The DNC Reports Lowest Fundraising Since 2003

From a link in the same article;

Robbing Peter to fund Paul's campaign, it seems.
LOL, you can't stand it can you? Congressional races are drawing record breaking donations for Democrats.

So you post an article that correctly points out that the national party is adrift. Of course it is. On one side, white, callow liberals who would throw minority group's interests under the bus are coming in their plaid shorts over a symbolic bill that isn't going anywhere. On the other side, Hispanic American families are being torn apart by ICE, African Americans witnessed one of the worst miscarriages of justice in recent memory, Nazis are running over peaceful protesters who came out in support of minorities in their city. DNC leaders are caught between one group that struggles with real life issues and another group that focuses on symbolic acts. What we are witnessing is a democratic struggle between two very different groups. The DNC isn't calling the shots, the people are and we are divided.

Quite reasonable for major donors to focus on individual races while the national party struggles with its bipolar base.
well it still didnt sit very high, i guess you shouldnt stand in front of a psycho in control of a 3 ton car ... you might get run over...
well it still didnt sit very high, i guess you shouldnt stand in front of a psycho in control of a 3 ton car ... you might get run over...
Yeah, it was completely the fault of the people who were run over. Did you see what they did to his windshield when they were thrown into it by the collision? I hope the insurance companies sue for the damage they did. ass bite
I hope the insurance companies sue for the damage they did.
they will, and they will win too. hey may not ever drive the car again but they will fix it for him lol but for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, we saw that in the video didnt we? maybe if people would stop fucking with other people a lot less violence would happen. i dont agree with either sides , i think if everybody would smoke a joint together there could be alot more positive and good that could come out of situations , but no lets go show this guy how strongly we feel about issues by beating up his car, yeah he is going to run you over and you're all stupid for standing there in the first place. Fuck the politics section , too many whiny PC & SJW pussies getting the're feel bads hurt and the're panties all twisted .... If this is what society is going to become we are all doomed
they will, and they will win too. hey may not ever drive the car again but they will fix it for him lol but for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, we saw that in the video didnt we? maybe if people would stop fucking with other people a lot less violence would happen. i dont agree with either sides , i think if everybody would smoke a joint together there could be alot more positive and good that could come out of situations , but no lets go show this guy how strongly we feel about issues by beating up his car, yeah he is going to run you over and you're all stupid for standing there in the first place. Fuck the politics section , too many whiny PC & SJW pussies getting the're feel bads hurt and the're panties all twisted .... If this is what society is going to become we are all doomed
Yeah, we should just smoke weed and just let Nazis take over.

Yeah, we should just smoke weed and just let Nazis take over.

that is exactly what im talking about. you cannot come up with anything constructive so you just try to belittle and start shit, typical of you're kind. enjoy your afternoon lmao
they will, and they will win too. hey may not ever drive the car again but they will fix it for him lol but for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, we saw that in the video didnt we? maybe if people would stop fucking with other people a lot less violence would happen. i dont agree with either sides , i think if everybody would smoke a joint together there could be alot more positive and good that could come out of situations , but no lets go show this guy how strongly we feel about issues by beating up his car, yeah he is going to run you over and you're all stupid for standing there in the first place. Fuck the politics section , too many whiny PC & SJW pussies getting the're feel bads hurt and the're panties all twisted .... If this is what society is going to become we are all doomed
behold, everyone. a mentally retarded, racist, nazi loving trump supporter.
that is exactly what im talking about. you cannot come up with anything constructive so you just try to belittle and start shit, typical of you're kind. enjoy your afternoon lmao
Dude, Are you one of them or are you against them? There is no middle ground when it comes to the alt right.

Nazis literally marched onto a campus holding torches carrying the Nazi Swastika flag. The symbol under which 6 million Jews were slaughtered. Alongside of them were men wearing the regalia of the KKK, the same symbols that were the last things seen by lyched black men. While marching they shouted the Nazi slogan, blood and soil and Jews will not replace us. The fuckers beat and murdered on the streets of Charlottesville. And your president gave them cover.

LOL, smoke weed and let the Nazi's take the streets. Idiot.
LOL Oh uncle buck , didnt you loose some bet and were supposed to leave but in typical fuck boy fashion just say fuck it, to stay and push you're narrow minded one sided fuck you if you disagree with me views on everybody DUMB ENOUGH TO CLICK ON THE POLITICS SECTION (ME INCLUDED)? I think you did, Hill dog didnt win even after all of you run cocksuckers hard on everybody, and here you are 10 months later spouting the same one liner everyone who has read one of you're posts has come to know you by. you and your little hildog supporting entourage cannot even see past your own bullshit long enough to see that you are a joke and not a very funny one at that, bernie is going to lose again next time around and then you'll still be spouting the same verbal diarrhea with just a different name attached to it, you sure do seem to have your finger on the nations pulse dont ya ? You sound like a bitch who gave up some ass and didnt get a call back . same old song and dance, nazi and trump supporter , oh tarted too huh ?? Not dumb enough to not see through all your bullshit FUCK SJW PC AND UB AND ANYONE DUMB ENOUGH TO THINK YOUR BS IS ANYTHING OTHER THAN JUST THAT, BULLSHIT

Hey dude, just smoke some weed and shut up.
Dude, Are you one of them or are you against them? There is no middle ground when it comes to the alt right.

Nazis literally marched onto a campus holding torches carrying the Nazi Swastika flag. The symbol under which 6 million Jews were slaughtered. Alongside of them were men wearing the regalia of the KKK, the same symbols that were the last things seen by lyched black men. While marching they shouted the Nazi slogan, blood and soil and Jews will not replace us. The fuckers beat and murdered on the streets of Charlottesville. And your president gave them cover.

LOL, smoke weed and let the Nazi's take the streets. Idiot.
Do you believe committing violence against them will achieve your goal?
I believe in showing up in numbers to oppose them. In Charlottesville they were the ones responsible for the violence. I don't believe in turning the other cheek.
It was a 'yes' or 'no' question. Do you believe committing violence will achieve your stated goals?

Yes or no?