Tom Petty dead at 66. RIP

At least Petty wasn't some depressed nihilist douchebag whose music inspired fans to murder innocents and commit suicide. If only jimmyjonestool was one of the latter.
Geez, ya commit suicide once and people remember it forever. I've changed man.

No, keep on bitching about how hard life is and being a giant piece of shit to everyone. Don't try to lift people up, what good could that do? Just tell them how you are glad they are dead and you are going to "save the last bullet for your [own] head," just like the Vegas gunman.
Yeah, and a nug. I've been too harsh, probably overreacted. But I'm sure it's nothing on your back.

Crazy sucker was touring on a broken hip. Fentanyl mixed with more prescription pain meds led to accidental overdose.

Son of a bitch. I just copied this from the news report:

The medical examiner's news release said the autopsy found these drugs in Petty's system: fentanyl, oxycodone, acetyl fentanyl and despropionyl fentanyl, which are opioids; temazepam and alprazolam, which are sedatives; and citalopram, an antidepressant.

I think that's more than you should have in you.