Picking a place to grow legal

You are exactly right it pretty much just takes your mind off of it but I found in other cases that when the pain Isn't So severe it works for pain but the type of pain I have in my wrists will not help by smoking marijuana. The only thing that would help is doing a job that's not so physically demanding. I used to drive and operating a log truck working in the forest a lot of the time alone. I will go on to people's properties and select cut the lumber that would pay the most . If I don't use my wrists real hard I can keep the pain manageable. when I broke them all the ligaments tour and it's just bone against bone when I bend them. I appreciate you looking out though thank you Doug
I unfortunately have to take painkillers as well....cannabis allows for greatervtime in between doses and helps keep tolerance in check....
Tyystick has weathered the changes here in CO...as have I. No...sales won't be over...you'll just be selling it at 1/3 what you sell it for now if your state "legalizes" and grabs their share of the market. The guys who say "My top shelf will always command a price" have obviously not had their turn yet to wade in the pool.

And as more and more States go legal and more and more folks find their balls (LOL) prices will drop even farther. It's not a 90's game anymore here. (4K and UP units) If it's a 90's game where you are...stay there and play cus "legality" doesn't mean "profit"....far from it. Once it's legal...you've missed the window to cash crop at a level that you can afford to pay the attorney....much less make any real money.

be safe all....
Tyystick has weathered the changes here in CO...as have I. No...sales won't be over...you'll just be selling it at 1/3 what you sell it for now if your state "legalizes" and grabs their share of the market. The guys who say "My top shelf will always command a price" have obviously not had their turn yet to wade in the pool.

And as more and more States go legal and more and more folks find their balls (LOL) prices will drop even farther. It's not a 90's game anymore here. (4K and UP units) If it's a 90's game where you are...stay there and play cus "legality" doesn't mean "profit"....far from it. Once it's legal...you've missed the window to cash crop at a level that you can afford to pay the attorney....much less make any real money.

be safe all....

And all of that is a good thing. Just like there is a difference between growing your own tomatoes and running a farm stand, and brewing your own beer and opening a brewery, there will be a difference between growing pot and running a business by growing pot.

And hopefully it will result in people who need the medicine being able to buy it safely and affordably. $400/oz was never affordable. It was always a luxury. Maybe now it will be...

Apologies to the cottage industry out there. The times, they are a changing.
As long as it remains legal for folks to grow for personal use under these new laws...I agree...it's a good thing.

However, as is happening here in CO...the laws we voted in/agreed upon...both medical and recreational..have undergone significant changes...much of which has come after the State started seeing how many tax dollars this scheme can generate....as well as realizing how many tax dollars are being circumvented by illegal sales. FYI...>>>all<<< sales are illegal here unless you are licensed as a dispensary or a wholesaler to the industry. No farm stands/individual sales are allowed here....to neighbors/individuals who may saunter up to the Farm Stand....or to the industry. (that's the difference from tomatoes) The little guy is completely out here...,other than being able to purchase product or grow their 6. (we retain the right to grow...for now, anyway.

The legal weed here sells for $10-14 a gram + 20% tax. Do the math....it's still $320 to over $400 out-the-door. The only difference in it all is who is making the $$$....and the novelty/convenience of it being available all day every day...safely.....but um....not so affordably. (prices on the med side are the same..you just don't get ganked for the 20% tax...more like 4-5%). Some dispensaries deep in the city advertise $99 ounces but quality is nil/sketchy/unknown. I'm sure there are deals to be had...but it isn't the norm. Many counties/cities/towns forbid sales so those shops who can sell within their boundaries don't really have any need to care how much it costs any of us. Like any business....they are focused on making payroll/inventory/paying taxes/ and trying to eek out profit.

Affordability comes with the right to grow and circumvent the entire process. The State knows this...and we need to protect those rights at all costs. All it takes is for them to deem home growing a "safety/public health risk" for things to change drastically across the board.

Those of you in states looking to legalize should examine the laws they craft carefully. It isn't enough to just have the right to get ganked at their stores. Not even close.
The country needs to reform it and make it like home brewing is now. I can make 250 gallons of beer in my home every year "can not sell".

No, as citizens we should be clamoring for reform that restricts changes to the law and merely states that it is our natural right to cultivate cannabis just as much as it is our right to cultivate tomatoes. No restrictions means a world where the best growers and processors succeed. That leaves room in the market for reliable product testing and Gene sequencing too (to verify that the bud you bought is legit Tahoe OG or whatever variety). None of this is rocket science -- but the government entities want their slice to remain relevant. This is just basic Human greed and short sightedness.
And all of that is a good thing. Just like there is a difference between growing your own tomatoes and running a farm stand, and brewing your own beer and opening a brewery, there will be a difference between growing pot and running a business by growing pot.

