Club 315w lec

Maybe this will help- take a fixture and run at 100% and check whatever heat/area/ pot of gold you choose, day 2 run said fixture at 50% (1/2) power and test the same area and you'll discover something really amazing.
Yeh, that the hps run at 50 percent heated the reflector less than running at 100 percent and that the lec heated the reflector much less than either.
a 400 hps heats the reflector MUCH hotter than the lec, but that pesky fact you ignore
Here I thought we were comparing two 315W LEC/CMH/CDM lamps to one 600W HPS?

I haven't ignored anything, nor have I attempted to bring in other lamps to 'prove' anything.

In fact, I've run all the lamps now being discussed, in large numbers, and I've both passively and actively cooled them both.

But I'm not trying to convince you, just share the facts with those who may come along and read this thread in the future.
Here I thought we were comparing two 315W LEC/CMH/CDM lamps to one 600W HPS?

I haven't ignored anything, nor have I attempted to bring in other lamps to 'prove' anything.

In fact, I've run all the lamps now being discussed, in large numbers, and I've both passively and actively cooled them both.

But I'm not trying to convince you, just share the facts with those who may come along and read this thread in the future.
same difference, but people can try it for themselves and see.
When the facts are that the top of the reflector get very hot but the rest of the reflector is barely warm and when a hps is used the tip of reflector is too hot too touch i believe that fact not the instrument. Any metal nearby is heated with the hps not so with the lec.
What wattage? Of course a 315 cmh (lec) is not gonna be as hot as a sixer of hps. Or even a 400 watt hps. I got buddys that use the double bulb 630 cmh fixtures. Guess what? They are just as hot as a 600 watt sodium. Iam telling you broseph...with HID lamps...a watt of heat is a watt of heat. They use different gasses to fire an arc tube to make a different spectrum...but the principal is the same. With equivalent wattage...they all generally produce the same amount of heat. I will go with "the facts" an instrument will provide and not me touching a reflector and coming to my own conclusions.
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a 400 hps heats the reflector MUCH hotter than the lec, but that pesky fact you ignore
85 watts of heat difference. Again...with HID lamps..a watt of heat is a watt of heat. Alot of growers (especially newer growers) go by hear say or what they want to beileve to be true. Like touching a reflector and thinking one lamp fixture is "cooler" than another. And that's as far as they go with it. There is a bunch of false shit going around these days. Here is a classic Ive heard alot....when you change the lamp wiring from 110v to save on electricity. Lol. I remember that one was a doozy a few years back. But then some real deal growers like tty actually want to get to the bottom of things in the growroom. How shit really works. Include me in as well. Take a 630 watt cmh (lec) in a standard horizontal "batwing" reflector. Take a 600 watt mogul socket hps fixture in the same reflector. Let them both heat up for an hour side by side. Take an IR thermometer/temperature gun and take a reading at the same spot on both. Then get back with us. Lol.
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85 watts of heat difference. Again...with HID lamps..a watt of heat is a watt of heat. Alot of growers (especially newer growers) go by hear say or what they want to beileve to be true. Like touching a reflector and thinking one lamp fixture is "cooler" than another. And that's as far as they go with it. There is a bunch of false shit going around these days. Here is a classic Ive heard alot....when you change the lamp wiring from 110v to save on electricity. Lol. I remember that one was a doozy a few years back. But then some real deal growers like tty actually want to get to the bottom of things in the growroom. How shit really works. Include me in as well. Take a 630 watt cmh (lec) in a standard horizontal "batwing" reflector. Take a 600 watt mogul socket hps fixture in the same reflector. Let them both heat up for an hour side by side. Take an IR thermometer/temperature gun and take a reading at the same spot on both. Then get back with us. Lol.
don't have to. the hps will burn you , the lec won't lol
What wattage? Of course a 315 cmh (lec) is not gonna be as hot as a sixer of hps. Or even a 400 watt hps. I got buddys that use the double bulb 630 cmh fixtures. Guess what? They are just as hot as a 600 watt sodium. Iam telling you broseph...with HID lamps...a watt of heat is a watt of heat. They use different gasses to fire an arc tube to make a different spectrum...but the principal is the same. With equivalent wattage...they all generally produce the same amount of heat. I will go with "the facts" an instrument will provide and not me touching a reflector and coming to my own conclusions.
Don't care what you do
85 watts of heat difference. Again...with HID lamps..a watt of heat is a watt of heat. Alot of growers (especially newer growers) go by hear say or what they want to beileve to be true. Like touching a reflector and thinking one lamp fixture is "cooler" than another. And that's as far as they go with it. There is a bunch of false shit going around these days. Here is a classic Ive heard alot....when you change the lamp wiring from 110v to save on electricity. Lol. I remember that one was a doozy a few years back. But then some real deal growers like tty actually want to get to the bottom of things in the growroom. How shit really works. Include me in as well. Take a 630 watt cmh (lec) in a standard horizontal "batwing" reflector. Take a 600 watt mogul socket hps fixture in the same reflector. Let them both heat up for an hour side by side. Take an IR thermometer/temperature gun and take a reading at the same spot on both. Then get back with us. Lol.
Thanks for the shout-out. Taking this a bit further, I've run water cooled LED. Watts are still watts, it's just a matter of where to put them to best effect.
When it comes down to it guys. In terms of yield. 600 watt hps, 600 watt de hps or 315 watt cmh. Thanks
600 watt double ended hps. All day. When it comes to putting the sun indoors...double ended hps and the very new double ended cmh fixtures are where its at. And if you like building your own it yourself COBS as well. Thing with the double ended need air conditioning..and high ceilings. If you dont have the space or dont want to spend the big bucks on proper air conditioning units..double ended HID lamps are definitely not for you. I know a ton of growers that went out and bought them because the were told or heard they were "the best". Only to find out this isnt necesarily true unless other pricey factors go with it. Traditional single ended lamps and air cooled hoods still have a place. Especially for smaller tent and home growers in small spots and just a couple lamps.
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In using 2x cmh to replace 1x 600 am I wrong in thinking this. With two cmh ballasts and more surface area to vent heat into the air>duct>out would that mean the ballasts combined are going to run cooler ambient than a 600 ballast?.