Liberal amendment to remove 100 cm plant limit from 4 plant home grow passes #HESA #C45

I figure this is such an interesting thread that I'm gonna try to bump up the views for ya!:D

I gotta be nice to the folks that comes to the Canada 4 thread, we got manners over there!
I don't mean to be cruel, but it might be one of those teachable moments.
Go back in the thread and you'll see why the selfish are stupid and the selfless are not. Not arrogance, work with that all the time.
Learn from this experience and figure out how to care for others and not be so self absorbed. That leads to stupid behavior!. Stick to ideas! When I thought my system was under attack and became self absorbed I slipped into stupidity. I don't live there however!
Teachable moment!
Maybe some of you guys have chronic pain? That can do the trick too. This is a med forum and I or the links can help with that a lot.

But that doesn't mean I don't like a good discussion and ideas and can defend my positions too well sometimes and too long winded. Who the fuck is perfect!
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Then enlighten all of us please, I'm sure many would like to know the secret of medicinal cannabis.
You should not hord such information, that is selfish, others here might like to know, myself included.
What did the world miss here?
The ones who have been here know well with out being told
No one likes being told dont ya know??!! :)
First of all you dont just drop code. The original code would need to be amended in order to make that kind of change. At the very least the script, both of which would require direct access to the original code. Quit with the BS, you can fool some people some of the time but you cant fool them all, all the time. Quite obviously youre young............
do it yerselfer led guru,,,
says it all (:
You guys been a lot of fun, learned a lot, hope you did too;)
I move on, I always do...
Well, you moving on can't come too soon ya know. Your endless spew is making the goat puke. Do ya ever get tired of listening to your own self babble on and on? I did in the first 3 posts you brought here. Since then I barely skim your speeches.
Try finding a dark alley with poo flinger and breed something up and make yourself useful at least.
Won't miss all your stupid advice or boring theories. No off with you child, adults are at play here.
Silence is golden my friend, attend to your experience...;)

PS Ya give hippies a bad name, I was a Hippy, we don't look that weird or young anymore:grin:

Nice to see some of the youngins try'n though...

Wonder why you followed me...
The reason I followed you? Don't complement yourself too early. Following you I'm not. Hoping you'll fade away....yes. Might have something to do with the fact you never shut up with your nonsense. Hard to read past your paragraphs of god knows what. Your wearing out my scroll wheel.
It's been done on sites like this and someone could get access to the bin directory or access the control console application by software hole or cracking the password, or even guessing. There are several ways, forgot most of this shit and haven't been up to date, figure they used python to make the forum, not an expert though, could have been a few things. Go to a malicious website and click on something, or an email link if you would prefer. I don't know every trick in the book and never will. Neither will you, hackers are breaking new ground and systems daily. If ya can drop code, ya can crack servers too.
You make an effort to bullshit your way out of everything huh?
Maybe some of you guys have chronic pain? That can do the trick too. This is a med forum and I or the links can help with that a lot.

But that doesn't mean I don't like a good discussion and ideas and can defend my positions too well sometimes and too long winded. Who the fuck is perfect!
No one wants or needs help from the self righteous
Everybody has a choice about this kind of stupid, become more mindful. Except the Donald and his kind.

Have a look at some of the links, don't have to buy my sermon. Just a work in progress and help for those who might want it.

Simple questions. Lets see if you can answer in a direct manner. If youre SO hell bent on "helping" sick people how come youve NEVER posted in the Canadian PATIENTS forum? Says youve been reegistered to the site for awhile, yet all the threads you link arent in this forum. Nor have any of us ever seen you here for the years we've all been here.

Why show up spewing drivel clogging up the ACTUAL useful active threads? Why are you trying to derail every thread you post in? You have a lot to say yet offer little of substance Seems very suspect
You guys been a lot of fun, learned a lot, hope you did too;)
I move on, I always do...
The reason I followed you? Don't complement yourself too early. Following you I'm not. Hoping you'll fade away....yes. Might have something to do with the fact you never shut up with your nonsense. Hard to read past your paragraphs of god knows what. Your wearing out my scroll wheel.
Hey Hippy(:

its funny how they are drawn to us.

Wonder why that would be ...EH? LMAOROTFF]]]

cheers you wannabe's...:smile:. you LOST OUT... bongsmilie

coming here to try and say other wise only shows it that much MORE! :P:idea::idea::weed:(:
GREAT HUMOR for a thanksgiving day!

You make an effort to bullshit your way out of everything huh?

Outta this one for sure, came looking for info on law and found bullshit. Found a lot of angry and nervous types, not good company for the self righteous fur sure. Smell will rub off if I did it enough. Lot's of bitching here, fear of change and new ideas, short attention spans abound. Not to worry, I won't be around these places much. Other's might soon appear though, good luck with them...

Yer right about the self righteous, bad for the soul, my soul. I try to keep it somewhat civil and fun at least. Kinda dumb to get attached to a pseudo identity online, were only avatars after all...
Hopefully ya won't see much of me, this stuff is not productive or wise on my part.
Hope ya learned as much as me.