Ammonia bud


Well-Known Member
Last year most of my outdoor plants had a weird ammonia piss smell to them. Same thing this year. Super strong funk when you pinch a nug and sniff. Is it my soil? Also is it safe to smoke? I did last year but meh not happy about it


Well-Known Member
If the plants are healthy and your growing the same mystery beans for the second time with the same results ....I'd say it's most likely a genetic trait of the pot your growing long as you haven't soaked them down with weird chemicals or they're full of mold or bud rot should be fine ....I've smelt some crazy ass strains over the years....GL


Well-Known Member
If I look under a scope I see nothing. I read on another site it could be from my soil being wet and not good enough drainage but not sure. It's definitely not strain specific. The smell when you pinch a bud is putrid. Goes away a bit when dry but still there if you really sniff. ended up smoking it last year and it wasn't bad but the smell is so off putting I don't think I wanna grow in the ground anymore


Well-Known Member
I've never had soil impart an aroma that was anything more than subtle. Very subtle. Like connoisseur level subtle.

With seed, you never know what phenotype you're gonna get.

too larry

Well-Known Member
So it stinks while it's growing, and it still stinks a little when dried? If you have seeds, get on IG and sell them for 175 a 10 pack. Cat Piss Passion sounds like a good strain name. This could be your big break.


Well-Known Member
I've found that strains with a decent level % of cbd can give off this "terp"
Oniony garlic ammonia cat piss.
Been the only thing I've found consistent with supposed cbd meds


Well-Known Member
I've never had soil impart an aroma that was anything more than subtle. Very subtle. Like connoisseur level subtle
Yes. Last year I thought I had effed up the drying process because the smell is so strong so I was thinking mold from too high humidity. But then I went out back and squeezed a bud on the plants I hadn't harvested yet and it was there too. Used different nutes than last year. I don't run em strong either lightly fed. I can't think of anything else besides something wrong with my soil and my plants are sucking it up. It's hard clay I dug holes and filled with patio plus perlite and ffof. I used some miracle grow in veg cuz it works and I dont think by the end of flower it's still around in the plant


Well-Known Member
So it stinks while it's growing, and it still stinks a little when dried? If you have seeds, get on IG and sell them for 175 a 10 pack. Cat Piss Passion sounds like a good strain name. This could be your big break.
If anything I need to package up the dirt in my backyard must be radioactive