Trump unites NFL - against him.

Idiot, dolt, nitwit, chucklehead, bird brain, nincompoop, retard;

From that article:

a randomly selected black man is overwhelmingly unlikely to be victim of police violence ... white men experience such violence even less often

He tries to fluff it over with crime statistics. Still, there it is. white men experience violence from cops less often than black men.

The national review is hardly an unbiased source but at least they are honest enough to tell the truth before smearing it with fluffy white stuff.

What you just did was an example of confirmation bias. You picked an article that agreed with your predetermined viewpoint and uncritically posted it. The article used a false narrative to justify the uncomfortable fact that white men experience violence less often than black men.

What was he talking about when he said: the disparity is consistent with the racial gap in violent crime, suggesting that the role of racial bias is small.

For bonus points and maybe even grudging respect, explain why that argument is false.
except about 2M of them:roll: apparently, they see what i see.

not everyone can recognize a phony:
2/3 of all African Americans who voted in the Democratic Primary election voted for Hillary Clinton. That's resounding support. You have nothing more to say about this white girl.

2/3 of all African Americans who voted in the Democratic Primary election voted for Hillary Clinton. That's resounding support. You have nothing more to say about this white girl.

2M more blacks voted for a black man, black man.

plus obama sucked at getting them to fall in line.
2M more blacks voted for a black man, black man.
In 2016?

In 2016 more black people stayed home than in 2008 when they could vote for the first black man ever to run for the presidency of the US. Obama energized the black vote and they came out in record numbers for him.

In 2016, their choice was a white woman who had offended their community 20 years ago and quite reasonably a good number were still offended. Their alternative was a white man who acted as if they didn't exist. They stayed home and didn't vote for either.

66% of the Democratic primary voters who are black chose Hillary Clinton. What part of "drubbing" in this group of voters do you not understand, Bernie baby?

Not everybody forgave her for what she said and did earlier but most did and they voted for her, not Bernie Sanders..

You have no argument here. You are white and are not part of the group she was talking about when she said those things about African Americans. She apologized. Most African American Democrats forgave her and that's all there is to it.
In 2016?

In 2016 more black people stayed home than in 2008 when they could vote for the first black man ever to run for the presidency of the US. Obama energized the black vote and they came out in record numbers for him.

In 2016, their choice was a white woman who had offended their community 20 years ago and quite reasonably a good number were still offended. Their alternative was a white man who acted as if they didn't exist. They stayed home and didn't vote for either.

66% of the Democratic primary voters who are black chose Hillary Clinton. What part of "drubbing" in this group of voters do you not understand, Bernie baby?

Not everybody forgave her for what she said and did earlier but most did and they voted for her, not Bernie Sanders..

You have no argument here. You are white and are not part of the group she was talking about when she said those things about African Americans. She apologized. Most African American Democrats forgave her and that's all there is to it.

bernie got a larger percentage of his supporters to back clinton, than obama.

clinton stole from bernie and got what she deserved.

i'm not answering you again on this.
clinton stole from bernie

there's that trademark sense of entitlement that you old racist whites are known for.

clinton handled bernie with kid gloves and still beat him in a landslide. if you're wondering why, do some introspection. bernie worshipers like you tend to be racist, anti-semitic losers in life. you call jews "lying rats" and black women "primates" whenever you are not busy being homeless and living out of your car.

i can only wonder how bad your buddy curtis (padawan) is IRL. that guy acts like the world owes him a living. he thinks more is expected of him just because he is white.

certainly no way to win a democratic primary.

blame yourselves, you racist entitled losers.
bernie got a larger percentage of his supporters to back clinton, than obama.

clinton stole from bernie and got what she deserved.

i'm not answering you again on this.
Then don't bring it up with me. You are the one who brought up the statements about "super predators" that Clinton made twenty years ago. As I said, she apologized to the people she offended. Many but not all forgave her. White girl has nothing to say about this. It's not hers to say whether or not Clinton can be forgiven. She was forgiven by many but not all of the people she wronged after she gave an apology.
Uh, ok. Today's assertion from our febrile circus peanut of a President is that NFL players kneeling during the anthem has nothing to do with race. They are doing it just to disrespect our flag and our country for no reason at all.

Not fake news. Nope.
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Uh, ok. Today's assertion from our febrile circus peanut of a President is that NFL players kneeling during the anthem has nothing to do with race. They are doing it just to disrespect our flag and our country for no reason at all.

Not fake news. Nope.
Don't forget the military. By kneeling during the anthem, they disrespect those who are giving their lives to protect freedom. So fire those son of a bitches for speaking freely.

The NFL owners are racist as all hell. If the players who are kneeling weren't so good they would be shown the door, as Kaepernick was. But the best in the league are the ones taking the knee. Their team mates recognize the attempt to squash dissent and are standing with them. Owners won't fire the best and can't fire them all.

I won't stand for the british national anthem, it calls for our monarch to fight and win wars and rule over us and invokes God (appeal to deity logical fallacy) in her plan
Fuk this oppressive shit, blaze one instead

but what if they paid you millions of dollars to chase a ball man? you wouldnt sell your principals? me neither.
and so would you simply avoid
joining a team that pays respect to an which you do not? or have you already joined and made your point on their field in the middle of play?
in studying 1930's germany i've oft wondered why? why did they let him do it? why didn't anyone stop him?

i think i've found the answer: you become almost numb to it after awhile..

i'm worried about a misinterpretation, the language barrier (nkorea)..and a deadly wrong decision made, that once done, can never be undone.

i keep hoping todays the day, news from mueller..what if it never comes? what if those in germany thought 'someone in charge' surely will do something, too?
People didn't stop him because he took complete control (even took position as both Chancellor and President) and then went all dark side.

By the time people realized what was going on the SS and SA were rounding up any detractors/"traitors".

Shit, Hitler then even had the leadership of the SA murdered and loyal members of the SA were absorbed into the SS.
White people march through Virginia with torches, swastikas, white supremacist shields and banners while shouting hate speech and they're all practicing their rights.

Let a black man say nothing and take a knee during the national anthem and the whites lose their fucking minds.
White people march through Virginia with torches, swastikas, white supremacist shields and banners while shouting hate speech and they're all practicing their rights.

Let a black man say nothing and take a knee during the national anthem and the whites lose their fucking minds.
But paying that black man millions to play football is sort of like buying him isn't it? People hate it when their property gets uppity.