fuck man no wonder your series is unkempt! I figured you at least had the staple luck crystal or two, no worries look for quartz, carnelian, and jasper, try to stay in a good mood so only well meaning crystals will draw you in, negative thoughts attract topaz and, I shutter, aventurine, the most bothersome when it comes to mitochondrial stimulation. Once a crystal has locked onto your vibe it'll just kinda find you brother. To get a good starting alignment close your eyes and tune inward to your thought river. Once you've lowered your plane of mind place each stone, eyes closed, on a circular raised platform with some form of metal, one of those reusable mesh coffee filters works great just run it by your stone merchant for ionization bath cleansing prior to first use, that was my first noob mistake lol. Who is the yogi or guru in your district(or prefecture)?