I've done 2cb numerous times, used to sell the stuff. Personally it's my favorite drug out of anything, it's like the perfect mix between mdma and lsd however without that psychedelic head fuck and thought looping associated with things like acid and mushrooms, it's very clear headed so it's easy to act sober or be around people on because you're pretty normal on it. No more out of it than on mdma really, except you just have the most beautiful shimmering colorful visuals to go along with the insane euphoria (does get extremely visually intense and trippy in heavy doses though). Also has the most insane touch sensitivity associated with it, it's known as the worlds best aphrodisiac and i can't disagree, the shit is amazing. Had the most intense experience of my life climaxing on it, was more intense than any dmt breakthrough i've done, it was quite something
lasts about 4-6 hours orally or 2-3 snorted, burns like absolute fuck when snorted but you only need roughly 40-50% of the dose. It has a very high overdose point however the 2c's seem to be a lot more prone to giving people hppd with extended or over the top use so it's best not to do it a hell of a lot