Trump unites NFL - against him.

As if domination and privilege isn't based on class & wealth?
Trump is racist and a privileged rich, white man. This I agree with.
But I have also experienced being targeted by the police for my class and appearance.
In my younger days I had long hair and drove a shitty car and was pulled over and harassed
simple because of this. I didn't even have any weed at the time and the cop lied and said
he smelled marijuana to search my car. It is profiling based on class and appearance.
Now, odds are in their favor that I may have something on me because of my appearance.
I had no white privilege then or now.

That was a different form of profiling. I live that shit man. lol. Hotrods, lifted trucks, long hair, heavy metal and a lead foot. I've also had cops dump my weed on the ground, take my booze and drive away.
It's worse if my friend is driving his Camry in certain area's, towns and he's a nice clean cut business type looking man with dark sunglasses who listens to Jazz and the Oldies. He doesn't smoke or drink. He's an older gentlemen and drives cautiously. There's never a reason to pull this man over. Why do they do it? Puerto Ric-an.

The problem with "white privilege" is the name. People get offended by it. It sounds bad. Doesn't mean everything is handed to you, just means you have some things easier. We do. The term causes confusion for a lot of people. Clearly.

Oh, here's one that will help stop killings, keep ex military out of everyday police. Most of those guys admit they're just waiting for the chance, they don't have to be racist to shoot.
Edit; Maybe that's too far. They can't all be potential problems. Still a scary thought. I've seen video's of an ex marine talking about how hyped he'd get hoping he'd get to "Do his job". Nuts.
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Yeah right. ExMilitary are cops and DEA's bread n butter recruits. Already fucked up and brainwashed
to brutalize the 'enemy'. The enemy being the general public and their handlers profit from the
mayhem. Beautiful system. They need more military surplus gear to bring justice to the streets though and share the profits with the feds. Sessions loves that program!
ha 70% of pro athletes are black. Uhm whens the last time you heard of a rich black kid being
brutalized by the police? Its all about class and wealth. Duh.

How does a pig know when they're rich? Do rich black folks carry their bank records on them, and immediately present them to law enforcement when confronted?
ha 70% of pro athletes are black. Uhm whens the last time you heard of a rich black kid being
brutalized by the police? Its all about class and wealth. Duh.
You realize that there are very few truly wealthy black people, don't you? What bearing does what you said have to do with the vast number of police brutality conducted on black men?

The data are pretty clear that there is a strong bias in the data that shows cops kill more black men than white men per capita.


I'm wondering if you think racism is no longer an issue that affects black people.
ha 70% of pro athletes are black. Uhm whens the last time you heard of a rich black kid being
brutalized by the police? Its all about class and wealth. Duh.
black NFL players who are rich like white NFL players still get stopped and profiled something like 500% more often.

if that doesn't prove that skin color is the main factor, i don't know what does.
TRUMP will be president again in 2020. Every time he says something stupid what is the appropriate response? Ignore him like any other idiot. What does the news media and all the progressives do? They have a melt down and start calling him and anyone that voted for him or supports the National Anthem and the American flag racist...... TRUMP TROLLED YOU AGAIN. He's winning (to my dismay)...... Back to talking about institutional racism calling middle America names is the wrong thing to do....... Just my .02 GOD HELP US 2020
Truer words were never spoken.

He chumped us all in 2016 and he'll happily do it again if we let him.

And of course the mass media is in on it; he gets them ratings!
The NFL isn't getting any of my money. I don't understand why they can't just play the game and be respectful of their country. Why do they have to get political?
The NFL isn't getting any of my money. I don't understand why they can't just play the game and be respectful of their country. Why do they have to get political?
I don't know if you follow football or not.

Google Tim Tebow and kneel.

Tim doesn't play pro football any more. He was a flash in the pan as a player. He wore his ultra right Christian values on his sleeve and made comments against abortion and other right wing issues of the day. He also had this thing about solitary kneeling in prayer after he scored a touchdown. It was a political Christian statement.

The white conservative crowd loved it.

Black men kneel quietly during the national anthem and they are Son of a Bitches that should be fired. Also, rending of shirts and wailing about how come politics have to intrude in sports.

I bet you don't see the hypocrisy in these two reactions..

Sports has always been part of the social dialogue. Now that black men are making a statement you want them to get back in line.
I don't know if you follow football or not.

Google Tim Tebow and kneel.

Tim doesn't play pro football any more. He was a flash in the pan as a player. He wore his ultra right Christian values on his sleeve and made comments against abortion and other right wing issues of the day. He also had this thing about solitary kneeling in prayer after he scored a touchdown. It was a political Christian statement.

The white conservative crowd loved it.

Black men kneel quietly during the national anthem and they are Son of a Bitches that should be fired. Also, rending of shirts and wailing about how come politics have to intrude in sports.

I bet you don't see the hypocrisy in these two reactions..

