says the person here since september 3rd.Use this if you wanna smoke pesticides. How long you been growing brother? That cough you get while smoking is from this pesticide.
says the person here since september 3rd.
OMRI listed..
You're smoking pesticides that's why you post outrageous stuff. So you're spraying your plants in veg correct? So where do the residue go? It just magically disappear into thin air or does your leaves suck it up and it stays in your plant? But hey what do I know I only been here for 2 weeks. But if you was a master grower like you type why you have bugs? Your room not clean? Good day Mr.Pesticides.says the person here since september 3rd.
OMRI listed..
You're smoking pesticides that's why you post outrageous stuff. So you're spraying your plants in veg correct? So where do the residue go? It just magically disappear into thin air or does your leaves suck it up and it stays in your plant? But hey what do I know I only been here for 2 weeks. But if you was a master grower like you type why you have bugs? Your room not clean? Good day Mr.Pesticides.
You're smoking pesticides that's why you post outrageous stuff. So you're spraying your plants in veg correct? So where do the residue go? It just magically disappear into thin air or does your leaves suck it up and it stays in your plant? But hey what do I know I only been here for 2 weeks. But if you was a master grower like you type why you have bugs? Your room not clean? Good day Mr.Pesticides.
If it's organic let me see you drink some. Everything that's USDA certified is good for you. So it's the same for OMRI but I assume you know that.Dude! Its OMRI certified. That means organic! Organic doesn't leave residues just like compost tea doesn't leave residues.
Besides you could Clorox every square inch of your entire block, and still get white flies or gnats, because they fly.
They fly in and land on yummy plants.
If you buy bananas you'll get gnats, if you have house pets you'll get gnats, if you go to a garden center at Wal-Mart just walking around, you'll bring home gnats.
No disrespect! They are EVERYWHERE.
And OMRI is organic.
If it's organic let me see you drink some. Everything that's USDA certified is good for you. So it's the same for OMRI but I assume you know that.
I mean with that train of thought why dont you drink your fertilizer all of it at once..If it's organic let me see you drink some. Everything that's USDA certified is good for you. So it's the same for OMRI but I assume you know that.
every active ingredient in that product is being marketed and used as a pesticide.
noun: pesticide; plural noun: pesticides
plus=Polyglyceryl oleate is a cleaning agent, or "surfactant," that can also be found in a variety of personal care products such as moisturizers and concealers. smoking that shit is not approved for anything aye.
- a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals.
any of those oils will kill bugs and mold, water and a drop of soap may be the safest way to apply if you must. take care of pests in veg so you dont get them in flower. a mist on the top soil here and there would keep the gnats from hanging and stop over watering and over feeding, that goes a long way to pest management. study on on brix values of your plants and how to check and use them to determine health and more. bugs love plants that are not metabolizing properly, low brix sickly ones. its easy science to follow, good luck
I like to share good finds too. Even nutrients lines so this was for everyone "Green eagle tech....every active ingredient in that product is being marketed and used as a pesticide.
noun: pesticide; plural noun: pesticides
plus=Polyglyceryl oleate is a cleaning agent, or "surfactant," that can also be found in a variety of personal care products such as moisturizers and concealers. smoking that shit is not approved for anything aye.
- a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals.
any of those oils will kill bugs and mold, water and a drop of soap may be the safest way to apply if you must. take care of pests in veg so you dont get them in flower. a mist on the top soil here and there would keep the gnats from hanging and stop over watering and over feeding, that goes a long way to pest management. study on on brix values of your plants and how to check and use them to determine health and more. bugs love plants that are not metabolizing properly, low brix sickly ones. its easy science to follow, good luck
After you finished using it and finished your crop go get it tested for traces of pesticides brother then get back to me. Ever wonder why all these places is failing because of pesticides? Give you a few guesses. But I don't have to smoke your bud you and your people do. You're growing organic but spraying chemicals on the plants.Its not the same, there are set standards for each. In USDA its the handling and safe practices that earn the certification. In OMRI its the sourcing and testing of the products ingredients. Id like to see you drink some worm casting tea. You'd probably die. Salmonella is organic, botulism is organic. Hell cyanide is organic too