Quantums Overhead in Vertical Grow!

Not how it works here, by a long shot. The cops have the discretion to let you know you have a warrant so you can make arrangements- or to kick your door in. Since I've always been civil with them, they were nice enough to let me be ready to post bond and just run through the process.
That's what they do here as well, typically arriving at 5 in the morning lol. I was amazed they took me to his house lol. Good luck tty!
over the years I've fought a few cases both on bond & in custody .I didn't realize how precious my rights were until they were lost. didn't do well on probation & even worse on parole. they can really tangle you up! so keep up the fight don't give an inch
I'm done being called a criminal for growing a legal, harmless plant in the privacy of my own house for research and medicinal purposes.

The police state needs to fuck off.
We absolutely need to start passing laws that prohibit any agency, whether local, state, or federal, from keeping any portion of assets they seize. It should all go to a state or federal treasury account and be used for non law enforcement uses only.

They shouldn't need a financial incentive to enforce laws. Either it's important to seize assets for the purposes of removing profit from crime or it isn't.

Something tells me a lot of seizures would stop if they didn't get to eat the proceeds.
We absolutely need to start passing laws that prohibit any agency, whether local, state, or federal, from keeping any portion of assets they seize. It should all go to a state or federal treasury account and be used for non law enforcement uses only.

They shouldn't need a financial incentive to enforce laws. Either it's important to seize assets for the purposes of removing profit from crime or it isn't.

Something tells me a lot of seizures would stop if they didn't get to eat the proceeds.
Yep. Agreed, 100%

It won't happen until we get rid of Citizens United.
I can't wait to see how Ontario's CCBO (cannbis control board ontario) works out, controlling all marijuana sold in the province. The first ever drug dealer to lose money and not because they got caught or robbed lol. Ahhhh it's not going to be fun if it's not illegal, think I'm still gonna have fun ;).
We absolutely need to start passing laws that prohibit any agency, whether local, state, or federal, from keeping any portion of assets they seize. It should all go to a state or federal treasury account and be used for non law enforcement uses only.

They shouldn't need a financial incentive to enforce laws. Either it's important to seize assets for the purposes of removing profit from crime or it isn't.

Something tells me a lot of seizures would stop if they didn't get to eat the proceeds.
The repeal of certain aspects of asset forfeiture just passed the US House.
Maybe after someone puts trump in cement boots and takes him swimming....

We absolutely need to start passing laws that prohibit any agency, whether local, state, or federal, from keeping any portion of assets they seize. It should all go to a state or federal treasury account and be used for non law enforcement uses only.

They shouldn't need a financial incentive to enforce laws. Either it's important to seize assets for the purposes of removing profit from crime or it isn't.

Something tells me a lot of seizures would stop if they didn't get to eat the proceeds.