Is the dream over for the Dreamers?


Well-Known Member
President Donald Trump is expected to end a program that protected undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, the so-called "Dreamers" from deportation, four sources familiar with the decision told CNN.

Two of the sources said the plan is to have a six-month delay in any action regarding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to allow Congress time to pass a fix through legislation that would allow the undocumented immigrants to stay in the country.

The expected move, which comes after weeks of White House deliberations about what to do in response to an ultimatum from 10 state attorneys general led by fucking Texas, would satisfy Trump's base but upend the lives of nearly 800,000 people who were working and studying in the US.

The DACA program, which gave qualified applicants protections from deportation, is popular among Democrats and moderate Republicans, many of whom have introduced legislation in Congress to try to protect the population permanently.

The sources said the expected decision to end the program with a six-month delay reflects the President's thinking as of Sunday night.

Several of the sources cautioned the decision would not be final until it is announced, which the White House has said will be Tuesday.

Talk about xenophobia.

Now, even the children of undocumented immigrants that were not born here are going to have to be deported.

What ever happened to the "murderers and rapists" part, that's what I would like to know?

It seems that everyday I wake to to some fucked up shit said the day before by Trump, and it seems this day is no different than the one's before.

Why should I hope for that just one day, that I wouldn't feel disgusted. That's just plain stupid isn't it, considering the circumstances of having a disciple of Satan as POTUS.

Oh well, some thing never change, so it's time for my 1st, "I need to chill" joint and beer of the day

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President Donald Trump is expected to end a program that protected undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, the so-called "Dreamers" from deportation, four sources familiar with the decision told CNN.

Two of the sources said the plan is to have a six-month delay in any action regarding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to allow Congress time to pass a fix through legislation that would allow the undocumented immigrants to stay in the country.

The expected move, which comes after weeks of White House deliberations about what to do in response to an ultimatum from 10 state attorneys general led by fucking Texas, would satisfy Trump's base but upend the lives of nearly 800,000 people who were working and studying in the US.

The DACA program, which gave qualified applicants protections from deportation, is popular among Democrats and moderate Republicans, many of whom have introduced legislation in Congress to try to protect the population permanently.

The sources said the expected decision to end the program with a six-month delay reflects the President's thinking as of Sunday night.

Several of the sources cautioned the decision would not be final until it is announced, which the White House has said will be Tuesday.

Talk about xenophobia.

Now, even the children of undocumented immigrants that were not born here are going to have to be deported.

What ever happened to the "murderers and rapists" part, that's what I would like to know?

It seems that everyday I wake to to some fucked up shit said the day before by Trump, and it seems this day is no different.

Why should I hope for that just one day, that I wouldn't feel disgusted. That's just plain stupid isn't it, considering the circumstances of having a disciple of Satan as POTUS.

Oh well, some thing never change, so it's time for my 1st, "I need to chill" joint and beer of the day


I never open this site without being chilled.
President Donald Trump is expected to end a program that protected undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, the so-called "Dreamers" from deportation, four sources familiar with the decision told CNN.

Two of the sources said the plan is to have a six-month delay in any action regarding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to allow Congress time to pass a fix through legislation that would allow the undocumented immigrants to stay in the country.

The expected move, which comes after weeks of White House deliberations about what to do in response to an ultimatum from 10 state attorneys general led by fucking Texas, would satisfy Trump's base but upend the lives of nearly 800,000 people who were working and studying in the US.

The DACA program, which gave qualified applicants protections from deportation, is popular among Democrats and moderate Republicans, many of whom have introduced legislation in Congress to try to protect the population permanently.

The sources said the expected decision to end the program with a six-month delay reflects the President's thinking as of Sunday night.

Several of the sources cautioned the decision would not be final until it is announced, which the White House has said will be Tuesday.

Talk about xenophobia.

Now, even the children of undocumented immigrants that were not born here are going to have to be deported.

What ever happened to the "murderers and rapists" part, that's what I would like to know?

It seems that everyday I wake to to some fucked up shit said the day before by Trump, and it seems this day is no different than the one's before.

Why should I hope for that just one day, that I wouldn't feel disgusted. That's just plain stupid isn't it, considering the circumstances of having a disciple of Satan as POTUS.

Oh well, some thing never change, so it's time for my 1st, "I need to chill" joint and beer of the day

Even Paul (fucking) Ryan is against it.

He even said the words "...there are children here that have never known any other country..."

You know what? When the head of the GOP disagrees with the President on deporting people you know something is hella fucked.
Yes, DACA is over.

