It's Ripper season folks..

You're in a tough spot man. This just happen to me and my buddy with our woods grow we did for fun. had 8 out there we lost 3 and a half to shitty rips like you. We have been camping in our tent out there since friday with our .45s lol.. Out of all the times i have been ripped, 75% of the time they try to come back. They grabbed what they could carry and ran. They're most likely punks, 20s or 30s. They clearly want the buds and not just to destroy them. Otherwise they would just be flatten. Are you in a legal state? Set up some cameras. Motion alarms. A big dog. I know in my state they recognize plants that are legal and stolen as a crime. Are you medical? Have you told anyone, slipped up at all, anything you can think of. If you have the time, camp out there with them for a night or two. Have a small fire going if you can. Keep a light on inside the house. a small t.v on. Make it aware you know what happend and you are serious. Also. That spot is no longer safe.

I've set traps before but you need to be really careful. Becomes a grey area legally.
But to each his own, Hope it works out
I am in a legal state, this is a med grow at our house for the patient who lives here. I am in city limits, on a pretty busy street, and about 100 yards from the police station. The law is that your plants can't be seen from the street, so we have a 6' fence all around. We had been pretty relaxed about our yard, this is a relatively low crime area. This is the third year we've grown here, and this is the fewest plants we've had out there, never had a problem before.

I've thought about camping out in the back yard, but honestly, I'm not sure what I'd do if I caught them. I'm over 50, all of 5 and a half feet tall, so I'm not going to intimidate anyone. It's a pot plant, I'm not going to jail for killing some punk over it. Can't scare the crap out of them, can't kick their ass, can't shoot them, realistically I'm not really sure what's left. As far as dogs go, that could happen before next summer, but it's not going to happen in time to be useful this year.

We're looking into more motion sensor lights. Maybe some cameras. I really don't want to draw any more attention to our yard than I need to. I've been contemplating not growing outdoors anymore, so this might be the last straw.
I am in a legal state, this is a med grow at our house for the patient who lives here. I am in city limits, on a pretty busy street, and about 100 yards from the police station. The law is that your plants can't be seen from the street, so we have a 6' fence all around. We had been pretty relaxed about our yard, this is a relatively low crime area. This is the third year we've grown here, and this is the fewest plants we've had out there, never had a problem before.

I've thought about camping out in the back yard, but honestly, I'm not sure what I'd do if I caught them. I'm over 50, all of 5 and a half feet tall, so I'm not going to intimidate anyone. It's a pot plant, I'm not going to jail for killing some punk over it. Can't scare the crap out of them, can't kick their ass, can't shoot them, realistically I'm not really sure what's left. As far as dogs go, that could happen before next summer, but it's not going to happen in time to be useful this year.

We're looking into more motion sensor lights. Maybe some cameras. I really don't want to draw any more attention to our yard than I need to. I've been contemplating not growing outdoors anymore, so this might be the last straw.
Daaaaamn Rob,

Last year it was budworm and this year rippers. Next year will be your year.

Thanks, but I'm afraid that like budworms, once rippers find you they just keep coming back. I might be in agreement with @whitebb2727 --
I have a range at my house I I shoot a couple times a month.

Got good neigherbors that will call or text if they see something fishy.

Got dvd cameras backed up to cloud. Motion sensors. 70 pound boxer that's game as hell.
It's definitely not a gray area legally, at least in the US. If you set up traps and someone gets hurt, they can sue you. It doesn't matter if it's on your own property either.
Depends how you do it. Setting an obvious trap will get you time

Oh shit. That extension cord that has a bare spot has accidentally been left on my tool box by accident and it was plugged in.

Oh my. Did I stack those bricks up there on that flimsy shelf.

Things of that nature. Accidents happen all the time.
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I am in a legal state, this is a med grow at our house for the patient who lives here. I am in city limits, on a pretty busy street, and about 100 yards from the police station. The law is that your plants can't be seen from the street, so we have a 6' fence all around. We had been pretty relaxed about our yard, this is a relatively low crime area. This is the third year we've grown here, and this is the fewest plants we've had out there, never had a problem before.

I've thought about camping out in the back yard, but honestly, I'm not sure what I'd do if I caught them. I'm over 50, all of 5 and a half feet tall, so I'm not going to intimidate anyone. It's a pot plant, I'm not going to jail for killing some punk over it. Can't scare the crap out of them, can't kick their ass, can't shoot them, realistically I'm not really sure what's left. As far as dogs go, that could happen before next summer, but it's not going to happen in time to be useful this year.

We're looking into more motion sensor lights. Maybe some cameras. I really don't want to draw any more attention to our yard than I need to. I've been contemplating not growing outdoors anymore, so this might be the last straw.

Hard when you're in the city. I got nothing but woods and animals around me. So any person you don't normally see is out of the norm and people usually catch wind of their persona quite quickly. Again, sorry to hear what you had happen. Outdoors is tough. Because of bullshit like that.
I think they left the last two because of a big hornets nest right next to them. Big yellow hornets. A buddy and I got eat up one time and he wanted to kill them. I told him no.

I'm a bee and hornet charmer. They don't bother me. I can walk right up to their nest.

Hornets and bees. No thanks. All fucking set.
Yes. I am missing maybe an 1/8th of an inch maybe a little more off my left index though. I just call it margin of error..
(really happened) Bad day with the bone saw. This was 16 years ago.

Fck. Sorry I said that. I'm toasting that 1/8" lost and wishing you accident free meat cutting from here on. If I worked with power tools I'd have a stump up to the elbow on one arm and up to the knee on at least one leg.
Fck. Sorry I said that. I'm toasting that 1/8" lost and wishing you accident free meat cutting from here on. If I worked with power tools I'd have a stump up to the elbow on one arm and up to the knee on at least one leg.

Lmao, all good my man. No hard feelings. I'm fortunate. I've seen some brutal things before, especially back then when i was younger and still had hanging carcasses. Seen a good amount of young/inexperienced people make some bad decisions with big tools. Fuck haha.. 15 more years and i can retire. unless automation gets rid of my job first.
I've only got one tiny plant outside. Nothing on it. My mains are inside. Still wouldn't get much. Maybe 2oz.
Lmao, all good my man. No hard feelings. I'm fortunate. I've seen some brutal things before, especially back then when i was younger and still had hanging carcasses. Seen a good amount of young/inexperienced people make some bad decisions with big tools. Fuck haha.. 15 more years and i can retire. unless automation gets rid of my job first.

We should probably build a wall to keep automation out instead of Mexicans.