Liberal amendment to remove 100 cm plant limit from 4 plant home grow passes #HESA #C45

Maybe yer not selling dope, but yer not sounding like a sick person either (physically).;-)
Maybe he is a healthy sick person, because he medicates with cannabis. Isn't that the point?

Maybe he isn't sick but uses cannabis to alleviate pain. Maybe it helps with mental balance. If cannabis use improves life it is not recreational.

If you are an adult and use cannabis to improve your daily life, you have the right to talk to a doctor about obtaining a prescription. Different people use different amounts of cannabis to achieve well being. As long as they are growing it for that purpose no one has the right to judge them for cultivation and use.
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If yer here to get better and are licenced then you would be organized and much more open and not so fear driven, you will know them by their "actions". Point me to the previous discussions about compassion clubs and medical coops, organizations (yer legal) and efforts to go after big LPs. What about the idea of them having to use pesticide because of operational scale? Custom medicinal strains? Growers rights? Breeders rights?

Maybe yer not selling dope, but yer not sounding like a sick person either (physically).;-)

Then I will take you seriously and those who like what you have to say, you have made no logical arguments. Neither did Donald Trump, come to think of it, but his fans were nonetheless enthusiastic.;)

This is too much fun I gotta stop, it's bad for my soul! and bad for me!:fire:

Do what ya want, ya will anyway. So will I. I might be in compliance with the letter of the law and sure as shit, the stated purpose. Medical compassion clubs, nonprofit growers cooperates and patient unions would be my approach and might be. A lot of things will be different soon, it's politics again and not legal for rec users. Medical growers can go public and are the only group that can do so now, when it's really important. Shoppers, etc will be the LP's customers, they will contract with hemp farmers for CBD oil, by the tanker truck. Small growers will hang around the dispensaries, the booze game won't work with pot and the price will drop, one way or another. It's just too easy to produce good bud in quantity, with clones and info supplied to competent people, too much money too.

Super Cheap Efficient LED Grow Light
A day trip to the states can get ya 100 (15 watt) watt Dollar tree Globe light bulbs for a buck each, 20 duty free. $20 US in bulbs would build a 300 actual watt grow light with flicker free 90% efficient drivers and would give about 117 Lm/watt. So $40 bucks in bulbs (take the plastic globe off) and ya got a 600 watt efficient LED warm white 3000K grow light. Cheap and easy, around a hundred bucks for the whole thing and ya got room to get creative with that too. This is what the government is up against! Why I figure small scale growing will be popular, ya can start for $20 bucks in bulbs and expand from there. Blow a house fan on the rig to cool it. Heat the house in winter too with the waste heat, just watch the humidity!

More info here:
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Maybe he is a healthy sick person, because he medicates with cannabis. Isn't that the point?

Maybe he isn't sick but uses cannabis to alleviate pain. Maybe it helps with mental balance. If cannabis use improves life it is not recreational.

If you are an adult and use cannabis to improve your daily life, you have the right to talk to a doctor about obtaining a prescription. Different people use different amounts of cannabis to achieve well being. As long as they are growing it for that purpose no one has the right to judge them for cultivation and use.

Maybe I just pissed him off and he wanted to get back too. But I'll take responsibility for my actions, if yer licensed medically yer legal and got nothing at all to hide, so ya should be organizing for your rights, at least. I woulda posted a link long ago to any such activity.

Might have gotten carried away a bit, like to tease though, snowflake melting is a hobby of mine... Bad for the soul though, my bad.
Maybe he is a healthy sick person, because he medicates with cannabis. Isn't that the point?

Maybe he isn't sick but uses cannabis to alleviate pain. Maybe it helps with mental balance. If cannabis use improves life it is not recreational.

If you are an adult and use cannabis to improve your daily life, you have the right to talk to a doctor about obtaining a prescription. Different people use different amounts of cannabis to achieve well being. As long as they are growing it for that purpose no one has the right to judge them for cultivation and use.

