My thoughts on the Las Vegas massacre


I looked through the other thread and responses on here but I wanted this issue separate. I have drawn two conclusions on this. First, when I go to the dispensary I am limited on how much I can purchase but I could go to the gun store and buy all the weapons and ammo I want. Secondly, there is no law against possessing that much fire power. If he was in the same amount of cannabis that the money he spent would purchase, then he would be in violation of some serious felonies. There is something seriously wrong with this scenario.
I looked through the other thread and responses on here but I wanted this issue separate. I have drawn two conclusions on this. First, when I go to the dispensary I am limited on how much I can purchase but I could go to the gun store and buy all the weapons and ammo I want. Secondly, there is no law against possessing that much fire power. If he was in the same amount of cannabis that the money he spent would purchase, then he would be in violation of some serious felonies. There is something seriously wrong with this scenario.
This is so obvious as to be irrelevant- at least on this forum.

The fact that the rest of the country doesn't think so is indicative of America's penchant for magical thinking.

After all, guns don't kill people. Marijuanas do.
Just like weed was easily available all my life. And Coke and meth and heroin. And worse.

I have owned 4 guns in my life. 1 of them was purchased legally.

The other 3 were black market and untraceable.

What about the availability of even handguns off the grid so to speak?

There was no legal carying of hand guns in New Jersey when I grew up. How come we all could buy them even in high school?

That was back in the 80's.

Laws don't mean shit to criminals.
People collect guns it's a hobby. Marijuana is not in the constitution though they didn't realize our freedom to get fucked up wasn't something tyrants used like the War On Drugs.
If it's gonna be one toke, make it a good one.

Some of my craziest hits were from a 2 liter bottle made into a gravity bong.

I remember those days. The large gatorade bottles cut to make a gravity bong inside a trash bin filled with water. I would get green faced. Ive never been so high in my life. And back then, it was weed from Humboldt County. So very high.