Thanks for rephrasing the question. I'll answer it, within the context of the way things actually happen, but people are trained to accept as "normal" and therefore beyond reproach...
No PERSON or GROUP OF PEOPLE (even those who call themselves "government" ) have a right to use or threaten to use offensive force. Since all people have the right to use DEFENSIVE force, I can't endorse an institution which relies on the application of offensive force for it's very existence to be the arbiter of who can or cannot have a gun. In other words your question is sort of a non sequitur to me, because I don't believe government as it presently exists has a basis in anything right...since it systemically relies on the use of guns / offensive force to gain compliance and for it's existence.
So, I think the question really ought to be, "if somebody uses a gun or threatens to use guns to get your compliance when you are not doing anything to them, are they wrong" ? I would answer yes to that question.
Your second question is a reasonable one. I don't think my emergency removes your right of self determination though, nor would it create a right for me to force a person to serve me. If it did, how about I clean out your bank account so I can buy my grandson a new bike or a new liver etc ?
Despite all the Uncle Buck tribe fucking with me about racism, I assure you, I think racists are being ignorant.