And hopefully it will result in people who need the medicine being able to buy it safely and affordably. $400/oz was never affordable. It was always a luxury. Maybe now it will be...

Apologies to the cottage industry out there. The times, they are a changing.


It will happen sooner than later as it should.

I'm a Canukistanian and laughing at at the dumbasses who voted for our current corporate puppet, Justin Trudeau. Vote for me and get legal pot he says. Prohibition 2.0 is what is on the books so far.

They got almost 60 legal producers cranking up production to meet projected demands but it's not near enough and they are looking at pricing it higher than street prices. WTF?

My excess goes for $5/g and they're talking 10 minimum. What planet are they on?

Protect the kids and eliminate the black market isn't going to happen the way they are going.

Just set the plant free and everyone can benefit except for the pigs that profit from pain.


It will happen sooner than later as it should.

I'm a Canukistanian and laughing at at the dumbasses who voted for our current corporate puppet, Justin Trudeau. Vote for me and get legal pot he says. Prohibition 2.0 is what is on the books so far.

They got almost 60 legal producers cranking up production to meet projected demands but it's not near enough and they are looking at pricing it higher than street prices. WTF?

My excess goes for $5/g and they're talking 10 minimum. What planet are they on?

Protect the kids and eliminate the black market isn't going to happen the way they are going.

Just set the plant free and everyone can benefit except for the pigs that profit from pain.


Ahh, but democracy may just save you frosty northerners yet. Your supreme court may just rule that the monopoly arrangement doesn't pass muster. So you may get both guv and private retailers and non-large LP's. Hey, it's possible. ;) So are liberalized home grow regs and a ban on corporate firings for positive tests.

So ask yourself, what will you get under the conservatives? Harsher penalties and no supply, legal or not, is the most likely answer. Don't be so eager to move away from the noise of living next to a firing range that you end up moving into it and into the cross hairs.

We on the other hand are deep in the valley of despair from a legal standpoint. Once the current DEA head leaves, things can get a lot, lot, worse. He was refusing to enact a lot of what sessions wanted. His replacement won't.
OR - 4rec plants per household, not per person. 6 medical but can be in addition to rec. No sales tax but we do have income taxes. Some areas the cost of living is high, so you'll want to do research.

so you're saying if 4 medical patients live in a house together they can only grow one plant each?
Ahh, but democracy may just save you frosty northerners yet. Your supreme court may just rule that the monopoly arrangement doesn't pass muster. So you may get both guv and private retailers and non-large LP's. Hey, it's possible. ;) So are liberalized home grow regs and a ban on corporate firings for positive tests.

So ask yourself, what will you get under the conservatives? Harsher penalties and no supply, legal or not, is the most likely answer. Don't be so eager to move away from the noise of living next to a firing range that you end up moving into it and into the cross hairs.

We on the other hand are deep in the valley of despair from a legal standpoint. Once the current DEA head leaves, things can get a lot, lot, worse. He was refusing to enact a lot of what sessions wanted. His replacement won't.

Who said anything about conservatives? lol I vote NDP and have in every election since I was old enough to vote. We finally got them here in Alberta and I think they are doing a great job. Returned the 100mil that the Cons took from the education system and upped it 10%. Beginning to take serious care of the environment and starting to make the oil companies cough up their fair share to do it and to start cleaning up past messes left to stew in the forest for decades. They don't like it but it's got to be done and why should the taxpayers like myself be stuck with the bill.

44 years of Cons running this province like a Good Old Boys club is finally over. They're loosening the reins for med pot too, paying doctors to get educated about cannabis and now I can finally get my local doctor to sign me up. Renewed my 8g/day scrip I got last year in BC without a squawk at all. Just saw him today and he's gone for a year to get surgical training and will be back in a town almost an hour away so I'll need a new doctor to sign me up next August but much more confident that I'll be able to do that now. I still have hopes of starting a testing lab to do lower priced tests for medpot patients that grow their own. $75 seems a little high to just test for THC/CBD levels but that's the best price I can find atm at a lab in Kelowna, BC. I want to get some tests done on the hi-CBD plants I'm growing now.

I feel for my southern neighbours and the new attacks to your expanding pot freedom. Things are really going to hell in a hand-basket since Trump got in. Blame the black guy I guess eh. ;)

I've held off applying for my grow permit over fears that once the new laws come into effect that I may be moving myself into the cross-hairs as you mentioned. I now think that if I don't get myself registered I may find myself out in the cold both literally and figuratively. Winter's a comin'. :)

So much politics and screwing around about a simple herb. Can buy all sorts of herbs etc at health food stores that have more potential for harm than pot but it's all about the money. Like every other damn thing that us common folk can so easily see the solutions to but totally blows right by the people we elect to do good things for us.

so you're saying if 4 medical patients live in a house together they can only grow one plant each?

