how to heal stomach without getting high?


Well-Known Member
Now first off, I'd love to get high. Every day, all day. But that is unfortunately not an option for me as i suffer from schizophrenia. I have a very bad stomach inflammation that has caused me to lose over 50 pounds, and keeps me in bed most days. I tried growing out some super low thc strains but they turned out too high in thc. I've also ordered plenty of weed from my LP that was 10% cbd and 6% thc, and it still gave me episodes, very unpleasant ones. I have tried everything under the sun to heal this damn stomach. I'm wondering if anyone has any methods for me.

How about eating raw juiced cannabis? I have a harvest coming up and will have lots of trim. I will once again try vaporizer the buds or making a tincture. Has anyone tried raw cannabis? Does it heal well? Cannabis is excellent for inflammation, we all know that, I'd really like to get it into my stomach!
Only a thought, but if you seek only CBD, find someone with a temperature accurate vaporizer like Herbalizer and let them vape low temp until no more vapor occurs, what is left over should be CBDs.

Good Luck! (Stomach problems suck!)
Gastritis is a symptom of several very different problems and treatment depends of cause. Maybe see a doctor if you haven't already?

CBD oil can be purchased in 16 states and some sites claim you can purchase CBD oil that is very low in THC.

It might be that you prefer the natural stuff but if you can afford it, maybe buy some CBD oil to test and see if your condition responds to it before investing more time and money on the natural but variable source. Or here is an offer for a free trial:

I don't use the stuff and am not recommending anything.
We have a herb called buchu, it is harvested from trees, you make a simple tea with it and drink that, that shit even fixed my ulcers.
Don't know about availability your side, but maybe an internet search could get you a source. Maybe someone sells it as a tea even, have a google.
We have a herb called buchu, it is harvested from trees, you make a simple tea with it and drink that, that shit even fixed my ulcers.
Don't know about availability your side, but maybe an internet search could get you a source. Maybe someone sells it as a tea even, have a google.
i looked this up a bit, i dont think it was what you meant
Gastritis is a symptom of several very different problems and treatment depends of cause. Maybe see a doctor if you haven't already?

CBD oil can be purchased in 16 states and some sites claim you can purchase CBD oil that is very low in THC.

It might be that you prefer the natural stuff but if you can afford it, maybe buy some CBD oil to test and see if your condition responds to it before investing more time and money on the natural but variable source. Or here is an offer for a free trial:

I don't use the stuff and am not recommending anything.
hey thanks for the info, sorry i haven't responded. i'm in canada. Just talked to my dr today about going with a new lp, that has better cbd oil. i went with a company that has a 1:20 ratio oil. but that shit is expensive! i need to find a cheaper place! They're all crazy
get to the root of your issue before attempting to complicate it with anything. You are not exotic leaf, tree root, cannabis oil etc deficient right? your stomach isnt healing because you havent stopped the assault possibly.
check out a paleo diet maybe, nothing special, only no more of the exact items that are causing you issues. great healing diet, no funny business. good luck
get to the root of your issue before attempting to complicate it with anything. You are not exotic leaf, tree root, cannabis oil etc deficient right? your stomach isnt healing because you havent stopped the assault possibly.
check out a paleo diet maybe, nothing special, only no more of the exact items that are causing you issues. great healing diet, no funny business. good luck
i have been healing steadily with the use of ppi pills. which inhibit your stomach from making stomach acid, and a very clean diet. made a lot of progress. been exercising now, and even drinking alcohol every other weekend.
Not sure pot is good for schizophrenia at all. Be sure you harvest fully mature and not early. Big difference in anxiety level stimulation.
Late to the party here but I figured I'd throw in my 2 cents if it helps...Getting high quality CBD Oil is good for overall health including stomach due to how it influences the endocannabinoid system - maybe do some research there to see if any value for you..Try to look for cannabis that isn't an isolate though IMO.. Regarding the stomach no doctor here but these plants are meant to help in general with stomach issues - balsam root, chokecherry root & yucca. Is your stomach acidic? Not quite following "inflammation" or is it in pain?
Just an idea, however in the event that you look for just CBD, discover somebody with a temperature precise vaporizer like Herbalizer and let them vape low temp until the point that no more vapor happens, what is left over ought to be CBDs.
Cannabis is not likely to cure stomach issues

70-80% of the immune system is located in the gut

The first step is to learn what you're consuming that is not good for your stomach

also supply it with a steady diet of probiotics. I highly recommend a soil-based probiotics like Pet Flora, which is human grade. I havebeen supplementing with it for many years
Just buy CBD buds from Oregon, or CBD isolate from Colorado. Also grow your own High CBD/ less than 1% THC .

Do it though, good for the gut. (I am a cancer patient, way to many antibiotics)

CBD also great for anxiety and depression. Don't know about about your issues.