Why is every vendor fighting with each other

Did I hear real styles quietly slipping away from the dance off?

Cobkits, that was a nice glove slap.

As any consumer and business person knows, Customer service comes before price.
lol guys I don't have to lie btw CXB I sell for $35 and as for customer service have you heard anyone complain about dealing with me? No I'll just keep doing what I do best and that's growing. I love the haters lol I know I'm doing something right
lol guys I don't have to lie btw CXB I sell for $35 and as for customer service have you heard anyone complain about dealing with me? No I'll just keep doing what I do best and that's growing. I love the haters lol I know I'm doing something right
you argument like a 6 year old. "i know more than you, nanananana"

he asked you for chips to proof your point, man up...
funny shit he asked a while ago for the DB bin and I didn't sell him some. I still have some left and I'm not selling them hahaha @sethimus I just checked I have a penis
Newbie..lol. Don't be a bad sport. You called someone out (defamed them maybe) and they owned you. Be a man, own up and move on.
You are trying hard but I didn't get owned he asked me for a chip that's hard to get and lied about it's performance if he had one from the start he wouldn't be asking me to send him one so who's owning who?
funny shit he asked a while ago for the DB bin and I didn't sell him some. I still have some left and I'm not selling them
no worries, after that i got some to test from cutter 6 odd months ago. he has all you want for $30.

You are trying hard but I didn't get owned he asked me for a chip that's hard to get and lied about it's performance

don't wonder why people don't take you seriously.... to circle back to the question you posed in your first post, why are vendors "fighting", its because some of them are just straight up posting misinformation which needs correction
Thats a negatory. every measurement in that plot is only relative to the other measurements, and you could use any decent meter whatsoever regardless of calibration. repeatability is the only requirement and in that regard i would bet dimes to dollars a $30 lux meter would show the exact same trends with perhaps a bit more scatter in the data.

"calling you out on that" = worthless
"here is my data that shows otherwise" = lemme know

ill tell you what, youre a good guy and i wouldnt even be bothering you if you werent outright defaming me.

lets do this.
-ill buy the cheapest shittiest lux meter i can find
-you send me 2 of the latest, greatest, highest bin, most recent date code CXB3590s you can get your hands on thru your super special hookup. mark em if you want so you know im not pulling funny business
-we'll do a live youtube where ill let you pick out 2 cxm22s from a tray.
-ill mount both of these as well as the cxbs live on the air and will take measurements in the sphere with both the licor and the cheap lux sensor, and users can see the raw data right from the meters and plot it along as we go

if the CXM22 have equal or greater PPFD/W than the cxb (lets say "equal" = within 1/2% when averaged across all measurements), ill keep your CXB chips

if the CXB are greater (more than 1/2% greater flux at almost twice the cost), ill send you the two CXM22 plus a 16 oz framing hammer and safety glasses to be cost for cost on the bet. you can then make a vid smashing the cxm22 if you wish
You might have to hire someone to help him smash the cobs since he could hardly smash the mars light lmao