I need help for cloning


Active Member
hey guys so i guess by now most of you know im a newbie grower from iran who has to improvise for materials and accessories and stuff
i tried cloning for 3 times and messed up i ended up with stem rot,mushy stem and dried up stems
best i can do is solo cups filled with soil stacked in a bucket with a plastic bag on top for humidity dome
my questions are how and how much should i water the soil before or after planting clones?
how many days and how many times a day should i mist them?
and ive read somewhere that by leaving the dome,in my case plastic bag ,off and cutting foliage watering and misting you can force clones to root is it true?
hey guys so i guess by now most of you know im a newbie grower from iran who has to improvise for materials and accessories and stuff
i tried cloning for 3 times and messed up i ended up with stem rot,mushy stem and dried up stems
best i can do is solo cups filled with soil stacked in a bucket with a plastic bag on top for humidity dome
my questions are how and how much should i water the soil before or after planting clones?
how many days and how many times a day should i mist them?
and ive read somewhere that by leaving the dome,in my case plastic bag ,off and cutting foliage watering and misting you can force clones to root is it true?
just put them in a glass of water and change water every day.
Water the cups..then put the cuts in. I wouldn't mist if the cover is tight and there's humidity present/that you can see (drops of water/etc) Use indirect light...like a florescent. Don't over water them.

It isn't an optimal set up...so you will have to take more cuts than you want to end up with to try to get >something< going.

I wish you well
different strains take different time. Did you change water every day? Can take up to 2 weeks for tough ones.
i didn't know i should change it but now i do,thank you
my real noob move with that one was getting it out of water after a week and seeing that the stem got kinda soft got me worried that its no good
is that softening and all normal then?
If the water is smelly it is no good, Don't be scared to recut a clone a little bit higher if it seems contaminated.
Water the cups..then put the cuts in. I wouldn't mist if the cover is tight and there's humidity present/that you can see (drops of water/etc) Use indirect light...like a florescent. Don't over water them.

It isn't an optimal set up...so you will have to take more cuts than you want to end up with to try to get >something< going.

I wish you well
Thanks man
thing is my last clones i watered and put in that bucket so the water stayed in the cup and i was misting it every day..i ended up with choked stems..now given how i did it wrong last time do you have any tips on that for me to do right this time?
on watering or whether to put them in a "dome" or not?
If the water is smelly it is no good, Don't be scared to recut a clone a little bit higher if it seems contaminated.
the water didnt smell weird or bad at all just seeing that the stem got kinda soft and dark freaked me out,was it contam or is that normal?
If you are using soil...a good watering up front >should< basically carry you through. I used this method years ago when I first start cloning. It WILL work..but as I say...casualties are many. However..if it is all you have...it is all you have. You just have to keep at it.....and keep a mother plant around for cuts.

I would dome them/cover them...but I would avoid MISTING them if there is humidity visible on the lid/etc. IF you do water...water around the stem and try to keep it dry. Like i say though...soil SHOULD stay damp enough to get this done without frequent waterings. Make sure your cups have plenty of drainage so they don't hold water in the bottom/etc.

stay the course....you will get it.
Water the cups..then put the cuts in. I wouldn't mist if the cover is tight and there's humidity present/that you can see (drops of water/etc) Use indirect light...like a florescent. Don't over water them.

It isn't an optimal set up...so you will have to take more cuts than you want to end up with to try to get >something< going.

I wish you well
and i should ask,should i water the cups before or after planting the clones
Because one of my clones got choked and all rotten while the other one dried up


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A good aero is almost failsafe. Water is variable. I sometimes use my one aquarium, I have some java moss growing up wood, it stays wet and oxygenated and under a light.
Being organic, this is how I clone. I use Black Gold organic seedling mix in a solo cup. The seedling mix has been pre watered with water that has been sitting out for at least a couple days. Not a lot, just enough to make the soil damp. Then I poke a hole down into the soil that is the same size or a bit larger then the clone that is going into it. I use my aloe Vera plant as my rooting compound. Cut a piece from your aloe vera plant about 1 1/2" long and roll it between a couple fingers to mush the insides up. Take a razor knife and cut clone at a 45, scrape the end of the clone lightly about an inch from the cut. This is to remove some of the outer layer. Stick the clone into the aloe for about 2 minutes then place into pre made hole in seedling mix. Tap dirt gently around clone and either put under some lighting. Don't put it under the direct sun. Should root in about 10 days!! Good luck!!
Being organic, this is how I clone. I use Black Gold organic seedling mix in a solo cup. The seedling mix has been pre watered with water that has been sitting out for at least a couple days. Not a lot, just enough to make the soil damp. Then I poke a hole down into the soil that is the same size or a bit larger then the clone that is going into it. I use my aloe Vera plant as my rooting compound. Cut a piece from your aloe vera plant about 1 1/2" long and roll it between a couple fingers to mush the insides up. Take a razor knife and cut clone at a 45, scrape the end of the clone lightly about an inch from the cut. This is to remove some of the outer layer. Stick the clone into the aloe for about 2 minutes then place into pre made hole in seedling mix. Tap dirt gently around clone and either put under some lighting. Don't put it under the direct sun. Should root in about 10 days!! Good luck!!
thanks man
so i should just water it one time and its good to set and forget for a week or so?
That worked for me!!! I water by the weight of my containers when applicable. If it feels light, then it needs water!!
yo kkt3! I never thought to use freaking aloe for root compound nice! Last 3 "clones" I just stood in water like Joe parak did but they all turned bright yellow and shrank.