has the right to remove part of your anatomy. I’m in favor of elected sterilization for pedophiles, but never forced. Again, no comparison. Innoculations improve your immune system, they don’t forcibly remove a part of you.
Name one, that has been held responsible?
Like Nixon? (Vietnam)
Like Bush? (Iraq)
Like Reagan? (Grenada/Lebanon)
They were never held accountable for the American soldiers they sacrificed for their egos.
All they get is warships and airports named after them.
All three, and JFK /Johnson(Vietnam)

Note I said should be held responsible; that is one of many problems in our society
No, because there is no “lesser human” and no one has the right to remove part of your anatomy. I’m in favor of elected sterilization for pedophiles, but never forced. Again, no comparison. Innoculations improve your immune system, they don’t forcibly remove a part of you.

Why don't people have a right to remove parts of your anatomy? is it because you think people should have control over their own bodies or because you hate cannibals ?
Why don't people have a right to remove parts of your anatomy? is it because you think people should have control over their own bodies or because you hate cannibals ?
Because removing a part of your body is invasive, destructive, and it’s removing a piece of you. No one has the right to take away your ability to procreate without your consent, that’s huge. Innoculations aren’t removing a piece of you, they are meant to improve already existing pieces of you. They’re also no where near as invasive or destructive.

Innoculations are a way to maintaining proper health and hygiene. They aren’t removing what makes you you.
All three, and JFK /Johnson(Vietnam)

Note I said should be held responsible; that is one of many problems in our society

Conflicts / death on a war sized scale become increasingly more likely when power is centralized in a government. If it could be proven less government meant less harm / less war would you consider that as an alternative ?
Conflicts / death on a war sized scale become increasingly more likely when power is centralized in a government. If it could be proven less government meant less harm / less war would you consider that as an alternative ?
Oh, I totally believe in limited government. This isn’t about the government, it’s more about the will of society/the People. No one wants their kid to die of a preventable disease.
No, because there is no “lesser human” and no one has the right to remove part of your anatomy. I’m in favor of elected sterilization for pedophiles, but never forced. Again, no comparison. Innoculations improve your immune system, they don’t forcibly remove a part of you.
I believe the proposed "treatment" for paedophilia is "chemical castration".

Sterilization would just mean they couldn't impregnate their victims (if they're even old enough for that), castration would almost entirely cut off the supply of testosterone and reduce sexual impulses to a huge degree and have the bonus effects of sterilization too.
Because removing a part of your body is invasive, destructive, and it’s removing a piece of you. No one has the right to take away your ability to procreate without your consent, that’s huge. Innoculations aren’t removing a piece of you, they are meant to improve already existing pieces of you. They’re also no where near as invasive or destructive.

Maybe they aren't invasive to YOU. Should other people get to decide what is and isn't invasive regarding their own bodies ?

Would you advocate dismissing a persons religious rights and forcibly giving them a vaccine ?
Oh, I totally believe in limited government. This isn’t about the government, it’s more about the will of society/the People. No one wants their kid to die of a preventable disease.

So the will of the individual over what goes into their body (or their kids) is secondary to the will of a bunch of strangers ?
Yes. I also think political offices should be filled in a system like jury duty, selected candidates selected (voir dire) and then would be vetted. You serve one term; permanent infrastructure(non-elected) would be replaced every 6-8 yrs. No one builds a power base, no one gets wealthy and no one can subvert the system
Yes. I also think political offices should be filled in a system like jury duty, selected candidates selected (voir dire) and then would be vetted. You serve one term; permanent infrastructure(non-elected) would be replaced every 6-8 yrs. No one builds a power base, no one gets wealthy and no one can subvert the system

Well you did warn me you have some pretty draconian ideas.
So the will of the individual over what goes into their body (or their kids) is secondary to the will of a bunch of strangers ?
Anti-vaxxers are a direct threat to other people and are directly and demonstrably responsible for the reemergence of previously almost extinct diseases like TB and measles.

I think my right (more accurately immunodeficient people's right) not to be exposed to disease carriers (directly threatened) takes precedence over some retard's anti-science "feels".

For the same logical reason you cant drive drunk or carry a weapon when you're in the bar drinking.