That's the same plan for legal recreational pot here in Canada next year. 4 plants per household and 100cm in height max. 39.37" for the metrically challenged. Hoping ScroG will be OK for the non-medical growers.
so you're saying if 4 medical patients live in a house together they can only grow one plant each?
No, as citizens we should be clamoring for reform that restricts changes to the law and merely states that it is our natural right to cultivate cannabis just as much as it is our right to cultivate tomatoes. No restrictions means a world where the best growers and processors succeed.

people are lazy, want to sit back while someone else does the work, how do you think the government control got to where it's at, a bunch of idiots saying well there's nothing we can do about it. To stupid to realize they lie like a rug to us & most are just rich pieces of shit...perfect example Scumbag & Scumbag - For Our Pockets ...Morgan n Morgan = white trash their forefathers funded both sides of the war . should be Arnold N Arnold , Benedict that is !!!
so you're saying if 4 medical patients live in a house together they can only grow one plant each?

The law we passed in Colorado (Amendment 64) gave EVERY 21 and older in the state the legal right to grow 6 plants.

However, as time has passed, many jurisdictions have set their own limits....using "Public Safety" as their in to limit plant counts >per residence< rather than respecting individual rights as written in the law. In many ares the limit is 12...no matter how many adults live in the residence. Sadly...because it's WEED......the average person doesn't cry foul.....say..like they would if the Government came in and said "You can only own one gun...a .22".....even though the 2nd amendment itself has no specified limit.

If THAT happened there would be anarchy/a serious fight. When it happens with weed RIGHTS....it's not an issue to many of the same folks because it just doesn't affect them/because they don't smoke weed.

Where it gets stiiicky is when folks think that "legal" means they instantly got the right to grow and sell freely without interference or regulations...and that isn't ever gonna be the case for most. The reason these changes are coming down is because many folks...some reading along, no doubt)...think that now that it is "legal"...they should be able to sell, pay no taxes, and be left alone. NO other business gets that nod...so to think the Gov't will legalize and let folks >blow it up< and make a ton of tax free cash is a serious lack of understanding of the way it is and the way it shall be on that person's part. If anyone is gonna make money off legal pot it will be the Gov't itself and those they deem worthy (aka...those who pay the fees and allow free access to their grows/etc)

Watch em close....cus the laws you in are likely NOT the laws you will eventually be playing under.
Sorry, I just can't make the leap from it's legal to grow x plants for personal use to it's legal to grow 5x and sell to anyone with cash, tax free.

People know they are breaking the law. They just don't think they will get caught. But a felony in a "legal" state is the same trouble as a "felony" in a prohibition state, they are just triggered at different points.

Now you can argue that there shouldn't be a difference, the distinction doesn't exist with tomatoes (with the exception of paying taxes on the income), so it shouldn't exist with cannabis.

Except it does. For now anyway.

So as much as you may hate the definition and the government controls, there is a "legal" swim lane in a lot of states. If you stay in the lane, you won't be (successfully) prosecuted. Swim outside the buoys, and there are no life guards and a lot of underwater hazards.

So yeah, you have the limited right to grow/posses/consume, but you don't have the right to sell. And yeah, those limitation can suck.

But make no mistake. If I were doing what I'm doing now, with the amount I have curing, at this time last year I could go to prison for years. Now, not even a ticket.

I'd say that is a huge change. Can it change for the worse? Yes, and people are trying. The bitty brigade is out in force. But so far the walls are standing.

The law we passed in Colorado (Amendment 64) gave EVERY 21 and older in the state the legal right to grow 6 plants.

However, as time has passed, many jurisdictions have set their own limits....using "Public Safety" as their in to limit plant counts >per residence< rather than respecting individual rights as written in the law. In many ares the limit is 12...no matter how many adults live in the residence. Sadly...because it's WEED......the average person doesn't cry foul.....say..like they would if the Government came in and said "You can only own one gun...a .22".....even though the 2nd amendment itself has no specified limit.

If THAT happened there would be anarchy/a serious fight. When it happens with weed RIGHTS....it's not an issue to many of the same folks because it just doesn't affect them/because they don't smoke weed.

Where it gets stiiicky is when folks think that "legal" means they instantly got the right to grow and sell freely without interference or regulations...and that isn't ever gonna be the case for most. The reason these changes are coming down is because many folks...some reading along, no doubt)...think that now that it is "legal"...they should be able to sell, pay no taxes, and be left alone. NO other business gets that nod...so to think the Gov't will legalize and let folks >blow it up< and make a ton of tax free cash is a serious lack of understanding of the way it is and the way it shall be on that person's part. If anyone is gonna make money off legal pot it will be the Gov't itself and those they deem worthy (aka...those who pay the fees and allow free access to their grows/etc)

Watch em close....cus the laws you in are likely NOT the laws you will eventually be playing under.
Who said anything about conservatives? lol I vote NDP and have in every election since I was old enough to vote. We finally got them here in Alberta and I think they are doing a great job. Returned the 100mil that the Cons took from the education system and upped it 10%. Beginning to take serious care of the environment and starting to make the oil companies cough up their fair share to do it and to start cleaning up past messes left to stew in the forest for decades. They don't like it but it's got to be done and why should the taxpayers like myself be stuck with the bill.

