Grow tent in another grow tent?


Hi all,

I am a bit concerned about odour control maybe I am overthinking it. My plan is to put 1x1x2 tent(homebox Q30) in a 3x3x5 one. Small one has one plant in it with smallest extractor fan I could find and carbon filter. It is really crowded in there. The bigger tent will also have extractor fan and carbon filter with matching cfm. I will let the small tent passively take air from the big one and exhaust back in it. While the the air in bigger tent will also constantly changing I guess the small one will always have fresh air. But I am not good in the physics of this. Will this setup work ?
Hm, I would probably set it up outside the tent and have the exhaust feed into the larger tent where the carbon filter is. Use passive intake setup so there's negative pressure and you shouldn't have smell leaks especially if you're only using it for veg. Some strains smell more than others in veg but it's much less than flowering. I'd still use a dedicated intake (either active or passive) for your larger tent however.

But if you're really trying to set the tent inside the other then it would work, but would be wasting a lot of floor space and make it awkward to setup your lights.
Oh and I forgot to add that if you set the smaller tent inside the other you would have to deal with light leaks. Light proofing would be a little challenging but doable if you get creative especially if you plan to use passive intake.
Oh and I forgot to add that if you set the smaller tent inside the other you would have to deal with light leaks. Light proofing would be a little challenging but doable if you get creative especially if you plan to use passive intake.
Thanks N0thing! Currently I have an unknown plant. Didnt show sex yet. 4th week of veg. But I have ordered couple XX Auto Northern Lights. Dont think light leak would be an issue.

If I do what you suggest, then everytime I open the larger tent there will be smell. But if I place carbon filter in both tents and put it in another I wont have smell issues while taking care of the large tent. And then when I open the small one inside the big one, the smell first (in my estimation) fill the big tent before spreading in the whole room and then the house and apartment building lol. I do not care about waste of space but I am wondering if it is waste of effort? What if I just put carbon filter in small tent and let it stay alone in the corner. Would it cause the whole house to smell when I am taking care of them (watering pruning etc). Of course I have ONA Block and spray.

This is my first grow and I want to be prepared. I have experiences with plants. I had a grow tent for my cuttings and bonsais before I decided to grow cannabis. So my family visits every now and then. They are used to my grow tent so I am not hiding it. But the small tent should be stealth and full odor controlled. So if someone visits and enters the grow room, they should not suspect anything.
Thanks N0thing! Currently I have an unknown plant. Didnt show sex yet. 4th week of veg. But I have ordered couple XX Auto Northern Lights. Dont think light leak would be an issue.

If I do what you suggest, then everytime I open the larger tent there will be smell. But if I place carbon filter in both tents and put it in another I wont have smell issues while taking care of the large tent. And then when I open the small one inside the big one, the smell first (in my estimation) fill the big tent before spreading in the whole room and then the house and apartment building lol. I do not care about waste of space but I am wondering if it is waste of effort? What if I just put carbon filter in small tent and let it stay alone in the corner. Would it cause the whole house to smell when I am taking care of them (watering pruning etc). Of course I have ONA Block and spray.

This is my first grow and I want to be prepared. I have experiences with plants. I had a grow tent for my cuttings and bonsais before I decided to grow cannabis. So my family visits every now and then. They are used to my grow tent so I am not hiding it. But the small tent should be stealth and full odor controlled. So if someone visits and enters the grow room, they should not suspect anything.

state trooper next door 5 years illegal growing ........relax
1 pick a room in your house/apartment with a window
2 the tent in the tent will not work ......2 tents sealed in a negative pressure room will work

ok to seal up is super simple (poly wrap 6 mil 20x100ft rolls) done right 1 sheet is used for the walls 1 sheet is used for the floor ......the light switches /outlets/door way in/window u can cut it out and then use tape to seal it up .......why have u done this u now have a room that is basically sealed up except for where and what u need not sealed

so the carbon filter in the tent ......this way if makes the negative pressure in the room and cleans out the dumped air (your house /apartment air flow is going to change there will be a draft from odds places never seen before (this is 2nd reason u sealed that room up the area the air will move from are areas that not seen movement so a layer of dust and crap ....u are minimizing it)

1 filter in each tent .....stick to 1 time every 5 mins to keep the pressure down but high enough to work

final part is a 5 part air filter for outside that are (i mean part u live in and others access too)

this has Ozone the greatest smell killer in the world .......any time u are going to open that tent want work u turn this thing on and let it kick ozone out (out in the house the air flow will suck it into the room natural) do the work and let it run 20 mins after u seal up the tents and shut the door .....turn it off

swear on my life a pot fiend will not stiff out your grow understand something at some point in growing everything u own will set of drug dogs (it is just a fact of life transfer from hands to stuff or clothes over time will make everything set off a dog like u are carrying 5lbs of the dank somewhere on yah )

currently i am on a break from harvesting my clothes and forearms make me smile ..........if i was still in maryland i would so be sitting on side of the road again while they search my car

oh the other reason to seal up like that if u want to do Co2 enrichment u can ...also helps protect the ground from water spills and clean up is really easy
state trooper next door 5 years illegal growing ........relax
1 pick a room in your house/apartment with a window
2 the tent in the tent will not work ......2 tents sealed in a negative pressure room will work

ok to seal up is super simple (poly wrap 6 mil 20x100ft rolls) done right 1 sheet is used for the walls 1 sheet is used for the floor ......the light switches /outlets/door way in/window u can cut it out and then use tape to seal it up .......why have u done this u now have a room that is basically sealed up except for where and what u need not sealed

so the carbon filter in the tent ......this way if makes the negative pressure in the room and cleans out the dumped air (your house /apartment air flow is going to change there will be a draft from odds places never seen before (this is 2nd reason u sealed that room up the area the air will move from are areas that not seen movement so a layer of
Great advice but I cant afford an ozone gen nor can wrap the whole room.

After reading all that setup I think I will lower my standarts a bit. Lets say the tent is set with carbon filter and standing in the room alone. No smell thanks to carbon filter. But if I open it for 10-20 minutes, and seal it right after use some Ona spray, will the smell still spread through whole apartment? (Which is a small 2 room apartment) or will it stay only in grow room and disappear right after sealing and spraying?
Great advice but I cant afford an ozone gen nor can wrap the whole room.

After reading all that setup I think I will lower my standarts a bit. Lets say the tent is set with carbon filter and standing in the room alone. No smell thanks to carbon filter. But if I open it for 10-20 minutes, and seal it right after use some Ona spray, will the smell still spread through whole apartment? (Which is a small 2 room apartment) or will it stay only in grow room and disappear right after sealing and spraying?

my advice with ona anyone that has smelled it knows what it is for (it does not hide anything it yells look at me )

better off with ozium spray

ok carbon filter in the tent ......over powered (like in cycles the air in the tent every min to 2 mins )
keeping the door shut while the tent is open then spraying the ozium spray after u sealed the tent wait a few mins before u go in next room then spray that stuff behide u shutting the door

fairly safe ........the ozone is your best bet u can find cheaper units
Well my only concern is my visitors and I am sure they dont know Ona. Also I live in eu, I will try to find an ozone gen for cheap on local amazon but till that time I will go with Ona. I really appreciate your answers thanks mate!