The reality of my surrounding environment is 1 in 10 homes still vacant. Or worse. Demolished and still standing. Jobs quite limited and pay scales further limited. There is work. It mostly sucks.
The near city to me and the entire country area west of Grand Rapids and way north is one of the highest violent crime areas per capita in this country.
Muskegon Heights Michigan had as many reports of violent crime in a 14 block neighborhood as the entire city of Detroit 2 years ago when I was house shopping.
The people are staying safe in maybe the worst economic times ever. And again. They mostly seem happy and friendly to me. They even accept me and in its me to family gatherings. Everyone liked is always welcome. They will make you a plate too.
But it aint like my 65k lake subdivision house is going up in value. And the doors are kept locked.
Perspective is key. Things are fucked up all over.