My thoughts on the Las Vegas massacre

You're way too smart for a fuckin' weed growing site.
I agree with the guy. It doesn't mean that there was a second shooter.

He said that the math was for the .223 Remington cartridge at 55 grains. An ar chambered in 5.56 can shoot both 5.56 and .223. There are more than just 55 grain bullets available which means different ballistic coefficient.

In such a large crowd it is possible for some of the bullets to hit on one side of the parking lot and some on the other. That could be the 100 yard difference right there.

The gun man also had more than one gun and might have been different calibers.

While the guy in the video math is right it doesn't prove there was a second shooter.

I kind of believe there was a second shooter after seeing the video. It definitely needs looking into.
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I agree with he guy. It doesn't mean that there was a second shooter.

He said that the math was for the .223 Remington cartridge at 55 grains. A ar chambered in 5.56 can shoot both 5.5y and .223. There are more than just 55 grain bullets available which means different ballistic coefficient.

In such a large crowd it is possible for some of the bullets to hit on one side of the parking lot and some on the other. That could be the 100 yard difference right there.

The gun man also had more than one gun and might have been different calibers.

While the guy in the video math is right it doesn't prove there was a second shooter.

I kind of believe there was a second shooter after seeing the video. It definitely needs looking into.
What I "kind of believe" is: Don't listen to internet videos about conspiracy theories.
I don't know the answer but if the shooter made custom loaded rounds this video proves nothing.

He could have easily run out of heavy loaded rounds and opened a box of standard ones. They would have different reports even in the same cartridge.

There is also the variation of microphones one the recording devices. The sound of the crowd and many other variables that would change the results of this mans video.

Sounds like it could be true though. Shame we get our information from video and television. Lots of info needed to assess missing here.
He does this for a living, I'm sure he is aware of the possibilities.
Word is the Constitution was not written hemp paper. But it is unconstitutional because it is just a plant, hemlock is not illegal but it will kill you no good high just an agonizing death. If you are free to grow hemlock you should be free to grow poppies to get high. Freedom, being forced to pay taxes for immigrants, (refugees, dreamers) is authoritarian Obama was an authoritarian. The reason Trump won.
Final draft was not written on it. Earlier drafts were.
He does this for a living, I'm sure he is aware of the possibilities.

Actually he works for a private lab and comes off as more of a hobbiest than a forensic scientist.

Why are we not hearing this info from the police and detectives investigating.

This is just a guy on a video with a theory trying to be heard.

I gave pertinent information to have a discussion because of the holes in the theory in the vid.

Why do you avoid discussion when I show another side to you? You even do it about growing. Like the root thread. I can show more roots and more yield doing the opposite of what you wanted to teach but you won't even talk about it.

People are allowed to be only partly correct and learn more. I look forward to new information personally. Just not new opinion so much.
I disagree with your root theory, I make a point of not arguing on the internet. I will allow some exchange of thought, but you could never convince me on your understanding of root formation.

I don;t think he is such an arsehole, he says he is willing to help, sounded like for free.
I disagree with your root theory, I make a point of not arguing on the internet. I will allow some exchange of thought, but you could never convince me on your understanding of root formation.

I don;t think he is such an arsehole, he says he is willing to help, sounded like for free.

Of course he wishes he could help the police. He wishes he was an investigator. Problem is he is not one.

As far as the root thing. You just did it again. I show I have plenty of knowledge. And I proved results. You did not.

I wanted you to prove your knowledge. You just state you know more. And then grow less.

I was actually interested In discussing both the roots and the gun report theory. You are only interested in sounding smart and not being challenged.

I like learning. Can't do any your way. You are not my college professor. I won't get a bad grade if I prove you wrong.

Try discussion. It goes places.
Of course he wishes he could help the police. He wishes he was an investigator. Problem is he is not one.

As far as the root thing. You just did it again. I show I have plenty of knowledge. And I proved results. You did not.

I wanted you to prove your knowledge. You just state you know more. And then grow less.

I was actually interested In discussing both the roots and the gun report theory. You are only interested in sounding smart and not being challenged.

I like learning. Can't do any your way. You are not my college professor. I won't get a bad grade if I prove you wrong.

Try discussion. It goes places.
No, you don't you have a habit of recursive arguments. I've been doing this shit for decades, you think I like making extra work for myself without any reward?
the fuck you think I was talking at you for asshole?

Any = Every? you are such a predictable dribbling asshat.

you have a mental illness. hence why you have to blame fucking everything on a retarded infowars conspiracy theory.

get some help, conspiracism is a disease of the brain.