My thoughts on the Las Vegas massacre

If laws don't mean anything to criminals, why do we have laws at all if criminals will just break them?

Because most of the sheep follow them the best they can.

But if we took away the police our cities would be uninhabitable.

Many more would feel much more free to do what they want without enforcement.
Because most of the sheep follow them the best they can.

But if we took away the police our cities would be uninhabitable.

Many more would feel much more free to do what they want without enforcement.
So our laws serve as a deterrent to those who would otherwise choose to commit the crimes our laws help protect, right?

Doesn't the same idea apply to gun control laws?
So our laws serve as a deterrent to those who would otherwise choose to commit the crimes our laws help protect, right?

Doesn't the same idea apply to gun control laws?

I said the police do that. Threat of incarceration.

Gun control laws do nothing for black market sales. I already posted about this.
an AR-15 costs $30,000 in australia and they have not had a gun massacre since 1996.

you know less than nothing and are insufferably stupid and full of hot air.

It is the people that are committing these horrible acts. Not the guns. If someone pretty much anywhere wants a gun they can buy or steal one.

Still a bigger picture than you are focusing on.

Try looking into mental illness statistics and causes.

You're opinion is exactly that. And like my gun control fanatic dad. No actual experience but the news.
People collect guns it's a hobby. Marijuana is not in the constitution though they didn't realize our freedom to get fucked up wasn't something tyrants used like the War On Drugs.
Hemp was seen as such a crucial substance in colonial America that even John Adams mentions its priority ahead of a “Declaration of Independency.” While Adams was traveling back to Philadelphia in late January 1776, he wrote himself a “to do” list of things to handle in the Continental Congress. He wrote the list on two sheets of paper in his diary. The list started off with “The Confederation to be taken up …” followed by the second item “An Alliance to be formed with France and Spain.”[12] Only a few items down on that same first page he wrote “Hemp to be encouraged and the Manufacture of Duck.”[13] On the second page, the second-below-the-bottom item was “Declaration of Independency …”
I agree

Again, no argument from me, there

I think we agree, the inadequacies of mental healthcare is the primary problem

Not just the healthcare. More the environment we are creating for ourselves and unfortunately the causes that are not realized until too late.

Like when it's in the water where you grow up.
It is the people that are committing these horrible acts. Not the guns. If someone pretty much anywhere wants a gun they can buy or steal one.

Still a bigger picture than you are focusing on.

Try looking into mental illness statistics and causes.

You're opinion is exactly that. And like my gun control fanatic dad. No actual experience but the news.

i looked into mental illness and they have it everywhere.

only one nation has routine gun massacres.

suck a clown dick.
i looked into mental illness and they have it everywhere.

only one nation has routine gun massacres.

suck a clown dick.

Keep clinging to your precious statistics. They are always so accurate.

The killers are usually untreated and functioning. So no statistic until next time I guess.

And there are plenty of reasons in America people are pissed off and having meltdowns. Gun control has no bearing on it.

And don't bother commenting to me if you are going to continue to be a belligerent ass hole.
Keep clinging to your precious statistics. They are always so accurate.

The killers are usually untreated and functioning. So no statistic until next time I guess.

And there are plenty of reasons in America people are pissed off and having meltdowns. Gun control has no bearing on it.

And don't bother commenting to me if you are going to continue to be a belligerent ass hole.

why is there mental illness everywhere but only one nation has routine gun massacres?

seems odd to blame it on mental health when that's the case, right jew hater?
So how do you mean?

What causes are we creating for ourselves, and why do you think they're not realized until too late?

We have been raising our families in a time of constant negativity. It's been bad out there eh?

Negativity streamed constantly at this point. That is our environment now. So more people break down.

And there is more people populating everywhere giving more chances of one being the one.

And the other cause is like where A close person to me was raised. In a military base in North Carolina. Where the water has been proven to cause many different problems and no one told anyone.

The chemicals can cause internal cysts to form from childhood. And the cysts can be in places where they cause chemical imbalances.

Fortunately Marijuana can reverse cysts. The person is down to about 40% now. Physical and mental improvements every day.

And the farmland I live in. The fertilizer is deep in the water supply here. As well as heavy metals.

Many more people here than where I grew up on the east coast seem um, peculiar. Tons of pharmaceuticals are prescribed.

And there are way more people living where I am from than where I am.

The environment in the city here made me very stressed out when I lived in town. Angry people.

And more crime in the little city than the big ones.
why is there mental illness everywhere but only one nation has routine gun massacres?

seems odd to blame it on mental health when that's the case, right jew hater?

If you would read my other comments you would already have an explanation.

Boy you really get me with the Jew hater comments. Hurts because I was raised Jewish. Unlike you.
you are such a phony sack of shit.

was your explanation for mental illness existing everywhere but gun massacres only existing here that there are a shit ton of guns here and not elsewhere?

because that's the only reason, you fake outrage jew hating sack of shit.

Done with you immature baby. Bye bye now.