Well-Known Member
As if domination and privilege isn't based on class & wealth?
Trump is racist and a privileged rich, white man. This I agree with.
But I have also experienced being targeted by the police for my class and appearance.
In my younger days I had long hair and drove a shitty car and was pulled over and harassed
simple because of this. I didn't even have any weed at the time and the cop lied and said
he smelled marijuana to search my car. It is profiling based on class and appearance.
Now, odds are in their favor that I may have something on me because of my appearance.
I had no white privilege then or now.
That was a different form of profiling. I live that shit man. lol. Hotrods, lifted trucks, long hair, heavy metal and a lead foot. I've also had cops dump my weed on the ground, take my booze and drive away.
It's worse if my friend is driving his Camry in certain area's, towns and he's a nice clean cut business type looking man with dark sunglasses who listens to Jazz and the Oldies. He doesn't smoke or drink. He's an older gentlemen and drives cautiously. There's never a reason to pull this man over. Why do they do it? Puerto Ric-an.
The problem with "white privilege" is the name. People get offended by it. It sounds bad. Doesn't mean everything is handed to you, just means you have some things easier. We do. The term causes confusion for a lot of people. Clearly.
Oh, here's one that will help stop killings, keep ex military out of everyday police. Most of those guys admit they're just waiting for the chance, they don't have to be racist to shoot.
Edit; Maybe that's too far. They can't all be potential problems. Still a scary thought. I've seen video's of an ex marine talking about how hyped he'd get hoping he'd get to "Do his job". Nuts.
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