Will Congress act now?

Will the Congress enact more gun control?

  • Oh, yea, absolutely!

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Never fucking happen

    Votes: 35 94.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Then why did they find guns illegally converted to full auto? He was found with 2 bumper stocks they ain't as good as full auto which he had illegally modified.

No reason to use the bumper stock when you have full auto.
12 bumper stocks, zero full autos.


Well-Known Member
It seems absurd to an Englishman that there could now be a semantic argument regarding the niceties of clip/magazine full auto/ bump stock or 3 shooter, especially considering nearly 60 were murdered and over 500 wounded, surely the debate should focus on "wtf needs military weapons for recreation" how many innocents need to perish for your "freedoms"?
Still only 58 according to the reports I have read (not including himself). Careful, we don't want to set the bar too high for the next white guy.


Well-Known Member
So your congressman, a non-racist white male, won't float your idea?

You're happy to keep bump stocks, there was no refutation.

You're content to foster hate advancing an agenda.

You got nothing productive to lessen gun violence?

It's adorable witnessing you duck contradictory positions you hold.
You voted for a guy who wanted to ban all muslims for less and now you're saying it's racist and unworkable to ban whites.

Dumb fucking nazi.


Well-Known Member
its not guns that cause these events, its the society.

Who should have guns then? the question is a bit more existential, because its not really about the guns. its about what they represent to the people and the government.
this sounds interesting..please expand.


Well-Known Member
You voted for a guy who wanted to ban all muslims for less and now you're saying it's racist and unworkable to ban whites.

Dumb fucking nazi.
Defend your own idea of banning whites.

Ban whites from what? Gun ownership?Citizenship? Flesh it out a little.

This would be law I suppose.

How would you enact it?

Would your own congressman float your idea?


Well-Known Member