Paranoid or powder mold?

Link above has dilution rates for different concentrations. You need to drench the plant so no worries about getting it on pistils. They may brown early, but no big deal.
That is another great link thanks Bugeye!
Same question, just keep it in check until harvest then wash and all should be good? It was really only a few leaves with a few spots, not like some of the horrors I've seen in pics. Lol
Im hoping I caught it early
I'm just over protective of first grow and everything has been or gone wrong, one hell of a learning curve with crappy weather coming on now and fast, I'm projecting Nov 8th as 8 weeks if I can keep it all together do you think I can finish this in 5 weeks?
Thanks so much for your input!!!


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That is another great link thanks Bugeye!
Same question, just keep it in check until harvest then wash and all should be good? It was really only a few leaves with a few spots, not like some of the horrors I've seen in pics. Lol
Im hoping I caught it early
I'm just over protective of first grow and everything has been or gone wrong, one hell of a learning curve with crappy weather coming on now and fast, I'm projecting Nov 8th as 8 weeks if I can keep it all together do you think I can finish this in 5 weeks?
Thanks so much for your input!!!
Yeah, pm is easy to keep in check and you only need to wash and rinse if you see it get into your buds. Not sure when you'll finish, outdoors its done when it's done. Good luck!
Yeah, pm is easy to keep in check and you only need to wash and rinse if you see it get into your buds. Not sure when you'll finish, outdoors its done when it's done. Good luck!
Any tips on how to easily tell if it has migrated to the buds?
Any tips on how to easily tell if it has migrated to the buds?
A microscope/ jewellers loop. A blacklight will show u too but only if it's really bad.
If u got a spot or two on a plant ur fine. If you got like 10 + leaves showing symptoms it's on ur buds 4 sure. It's airborne spores.
Buy green cure and use it up to a week before harvest.
Ps don't ever take advice from Jorge Cervantes lol pretty sure he has taken his fair share of acid.
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A microscope/ jewellers loop. A blacklight will show u too but only if it's really bad.
If u got a spot or two on a plant ur fine. If you got like 10 + leaves showing symptoms it's on ur buds 4 sure. It's airborne spores.
Buy green cure and use it up to a week before harvest.
Ps don't ever take advice from Jorge Cervantes lol pretty sure he has taken his fair share of acid.
Thanks BFMC !
I only had a couple leaves with a couple spots so I'm watching closely for its return.
And just trying to get about 5 more weeks
(I hope) without losing them. Humidity here and the projected week are not in my favor.
And I started wondering about Jorge when he was trying to sell me a car. Lol