44 years of Cons running this province like a Good Old Boys club is finally over. They're loosening the reins for med pot too, paying doctors to get educated about cannabis and now I can finally get my local doctor to sign me up. Renewed my 8g/day scrip I got last year in BC without a squawk at all. Just saw him today and he's gone for a year to get surgical training and will be back in a town almost an hour away so I'll need a new doctor to sign me up next August but much more confident that I'll be able to do that now. I still have hopes of starting a testing lab to do lower priced tests for medpot patients that grow their own. $75 seems a little high to just test for THC/CBD levels but that's the best price I can find atm at a lab in Kelowna, BC. I want to get some tests done on the hi-CBD plants I'm growing now.

I feel for my southern neighbours and the new attacks to your expanding pot freedom. Things are really going to hell in a hand-basket since Trump got in. Blame the black guy I guess eh. ;)

I've held off applying for my grow permit over fears that once the new laws come into effect that I may be moving myself into the cross-hairs as you mentioned. I now think that if I don't get myself registered I may find myself out in the cold both literally and figuratively. Winter's a comin'. :)

So much politics and screwing around about a simple herb. Can buy all sorts of herbs etc at health food stores that have more potential for harm than pot but it's all about the money. Like every other damn thing that us common folk can so easily see the solutions to but totally blows right by the people we elect to do good things for us.


I'm going to stay out or your politics
But I was getting testing done in Central AB at a hydro store, there machine broke and looking to get a new one, I'm hopping soon.
At 1st it just costed a nice bud , then was $20
He told me there was a place in Calgary that tests .
I'm looking at buying my own, but his didn't last very long for over 1k
It not very high on the needs or wants list but I'm keeping my eyes open for something.
I'm going to stay out or your politics
But I was getting testing done in Central AB at a hydro store, there machine broke and looking to get a new one, I'm hopping soon.
At 1st it just costed a nice bud , then was $20
He told me there was a place in Calgary that tests .
I'm looking at buying my own, but his didn't last very long for over 1k
It not very high on the needs or wants list but I'm keeping my eyes open for something.

Tested at a hydro store? What where they using to do the tests with? The lab I plan to send my samples too is using gear that cost upwards of a million dollars and is certified to give dead on accurate results.

I'm aiming to grow hi-CBD strains for patients and I need to know what's in the pot to adjust dosages to their needs. $75 per test ain't so bad.
Sorry, I just can't make the leap from it's legal to grow x plants for personal use to it's legal to grow 5x and sell to anyone with cash, tax free.

Seeing folks post who seem to think that "legal" means "just let me be while I make bank with no rules or regs or limits of any kind" always makes me chuckle. Yeah...sure thing. They let "all" businesses do that........ uhhhummm.....

and I hear ya on weight. Thankfully we can keep all we grow here in CO...no limit. The key is to get those suckers down and on the line. HOW MANY plants was that? 6 occifer...just 6. LOL.

Shouldn't matter how many plants you have if it's all for personal use. The screw up on all of this "legal" thing was starting out from day one with "retail" as the focus. That keeps the $$$ in the game...and fuels the Black Market. Had they given the nod for personal and allowed small amount possession limits.....AND NO SALES BY ANYONE...including the States....supply would increase and prices would drop nationwide. If someone then wants to take the risk selling $100 bags...let them take that risk. Just make the penalties incredibly stiff....and let those who want to play "drug dealer" play under a similar threat those of us faced who grew illegally for the last 3 decades. Either ball up and sell like a man in your illegal state...or face the fact that the game is over for the most part if your state goes "legal" before you find yer nutz. Moving to a legal state to break their laws is no different than breaking the law where you are...except on that bottom line.

Yup...the walls are still up.....
Tested at a hydro store? What where they using to do the tests with? The lab I plan to send my samples too is using gear that cost upwards of a million dollars and is certified to give dead on accurate results.

I'm aiming to grow hi-CBD strains for patients and I need to know what's in the pot to adjust dosages to their needs. $75 per test ain't so bad.

Here's a link to the tester

Looks like the price went down

After the test they would print me a couple pages with all the info ,

I have a plant with over 10% cbd if u want
Here's a link to the tester

Looks like the price went down

After the test they would print me a couple pages with all the info ,

I have a plant with over 10% cbd if u want

Interesting. They don't seem to make any claims about accuracy though. Or lifespan.

Still, one of the benefits to the cannabis ecosystem expanding. Between this and portable sex testing, it could really streamline breeding.