The Trump administration is officially terminating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in six months and punting the matter to Congress, putting nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants at risk of deportation if the president and members of the House and Senate can’t make a deal to protect them.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump sent out Attorney General Jeff Sessions to announce his policy decision. Sessions has opposed the DACA program since its inception under President Barack Obama in 2012, and as a senator, he helped block legislative efforts to help so-called “Dreamers” who came to the U.S. as children.

Poor bastards never had a chance, considering Obama had his name on the program, because anything
Obama did was bad for the country, right?

This is fucked up.
Yes, DACA is over.

The Trump administration is officially terminating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in six months and punting the matter to Congress, putting nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants at risk of deportation if the president and members of the House and Senate can’t make a deal to protect them.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump sent out Attorney General Jeff Sessions to announce his policy decision. Sessions has opposed the DACA program since its inception under President Barack Obama in 2012, and as a senator, he helped block legislative efforts to help so-called “Dreamers” who came to the U.S. as children.

Poor bastards never had a chance, considering Obama had his name on the program, because anything
Obama did was bad for the country, right?

This is fucked up.
But theyre totally NOT racists...
Because he's a Republican, simply put.
All Republicans are good for, beside income disparity and war, is an us vs them mentality, and dividing the country.
We, "all" the peoples, is not in their vocabulary.
Expanding the wealth gap. Making themselves richer, no matter what the cost- as long as that cost is borne by others.

NO ONE NEEDS A BILLION DOLLARS. It makes monsters out of men (and women, fuck you Rebekah Mercer).

It's time to put an end to neoliberal capitalism before it destroys our nation, out people and our planet.
Expanding the wealth gap. Making themselves richer, no matter what the cost- as long as that cost is borne by others.

NO ONE NEEDS A BILLION DOLLARS. It makes monsters out of men (and women, fuck you Rebekah Mercer).

It's time to put an end to neoliberal capitalism before it destroys our nation, out people and our planet.
More about the Mercer family;

THIS is the face of the Donor Class. Like the ill fated Donner party, they'll eat anyone who gets in the way of their political ambitions. That includes average Americans by the millions.

NO ONE NEEDS A BILLION DOLLARS. Because this is what they do with it.
Well, I think he is struggling now against the urge to hang himself, seeing as he has the lowest approval rating of any modern President at this time in their tenure. (66% think he is a dick)
Nah. He's far too egotistical for that. Besides, just like he has for most of his life, he's surrounded himself with yes men who stroke his tiny penis and oversized ego whenever they're told.
I'm left to wonder how it is that a billionaire can be such a worthless human being?
I think you should question your perception of the qualities necessary to be a billionaire. It does not strike me as a contradiction at all. Not to say that they all have those qualities, just that the quality of being worthless is certainly a boon in certain fields.

He was mentored by Roy Cohn ffs.

Roy Cohn.


From Wikipedia:

Cohn and McCarthy targeted many government officials and cultural figures not only for suspected Communist sympathies, but also for alleged homosexuality.[42] McCarthy and Cohn were responsible for the firing of scores of gay men from government employment and strong-armed many opponents into silence using rumors of their homosexuality.[42][43] Former U.S. Senator Alan K. Simpson has written: "The so-called 'Red Scare' has been the main focus of most historians of that period of time. A lesser-known element ... and one that harmed far more people was the witch-hunt McCarthy and others conducted against homosexuals."[44]

Quoting close Trump adviser Roger Stone: Roger Stone, "Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn't discussed. He was interested in power and access."
Roy died of AIDs in 1986 in an apartment provided by Trump. He was one of the biggest scumballs in American history. Trump will see him in hell.
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Quoting close Trump adviser Roger Stone: Roger Stone, "Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn't discussed. He was interested in power and access."
Nah, he wasn't "gay", he sounded like a homosexual predatory pedohile.
Maybe that was why he and Hoover where butt buddies, they were both closet queens.
I think you should question your perception of the qualities necessary to be a billionaire. It does not strike me as a contradiction at all. Not to say that they all have those qualities, just that the quality of being worthless is certainly a boon in certain fields.

Yep. There's a pretty direct correlation between being extremely wealthy and being a psychopath. All of the people that you need to step on, and throats that need to be cut to make it to the "top" requires a distinct lack of conscience.
its the fake ball throw for the Dog that is the US media, I'm am 90% sure that congress will stop this. we need to be looking around; see what he does not want use to see. expanded military contracts for Afghanistan, and his really REALLY new fucked up taxed program.

this whole distraction is BS, it will not happen.

TBH, I doubt we will even be talking about it in a few weeks.