Well-Known Member
Most people don't care.I hear you MAN..i'm sorry to anyone who gets offended by this- but god, most people are just straight up DUMB these days. lol..
These are rather simple to understand economics and history here..
How is their life different knowing this? They still wake up, day after day, fill up their hybrid, go to the movies, eat, and carry on their merry way. Don't give two shits about what the people in Congress are doing, they got elected so they must be the best for the job right? They are professionals, they know what they are talking about, we elected them so we don't have to worry about anything other than whats for dinner.
And this is what people in power want the masses to think. We got it under control, no need to worry, just vote for me next year.
Its typically more laziness than stupidity, MILF. Or maybe both, people just seem not to care. They don't need to know history, it doesn't affect them.
Its very simple. With such convenience and soft times, its easy to lose oneself to bliss ignorance. People in power know one thing, keep the public happy. As long as you don't take away all the luxuries and entertainment or instill the fear of losing it, the people will be happy, they won't care what you do until it personally affects them. Congress knows this, they operate behind closed doors and assure the public they are just going to make it that easier for them. No need to worry, we are here.
They are worried about the economy, this could ruin the good times and have people actually start investigating what our government is doing because the people are pissed. Tough times is the only catalyst to awakening. Hopefully, we get some things straightened out with our government with an eminent crisis, only then can things really change. Baptism through fire.