Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
Ohh you guys believe that curing can turn chemed out weed into white smoking shit?? I added some micro in week 6 one time and that shit STILL burns black after 2 fucking years of curing. You guys are fucking delusional. You may say you dont flush but you do weather you want to admit it or not. You arent going to hit your plants in week 8 like you would in week 4 or 5. So what are you doing? Decreasing the amount of nutrients, FLUSHING! Argue all you want but I know from experience, you cant tell me those times I had chemed out weed that if I let it cure it will be just fine! BULLSHIT! You say Im stupid but you guys are delusional. Youre like hipsters, I was wearing a fedora before every fag was wearing one so Im the coolest! You guys arent looking to help this guy you just want to spew shit from your mouth. No one asked what nutes he was using or even medium you just spew out DONT FLUSH IT!!! PUT MICRO, NITRO AND SUGAR IN IT IN WEEK 8 GO FOR IT BUDDY! Im gonna be real and tell him hey dont cut it down until its yellowed out or your going to have problem cutting down a green as fuck plant ESPECIALLY if youre using synthetic fertilizer.
jesus dude, just kill yourself, you're exactly the kind of person that causes all kinds of problems for everyone, spreading stupid shit, then because you're invested in it, you REFUSE to hear the truth when its put before you on a golden platter, already cut into bite size pieces.
i'm just going to ignore you now, and recommend everyone else do so as well....welcome to r.i.u.