Sorry Farmer, gotta act more civilized I guess.
Sorry Farmer, gotta act more civilized I guess.
If you want to publicly debate with politicians it would be a good start. Patients, even those who don't agree with you, are not the enemy. You have to convince everyone if you plan to have an effect on policy change. If the patients are not taking your ideas seriously, the politicians have no reason to acknowledge them.

Don't be sorry to me, I get pretty savage at times, but I don't have the same intentions as you do. I like to learn from the regulars here. I also am entertained by pissing off trolls, but I get carried away once in a while.
If you want to publicly debate with politicians it would be a good start. Patients, even those who don't agree with you, are not the enemy. You have to convince everyone if you plan to have an effect on policy change. If the patients are not taking your ideas seriously, the politicians have no reason to acknowledge them.

Don't be sorry to me, I get pretty savage at times, but I don't have the same intentions as you do. I like to learn from the regulars here. I also am entertained by pissing off trolls, but I get carried away once in a while.

Guys who grow commercial with a prescription are ok with me now, not a fan. When the law changes, I won't feel much different, but market forces will come into play. Being a farmer you know this kinda business well, it's the oldest and toughest in the world. Capitalism was born on the farm and the price is gonna drop one way or another. Maybe old farts like me, will be hanging around local dispensaries, like perverts around public parks!;)
If you want to publicly debate with politicians it would be a good start. Patients, even those who don't agree with you, are not the enemy. You have to convince everyone if you plan to have an effect on policy change. If the patients are not taking your ideas seriously, the politicians have no reason to acknowledge them.

Don't be sorry to me, I get pretty savage at times, but I don't have the same intentions as you do. I like to learn from the regulars here. I also am entertained by pissing off trolls, but I get carried away once in a while.

What do ya think of the LED bulb idea above?

More info here:

Maybe if we call it the "Winn fucker" the guys would like it!;)

Guy from Winnipeg came up with it!
Thanks Tomsby!
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What do ya think of the LED bulb idea above?
I think it has value as a cheap option for rec growers. Not much experience with LED. I believe ceramic metal halides will be the future of hid lighting. The UV rays should increase potency/yield for less power than hps.
If yer here to get better and are licenced then you would be organized and much more open and not so fear driven, you will know them by their "actions". Point me to the previous discussions about compassion clubs and medical coops, organizations (yer legal) and efforts to go after big LPs. What about the idea of them having to use pesticide because of operational scale? Custom medicinal strains? Growers rights? Breeders rights?

Maybe yer not selling dope, but yer not sounding like a sick person either (physically).;-)

Then I will take you seriously and those who like what you have to say, you have made no logical arguments. Neither did Donald Trump, come to think of it, but his fans were nonetheless enthusiastic.;)

This is too much fun I gotta stop, it's bad for my soul! and bad for me!:fire:

Do what ya want, ya will anyway. So will I. I might be in compliance with the letter of the law and sure as shit, the stated purpose. Medical compassion clubs, nonprofit growers cooperates and patient unions would be my approach and might be. A lot of things will be different soon, it's politics again and not legal for rec users. Medical growers can go public and are the only group that can do so now, when it's really important. Shoppers, etc will be the LP's customers, they will contract with hemp farmers for CBD oil, by the tanker truck. Small growers will hang around the dispensaries, the booze game won't work with pot and the price will drop, one way or another. It's just too easy to produce good bud in quantity, with clones and info supplied to competent people, too much money too.
Once again yer missin it
Do you think med and rec are differenf, riddle me that one ledboy.
Once again yer missin it
Do you think med and rec are differenf, riddle me that one ledboy.

Look I gotta stop this politics stuff, it's bad for me.

Are you looking for a scientific argument? If so, point out the difference? I know about spectrally induced changes, Terpenes and such, but other than that and strains and phenos. Large number of cannabinoid differences and actions... I would say for 99% of medical users there's not much difference, other than CBD ratio, which can be naturally chemotherapeutic in some cancer patients and can work well with regular chemo in some. CBD cuts the high and will be the best treatment for schizophrenia (pure, .8 gram/day) soon (see online for on going clinical trial), many novice rec users will like this effect, high test is too hard on many newbies! This is gonna cut suffering bigly!

