How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

My plants made it another night lol. Still here looking lovely. I will take extra precautions cuz Poo Flinger says their out to get me. Causing Trouble seems to be Poo Flinger middle name. Like Pokearoo shows up flings some shit around then disappears again..
He quotes Hot Water Karl wanting to use my pics to jerk off too as a sign that someone is going to rob me. Whatta twit.

Nope I am still here.

After your last post it might be better for you to learn the hard way. To each their own.

What is interesting is that you didn't get my statement about paranoia being a common saying whereas you somehow made the leap of sending those pics off to some friends by Karl to something he would use as masturbation material. According to statistics, he is far more likely to be a criminal than a dendrophiliac.
I think your the criminal. Anyway like you said to each their own. Maybe I'll learn the hard way or maybe it will be a splendid Thanksgiving who knows at this point.

Just enjoy the pics I put up and stop being a bitch.
I think your the criminal. Anyway like you said to each their own. Maybe I'll learn the hard way or maybe it will be a splendid Thanksgiving who knows at this point.

Just enjoy the pics I put up and stop being a bitch.

I am pretty certain that if I was a criminal I wouldn't be giving you a heads up.

Why do you think the rest of the black market schills in this sub-forum are staying quiet? Normally they would be all over this thread posting their gibberish. Guess they are busy trying to figure out what I did in a couple of minutes using google.

And I do enjoy the pics of the nice looking plants. As I mentioned earlier I'd rather not see you lose your stuff or even worse as has happened in some cases. It isn't meant as criticism.
I think your the criminal. Anyway like you said to each their own. Maybe I'll learn the hard way or maybe it will be a splendid Thanksgiving who knows at this point.

Just enjoy the pics I put up and stop being a bitch.
anyone who flings what he does...
is just a complete 100% fool..
and he shows it over and over and over again .. like he is now.
Not a patient.
just a fool wanna be

cheers fool ears! ;)
Central Ontario. Camera info embedded in the picture. You can even glean geographic markers from the photos. Take your second floor picture for example, it gives a good outlay of your backyard and neighbors. Then go take a look at the satellite view of your house on google maps.

Never underestimate ingenuity of the criminal element. It isn't fear mongering, I just don't want to see a post that you lost your stuff.
Central Ontario is larger than most American states. Google images are not in real time. Good luck finding Waldo. Brush your teeth, your verbal diarrhea smells like you have been using dogshit for toothpaste.

Your posts are so dumb, really dumb, for real.
You can run and tell that, homeboy!
Nobody should be allowed to fling the kind of shit the this guy flings installing paranoia in people calling people thieves bashing people for not knowing how to grow come on photon flinger smarten up man

You really are new here and apparently new to using the internet. Best of luck.

Central Ontario is larger than most American states. Google images are not in real time. Good luck finding Waldo. Brush your teeth, your verbal diarrhea smells like you have been using dogshit for toothpaste.

Your posts are so dumb, really dumb, for real.
You can run and tell that, homeboy!

Blueberry cough grow attempt is all I have to say. The end.
My plants made it another night lol. Still here looking lovely. I will take extra precautions cuz Poo Flinger says their out to get me. Causing Trouble seems to be Poo Flinger middle name. Like Pokearoo shows up flings some shit around then disappears again..
He quotes Hot Water Karl wanting to use my pics to jerk off too as a sign that someone is going to rob me. Whatta twit.

He seems a bit dull witted. He might not have got the reference. :)