Well-Known Member
The early chop sounds familiar. Tossed a couple really wide Pine Apple Chunk girls already, not even worth salvaging. They normally resist mold better. Will probably whack a Green Crack today, earlier than intended, try to make the best of it.
You might want to internet research hydrogen peroxide sprays for mold issues. Serenade tends to be more of a systemic and preventative measure and may not be what you're looking for at this stage of flower.
Rob, I also use hydrogen peroxide. I bought the kind that comes in the pump/spray bottle, I think 3%? And I keep a few bottles put back for refills.
I always do a through investigation of my buds everyday, if I see a spot with a little rot, I don't touch it and disturb it. First I pull out my bottle of hydrogen peroxide and spray the spot best I can without touching it and mist a few inches around the infected area. You can watch the mold/rot start foaming and boiling, melting down. Then I will take scissors or razor blade and clear the area out and place it into a zip lock baggie. Then spray the area once more after the rot is removed. It works pretty well.
One thing I have realized is to be careful when growing outdoors if you have any rot in the area, not to remove leaves or branches or wound the plant in any way or form. This creates an opening in the plants system for inviting spores and bacteria into the plant only to spread quickly and violently. If you do have to wound the plant in anyway, I have found that you can spray the area and clean the wound with peroxide and then take a bottle of black strap molasses and a glove on the hand, dip your finger into the molasses and rub it all over the wound and seal it. It works great. I assume you can also use prune sealer as well if needed or a spray glue would work as well.
But rot is likely a battle us outdoor and guerilla growers will never win. But we can keep a trade and variety or tactics and weapons on hand, yo attack the enemy at all angles and weaken it to its knees. Maybe in time there will be the "perfect" cure for botrytis with no adverse effects or second guessing's.
Oh one more thing I would like to note. When using hydrogen peroxide if you decide to use a sprayer or spray bottle and it has any chance of being in the sunlight this will disable the peroxide and pretty much render it useless. It has to be kept in the brown, black or any other color to keep out direct light. That is why it comes in those dark bottles. I know most know this already but i'm sure a few don't.