Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

He is as left as u.s. polititians get but barely truely left.
He's not even close to being an actual leftist...

Demands a better minimum wage and Medicare for All...hardly leftist positions.

The true leftist would argue for nationalization/part nationalization of healthcare.

A centrist at best, center right at worst.
He's not even close to being an actual leftist...

Demands a better minimum wage and Medicare for All...hardly leftist positions.

The true leftist would argue for nationalization/part nationalization of healthcare.

A centrist at best, center right at worst.
bernieis a social democrat, which is left but not leftist. not all leftists are statist or for nationalization. medicare is government healthcare so medicare for all is nationalization of healthcare.
bernieis a social democrat, which is left but not leftist. not all leftists are statist or for nationalization. medicare is government healthcare so medicare for all is nationalization of healthcare.
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I hate those charts, they lack the subtly needed for these discussions.

And no, nationalization involves the State taking ownership/partial ownership of the healthcare infrastructure, not just administering "the system".

And I think this is one excellent reason why he'd be an excellent president; as a real centrist he would be able to highlight just how far off the pitch the rest of these idiots are playing.
Bernie will NEVER be President, you're delusional.

What you'll do is help Trumps re-election...such victory for the left!
He's not even close to being an actual leftist...

Demands a better minimum wage and Medicare for All...hardly leftist positions.

The true leftist would argue for nationalization/part nationalization of healthcare.

A centrist at best, center right at worst.

"We should forget about Clinton AND Sanders." (paraphrased but at least very close) -- Salman Rushdie on Real Time last night.
(The Clinton banner in my sig is only there to trigger Bernouts. I like Harris for next Democrat candidate)

I'm not ashamed. I still like the woman. I was surprised to hear him say it. I was surprised at the anti-Bernie sentiment on the show last night.

"I think we should stop thinking about Bernie Sanders. I would really love to stop thinking about Bernie Sanders."

"I found him to be an unbelievably irritating, narcissistic old man." (agism noted, however her take on why she's not victimized by agism later was hilarious.)

Both Fran Lebowitz

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i still dont get Bernie, I feel like he needs some balls.

who would be his VP?