Do I need exhaust and intake w/Co2?


Well-Known Member
If I have Co2, do I need to exhaust the air? The air will never be stale because there will always be a constant flow of fresh Co2. I will put a carbon scrubber that doesn't exhaust, it will just sit inside the cab always scrubbing the air over and over 24/7. Will this work?


Well-Known Member
When co2 is going the exhaust MUST BE OFF. also the scrubber needs to be off. Your light needs to be sealed. Also you don't run co2 full time. You only feed when lights are on, but not sure how many hours I believe 4 but again not sure. Hopefully someone will fill you in on it. I don't use co2 but have researched it and know a few things. It is cost prohibitive for me right now. GOOD LUCK Just wanted to answer because I saw no one was!


Well-Known Member
Thanks 4 the input. Ya I just want to know if I can have no intake or exhaust and just have co2 when the lights are on. The carbon filter can be on while inside the cab becuz the co2 will go through the filter right back into the room still as co2.


Well-Known Member
Thanks 4 the input. Ya I just want to know if I can have no intake or exhaust and just have co2 when the lights are on. The carbon filter can be on while inside the cab becuz the co2 will go through the filter right back into the room still as co2.
usually, carbon filters exhaust to the outside to get rid of heat and humidity. exhaust and intake fans have to be shut off while co2 is being injected, or it will just be exhausted out of the room. you have to be able to keep the heat and humidity down in the room while the fans are off.


Well-Known Member
k well let's say that the temp is always 80-85F with no exhaust or intake. My question is will the plants do good if there is just co2 being injected to 1500ppms at all times while lights are on?


Well-Known Member
k well let's say that the temp is always 80-85F with no exhaust or intake. My question is will the plants do good if there is just co2 being injected to 1500ppms at all times while lights are on?
That is kind of pushing it. CO2 totalling at 2,200 is a maximum limit that is adding lets say 1,200 ppm you introduce and the approximate amount you are bringing in in the form as an intake coming from outside sources. Of course that is dependant on the amount of cfm going in and going out. Just be sure when introducing CO2 as an enrichment that your lights are or have been on at least 1 hour because the stomata have already been open to take in the supplemental CO2.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for your input but I am aware of all things that have to do with Co2 except for this one question. I know to have it on only when lights are on and to inject 1200ppm since the air prob already has 300ppm in it. So there doesn't need to be any discussion about what if and if this. The only question at hand IS... Can I grow in an airtight cab with Co2 and temps at 80-85F (perfect temp for Co2 injection) with no exhaust or intake? And yes the smell is already taken care of? That's the only thing I need answered, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for your input but I am aware of all things that have to do with Co2 except for this one question. I know to have it on only when lights are on and to inject 1200ppm since the air prob already has 300ppm in it. So there doesn't need to be any discussion about what if and if this. The only question at hand IS... Can I grow in an airtight cab with Co2 and temps at 80-85F (perfect temp for Co2 injection) with no exhaust or intake? And yes the smell is already taken care of? That's the only thing I need answered, thank you.
yes, you can use an air conditioner to control the temps and humidity in a sealed room, but your co2 calculations will need to be a little different. you would be supplying 100% of the co2 at all times, not just supplementing now and then when the lights are on.


Well-Known Member
But plants don't use Co2 while lights are off...why would I use Co2 100% of the time. Sealed room + plus Co2 + no exhaust and no intake = will it work?


Well-Known Member
But plants don't use Co2 while lights are off...why would I use Co2 100% of the time. Sealed room + plus Co2 + no exhaust and no intake = will it work?
the plants don't need much while it's dark in the room. they might use a tinny bit but it's never anything to worry about, and whatever is left over in the room from when the light is on would be more then enough. what I meant was, say the lights just came on, but normally the co2 wont come on for another 3 hours or so. the room isn't getting any co2 from nature from the intake vent, so it has to be supplied by you. what I meant was, your calculations have to reflect this, 100% of the co2 the plants use will be coming from you, so there's no 1200+300