hmmm....only one germinated


Well-Known Member
hahaha....actually made me literally LOL....good job Dk...haha....yea i'm just gonna get these going and try and sell them tell ppl they're great...winter is coming I know a couple ppl who told me the'y pay like $25 per clone sO i'll just grow these till their about 6 inches.....MUahahaha...I'm an asshole sometimes but hey...
People holding cash are rarely called assholes, they're called "yes sir".


Well-Known Member
dude you could just call it spliff weed with the tabacco already in it! people will pay anything for that!


Well-Known Member
Take it as you will,I LOVE your take on it!haha...and hey whoever can't germ their own seeds and gonna grow quality shit n-e-ways....


Well-Known Member
I am not growing bag seeds. I am growing northern lights x haze...this is my first grow by the way....


Well-Known Member
I am not growing bag seeds. I am growing northern lights x haze...this is my first grow by the way....
Don't diss them bag seeds man, it's not about the quality of the seed, it's more about the quality of the growing.

I'm on my first grow too, and growing two plants from 2 different bags.

A couple of days ago, I quick dried a small nug from my older plant, and it blew my mind, tasted like chicken shit on a stick, but made me pretty high.

And you need way more water than that, make sure the seeds are always soaked and watch for mold and stuff, keep it aired and wet.


Active Member
yeah let them go a few more days. have the other ones cracked yet? ive had ones that dont do shit for a week...
i had 9 seeds and it took 3 weeks for just one to finally germinate! i was ready to trash all of them but i planted all in one pot just to see and i have 1 nice baby growing and it is growing very fast:-o


Well-Known Member
A couple of days ago, I quick dried a small nug from my older plant, and it blew my mind, tasted like chicken shit on a stick, but made me pretty high.
I'm sorry I'll admit it, I switched your stash for Chickenshit, I thought it would be funny but after thinking about it, it wasn't funny at all. Will you forgive me ?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I'll admit it, I switched your stash for Chickenshit, I thought it would be funny but after thinking about it, it wasn't funny at all. Will you forgive me ?
Damn, if you're the one who did it, why did you put the chicken shit on a stick man? LOL


Active Member
this is my 2nd attempt to grow....i broke the stem on the first one and it never did anything even after i patched the stem up. i WONT touch this one after seeing how tender the 1rst one was!