Name a country that's better than America

please tell me exactly when america's "justice" system, was fair to black folks.

thanks, jew-hater.

Right before your type got hold of the justice system.

Lol, "Europe".

If you think all European countries are you same you obviously haven't been there. (Scandanavia is in Europe btw)

But to answer the question, Holland...

Holland is literally better in almost every way to here.
I also smiled at 'Europe'.
I have lived in The Netherlands now for 17 years as an expat. I have a Dutch wife and 2 little 'kaas kopje' kids and don't think inwoll be leaving anytime soon. I am considering applying for Dutch citizenship as the UK increasingly seems less like a place I would like my kids to be brought up in (Scotland being an exception :)).
I agree its a fantastic place to live on the whole...has some negatives of course. Not many folk like the 42-52% tax rate but across the board i think they are doing a reasonable job regarding peoples standards of all our trains are run on windmills.
and all of this bitterness from spaghettinoodle simply because i won;t let him or anyone else forget that he purposely chose to post a picture of an ultra-racialized jew who was defaced with hitler's star of david and knowingly post it at me, a jew, and claim it was a joke.

then he claimed he had *no idea* that hitler made jews, including members of my wife's own family, wear the star of david in nazi germany.

he is so bitter that i simply remind him about his own racist, anti-semitic, nazi decisions in life.

well too fucking bad for that whiny crybaby nazi bitch.

also, his dick doesn't even work and his wife left him. LOL

but you ask non jews if theyre part of the tribe..its racist, bigoted and discriminatory.