ripped off

So desperate times = mistakes. I know this guy from playing poker for a couple years. He smokes and typically says- "hey bro can you smoke me out"
Long story short he rips me off for 2 lbs by setting me up and pulling down an alley and releasing pounds from his trunk/ and hes like "bro that guy ripped us off"
I like smoking weed. I dont want to go to jail. I saw him at the poker room and was flipping out in my mind, I tolerated it and nothing.
Today he was there again and I flipped. I didnt break a bottle over his head, I put it down and just mushed him. Like 5 of his gypsy cousins jumped up, the can obviously beat me up in numbers.
Shit sux...
I'd like to help you but I ain't much good since I took an arrow to the knee.
wtf is being a man? this is the last forum to debate a guy who robbed you. I just physically violated the guy, that is the proper forum.- but I dont want to go to jail. He is a pussy but so am I so its great that I didnt go to jail yet. His cousin facing me and never making eye contact is what set me off, I stared at that kid for like 3 minutes straight and he looked everywhere but at me.
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wtf is being a man? this is the last forum to debate a guy who robbed you. I just physically violated the guy, that is the proper forum.- but I dont want to go to jail. He is a pussy but so am I so its great that I didnt go to jail yet. His cousin facing me and never making eye contact is what set me off, I stared at that kid for like 3 minutes straight and he looked everywhere but at me.
Are these the cousins he fucked?
dagwood getting ready to refer my info to the thief. do it without mentioning riu dagwood.

By the way, had it occurred to you that if he simply googled himself, it's possible he'd learn what you're pretending to be so terrified of him finding out about anyway? I'm sure high stakes poker players never google themselves. You, posting anonymously and calling him out by name while making an ugly accusation against which he can't defend himself is a huge dick move. Makes me wonder what your motivation really is. Did he clean you out? Did the smug asshole get a bluff over on you? How exactly did he humiliate you? I hope he does write back. I really want to know what happened now. Cool little mystery we can probably solve. We should do a multi-part podcast about it.

By the way (Part II), I'm still waiting for an explanation of how his "old" address played into his scam. Please explain. I've asked nicely twice now. The third time will not be so nice.
well mods... IF dagwood EMAILS and refers to this thread then dagwood would be a narc. Dont do that dagwood, just refer to the situation, do a copy paste minus the forum, but dont refer him to this thread. I know its wrong for me to put his name up so ill take it down since none of you will ever meet him anyways. If you refer the guy who robbed me to this thread then you are messing me up because then hed know more than he does about where weed comes from. He may even figure out you can grow it instead of stealing it.
What a dumbass. You lie about It. Get called on it and now you're scared someone will email the dude.

L O fucking L.
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