Saskatchewan Government wants more time to decide marijuana stance


Well-Known Member
Regina, SK, Canada / 620 CKRM
such a lovely pile O SHWAG!:spew::spew::spew::spew:

Saskatchewan’s Justice Minister says the province is asking for the federal government to hold off one more year before rolling out the legalization of marijuana.

Don Morgan says it’s been a short timeframe to craft the province’s stance on marijuana when it is expected to be legalized July 1st, 2018. Some of the major parts of legislation left up to the provinces include age limits on cannabis sales, taxation, distribution, and enforcement on impaired driving laws.

Morgan says the ministry is working on crafting legislation in the meantime.

“We have to have something in place by then,” Morgan says. “We don’t want to be in a place where the Federal Government Legislation is in place and our protective scheme, or our regulatory scheme is not there. We may have to do some things where we put things in place on an intern basis and do things later on as we go, but we want to have as much done as we possibly can.”

Morgan says a zero-tolerance for marijuana while driving is one possibility, but they are leaning towards the same regulations as for alcohol.

“The intention would be that new drivers, the same that we have a zero tolerance for alcohol would likely be there, but for adult drivers we would probably want to have some level because people can be exposed to second-hand smoke or not.”

The province is holding an online survey that will be taken into consideration to shape the cannabis legislation.

The survey is open until October 6th.

When they keep repeating the word "scheme" u know they are a bunch of "scheming schemers"

I just took the survey, not from Saskatchewan lol, but I used S9V as the first 3 digits of the postal code.
I doubt many ppl even know this survey exists, it would be awesome to get a bunch of ppl on the forum to partake in the survey and give answers that reflect the "cannabis culture" values.
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I just filled out the survey and gave them an earful lol. If Canada has the highest use of cannabis in the world how is the sky gonna fall when it becomes legal. The stupidity and greed of our political officials and law enforcement officials is showing again....:wall:
I just filled out the survey and gave them an earful lol. If Canada has the highest use of cannabis in the world how is the sky gonna fall when it becomes legal. The stupidity and greed of our political officials and law enforcement officials is showing again....:wall:
Nice, I hope as many pro cannabis ppl as possible partake in the survey.
I actually heard talk about this survey on a radio station. It was very brief.
done done donebongsmilie
I'm on board with you guys too. Did the survey yesterday. I really enjoyed clicking "not important" for all the answers pertaining to driving and cannabis.
If anything, it makes me more cautious when I have a joint in my mouth, I'm always driving the speed limit and check the mirror for pigs. They should fine me for driving sober.