Any thoughts on if I can lower Ph and add calcium at the same time or if I should split it? (Newb)
I'm trying to water less so would like to combine if possible and they are in need of both now.
Thanks again, appreciate your time.
In my experience...
It get's tracked in somehow.
If you have any at all, you have it and it will probably get worse until you eliminate it.
It's hard to get rid of completely but worth doing and then being vigilant in not letting it in.
If you grow in and outdoors using the same space(s), you'll probably have to tolerate some of it and establish a ritual/program to keep it at bay.
I don't think it hurts the finished product, it seems to exist mostly on the fan leaves. Personally, all respect to Jorge, I would never rinse buds like that.
The way to get rid of it.... finish the crop you're on. Any plants remaining need to be bathed/dunked, much like in Jorges video, in any commercial product that eliminates powdery mildew. Plants need to be small enough to completely submerge, including the soil(or whatever) surface. Do this every three days, three times. Worked every time I needed it. Trying to eliminate it any other way was a waste of time and quite frustrating to see it re-appear every couple weeks.
As you're probably discovering, there are always many ways to do things, this is my experience.
I would never dunk my buds like that. Get a dehumidifier and as long as you keep it 50% or below, you should never get PM.
Thanks Humboldthayze420!
Bought a small humidifier early on thinking I could dehumidify the blackout room only at night when they are enclosed. WRONG
Here came the rain and turned the whole garage into a jungle, plants can't go outside to play, and dehumidifier is only powerful enough to keep it around 75% and I can't really afford to throw out money on a more powerful one, just can't justify it for my 3 plant, wtf first grow.
Am currently experimenting with rice, charcoal and as soon as it hits the shelves here, rock salt
Ever here if these crazy diy set ups to lower humidity or do you have any of your own?
Thanks for your post!
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In my experience...
It get's tracked in somehow.
If you have any at all, you have it and it will probably get worse until you eliminate it.
It's hard to get rid of completely but worth doing and then being vigilant in not letting it in.
If you grow in and outdoors using the same space(s), you'll probably have to tolerate some of it and establish a ritual/program to keep it at bay.
I don't think it hurts the finished product, it seems to exist mostly on the fan leaves. Personally, all respect to Jorge, I would never rinse buds like that.
The way to get rid of it.... finish the crop you're on. Any plants remaining need to be bathed/dunked, much like in Jorges video, in any commercial product that eliminates powdery mildew. Plants need to be small enough to completely submerge, including the soil(or whatever) surface. Do this every three days, three times. Worked every time I needed it. Trying to eliminate it any other way was a waste of time and quite frustrating to see it re-appear every couple weeks.
As you're probably discovering, there are always many ways to do things, this is my experience.
Thanks Couchland!
So far just a couple spots on a few leaves
I sprayed it with the apple cider vinegar remedy. And until yesterday ( a week later)
It had "disappeared" just a couple flecks again, sprayed again.
So do you think:
A) the vinegar is okay even around the buds? (Or what do you suggest)
B) this process should work until harvest, hopefully just 4 more weeks without getting to my buds?
I understand I may have to do it every few days which is fine if I'm doing no harm.
Im a Super Newb and only have 3 plants, so no next grow immediately following to worry about,and don't want to " dunk" anything if I can help it. Lol
What do you think?
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
For just 4 more weeks, I wouldn't worry about it. It's not really hurting anything if you barely see it. If you had multiple stages and mother plants, it would be a big pain in the ass because it would keep popping up and could get way worse if you suddenly had a period of higher than normal humidity. If you can start fresh soon with new seeds or uncontaminated clones then you don't really have a problem. Consider it a valuable lesson and, in the future, keep your grow space clean and free from outside influences. Spider-mites are way worse to have in my opinion, you really don't want to bring those in.
For just 4 more weeks, I wouldn't worry about it. It's not really hurting anything if you barely see it. If you had multiple stages and mother plants, it would be a big pain in the ass because it would keep popping up and could get way worse if you suddenly had a period of higher than normal humidity. If you can start fresh soon with new seeds or uncontaminated clones then you don't really have a problem. Consider it a valuable lesson and, in the future, keep your grow space clean and free from outside influences. Spider-mites are way worse to have in my opinion, you really don't want to bring those in.
Firstly thank you again !
But I'm a newb and I just want to see if I'm understanding you correctly, are you saying with such a short time (hopefully) left that I should not fear the mold and just let it run its course ?
Or you wouldn't worry about using the vinegar application given I should only need to use it a few more times, sorry if I'm being dumb, I just value opinions of those in the know and I want to be clear on the knowledge I absorb.
And I have learned MANY Valuable lessons, most the hard way. :)
Thanks again!!
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The mold won't hurt your buds unless it is really bad. Sounded to me like you were at the "nuisance" level. I guess if it was covered in it.... I might consider that bath. If you can barely detect it and you're starting fresh soon.... pretend it went away.
The mold won't hurt your buds unless it is really bad. Sounded to me like you were at the "nuisance" level. I guess if it was covered in it.... I might consider that bath. If you can barely detect it and you're starting fresh soon.... pretend it went away.
Thanks Couchland....

I guess my "nuisance" has "went away"

Thanks for your help!