Sports has always been part of the social dialogue. Now that black men are making a statement you want them to get back in line.
I honestly don't give a damn about football. I can't believe they won't even let those guys spike the ball anymore or celebrate a touchdown what kind of bullshit is that? As far as respecting the national anthem yeah I have a problem with that. First of all many black people have died protecting this country going all the way back to the Civil War so don't give me that you're a racist shit.
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I honestly don't give a damn about football. I can't believe they won't even let those guys spike the ball anymore or celebrate a touchdown what kind of bullshit is that? As far as respecting the national anthem yeah I have a problem with that. First of all many black people have died protecting this country going all the way back to the Civil War so don't give me that you're a racist shit.

Wow there is such a logic gap in your brain. Finish your point you idiot.
you are obviously a liberal, the whole country is united with Trump and the nfl is in for alot of sponsors pulling out. there are only 10 or so cities who are anti Trump. You guys surround yourselves in the heroin dens and convince yourselves that the whole country is anti Trump.

We arent.
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I don't know if you follow football or not.

Google Tim Tebow and kneel.

Tim doesn't play pro football any more. He was a flash in the pan as a player. He wore his ultra right Christian values on his sleeve and made comments against abortion and other right wing issues of the day. He also had this thing about solitary kneeling in prayer after he scored a touchdown. It was a political Christian statement.

The white conservative crowd loved it.

Black men kneel quietly during the national anthem and they are Son of a Bitches that should be fired. Also, rending of shirts and wailing about how come politics have to intrude in sports.

I bet you don't see the hypocrisy in these two reactions..

Sports has always been part of the social dialogue. Now that black men are making a statement you want them to get back in line.
When you score - make your statement. That hasnt been the issue. If you wanna be a punk and make an ass of yourseves then you suffer the wrath of no more sponsors because people dont respect rich punks acting like victims. Do your protests at another time than the anthem and my argument is mute.
black NFL players who are rich like white NFL players still get stopped and profiled something like 500% more often.

if that doesn't prove that skin color is the main factor, i don't know what does.
And they dont go off the hook partying? Do you think Jon Jones from ufc got profiled too when he ran into a pregnant lady, grabbed up his cocaine and went jumping walls? then theres a vid of him pulled over for racing, damn racist cops taking shitheads off the street. White nfl players are busy at home taking care of their children, how are they getting pulled over? Black nfl player are going to the club with a crew= more police contact.
You realize that there are very few truly wealthy black people, don't you? What bearing does what you said have to do with the vast number of police brutality conducted on black men?

The data are pretty clear that there is a strong bias in the data that shows cops kill more black men than white men per capita.

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I'm wondering if you think racism is no longer an issue that affects black people.
Its well known that police beat blacks. Have you seen the fucking youtube vids of how blacks still act to cops??? Id get my ass beat 20 times by now if I talked to cops like that. Im profiled too- i smell like weed and thats jailable.
you are obviously a liberal, the whole country is united with Trump and the nfl is in for alot of sponsors pulling out. there are only 10 or so cities who are anti Trump. You guys surround yourselves in the heroin dens and convince yourselves that the whole country is anti Trump.

We arent.
You are obviously a fukwit
I pegged you as a narcissist pretty early on. You can't stop talking about yourself, can you? So, now you are telling me about the isolated incidents in your life where you were discriminated against. What a jerk. You remember each and every isolated incident and fail to realize black men experience tw
I pegged you as a narcissist pretty early on. You can't stop talking about yourself, can you? So, now you are telling me about the isolated incidents in your life where you were discriminated against. What a jerk. You remember each and every isolated incident and fail to realize black men experience twice that many in a single day. Because it's all about you, isn't it?

You don't get it, you poor downtrodden white man.

This all started with Trump's attack on black men protesting against cops who murder black people and get away with it. Since you deny that even racism exists, you'll never understand.

Just so you know glad you labeled me before you know me. I've tried to explain to you that if you constantly tell yourself you are a victim well..... I'm done. I totally understand racism exists and honestly I've asked for real common sense solutions to fix the problems. No affirmative action won't stop police from profiling will it. If you look at statistics which you seem to enjoy look up the chances of anyone regardless of race making it into the top 1% coming from a single parent home that lived below the poverty line...... I guess I should be and am fucked. I'm just going to give up now..... No point in trying.... Or wait like I've said work twice as hard as you feel is fair save your money invest it wisely (put it back into your business ect) and see what happens. I've never worked for anyone in my adult life. I promise you if you do the same and put 110% and every waking moment into wanting to succeed you will.

No matter the situation if you tell yourself you can't do something because of X excuse you are 100% going to fail.

I'm out.
The NFL isn't getting any of my money. I don't understand why they can't just play the game and be respectful of their country. Why do they have to get political?

I don't understand why Trump isn't respectful of our Country/Constitution/Individual and doesn't announce an end to Racism or violence.

All of these traffic stops and protest are costing us Productivity. Perhaps that's the plan.

Why are you so complacent?