LPs will make a killing!

Here's an idea. Since many of the homeless suffer from schizophrenia, A joint and free bag giveaway to suffers! Of CBD only high test and then a few days later someone might talk them into a better life, Not many side effects, deals with negative symptoms as well as positive. Got my eye on this one.

Imagine cops passing out joints and bags to the homeless!
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Once again yer missin it
Do you think med and rec are differenf, riddle me that one ledboy.

Jesus, you still using HPS! I used that back in the stone age!
LED for medical, taylor the spectrum and add uv supplemental.
Changing bulbs is a pain
Hey, better than the hot water guy who is using big pics or malicious code to screw up folks browsers, sent the moderators, they might figure it out, wonder what would motivate that behavior?
LOL sure thing bud. Lay off the pesticide laced weed. You sound like a frollower of Infowars
LOL sure thing bud. Lay off the pesticide laced weed. You sound like a frollower of Infowars
Owe him an apology I figure, might rattle his cage too. Went to a link on the alerts, never there before. Nice pic of a bud came up and the browser went nuts! Killed the widow and looked for a code drop, found nothing. Asked moderator to check last post. Saw someone else go to the thread and tried the link. Came in under hot water Karl's pic of a nice bud, which I compliment him on. Everything normal, me fuggup! Shit happens! jus man up.
Figured someone was playing with dropping code here, not the best managed IT here in the past, but better lately. They were down for a bit awhile back.
Owe him an apology I figure, might rattle his cage too. Went to a link on the alerts, never there before. Nice pic of a bud came up and the browser went nuts! Killed the widow and looked for a code drop, found nothing. Asked moderator to check last post. Saw someone else go to the thread and tried the link. Came in under hot water Karl's pic of a nice bud, which I compliment him on. Everything normal, me fuggup! Shit happens! jus man up.
Figured someone was playing with dropping code here, not the best managed IT here in the past, but better lately. They were down for a bit awhile back.

Alex! ya gotta watch them thar chemtrails, the gubberment is out ta git ya with fluorine too!;)
Jesus, you still using HPS! I used that back in the stone age!
LED for medical, taylor the spectrum and add uv supplemental.
Changing bulbs is a pain
Not about light.
There is no difference but I dont think you comprehend what im telling you!
Owe him an apology I figure, might rattle his cage too. Went to a link on the alerts, never there before. Nice pic of a bud came up and the browser went nuts! Killed the widow and looked for a code drop, found nothing. Asked moderator to check last post. Saw someone else go to the thread and tried the link. Came in under hot water Karl's pic of a nice bud, which I compliment him on. Everything normal, me fuggup! Shit happens! jus man up.
Figured someone was playing with dropping code here, not the best managed IT here in the past, but better lately. They were down for a bit awhile back.
First of all you dont just drop code. The original code would need to be amended in order to make that kind of change. At the very least the script, both of which would require direct access to the original code. Quit with the BS, you can fool some people some of the time but you cant fool them all, all the time. Quite obviously youre young............
It's been done on sites like this and someone could get access to the bin directory or access the control console application by software hole or cracking the password, or even guessing. There are several ways, forgot most of this shit and haven't been up to date, figure they used python to make the forum, not an expert though, could have been a few things. Go to a malicious website and click on something, or an email link if you would prefer. I don't know every trick in the book and never will. Neither will you, hackers are breaking new ground and systems daily. If ya can drop code, ya can crack servers too.
Not about light.
There is no difference but I dont think you comprehend what im telling you!
Then enlighten all of us please, I'm sure many would like to know the secret of medicinal cannabis.
You should not hord such information, that is selfish, others here might like to know, myself included.
What did the world miss here?
Then enlighten all of us please, I'm sure many would like to know the secret of medicinal cannabis.
You should not hord such information, that is selfish, others here might like to know, myself included.
What did the world miss here?
We got over 1200 views so far so I figure someone else wants to know too!