Not bft, the domestic market sucks. other tuna yes, but again, it's treated like a commodity, sorted by grade and subject to market demand. I sell locally in the northeast, it is far from a stable process and some days prime grade tuna can't be sold because the buyers can't move it.
Those days suck.
Don't believe what you see on wicked tuna. No tuna gets paid for on the barrel head. You don't get paid until the buyer gets paid. Some days they won't take your fish because there is too much supply.
Edit: I should explain I sell more to the craft market, and I don't sell bft. The buyers I sell to turn around and sell to local markets and restaurants. I don't deal in the big fish regional markets in Boston. Too much hassle and not enough return. The craft market pays better and faster as a rule. But, some days you are just sol.