New Member
Textbook, im not wasting my time, if you want to have an intelligent debate i'm down.. but you need to listen instead of just beating your gums with unrelated things. why have i had no answer to my questions? i perused through your post quick and didnt see any of the references to all the "facts" you were spouting out....Strange, seems to me that I see poor people who have consistently gotten better healthcare than me, because my tax dollars are wasted providing it to them, instead of allowing me to provide my own healthcare.
You talk about greed destroying this country like it's the truth. It's not. Greed didn't destroy this country. Policies such as those that you are advocating that have to do "good" for the less fortunate are what is destroying this country.
No longer is it possible to bust your ass and get ahead. No longer can you build up true wealth with out struggling every god damn step of the way seeing your money stolen to do "good" for other fucking people. Greed didn't destroy this nation. Greed is something that has consistently enhanced and furthered civilization.
Do you think Edison created the Electric Light Bulb because it would do "good". No, he created it, because it was useful to him, and then he licensed the rights to it to a corporation who turned around and sold it. With out the profit incentive that retards like you continuously condemn we'd all be sitting around with candles in our hands wondering what we would be doing when winter came, and we risked freezing to death.
We wouldn't have electricity through out almost our entire nation with out greed. You can't mandate some one to work for some one else's gain with out letting them profit from it. You'll get told to go fuck yourself. Which is prefectly good advice for you to follow Chuck.
Better yet, why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and instead of acting hypocritically move to Africa, and send letters to some one and tell us how you like living in what is truly an impoverished area, thanks to the efforts of the environmental movement to stop Africa from using its resources to industrialize and attain hire standards of living.
Attacking Greed is the sign that you are a nut. Do you think that we would have nearly as high of a standard of living if it wasn't for the profit motive?
I can tell you the answer to that question by just looking at Russia under the Communists. The Answer is NO! Of course, I don't expect some enviromentally concerned socialist like you to admit that, just as I don't expect you to actually understand the difference between a true capitalist system and the system that we have in place now.
There's even more that you wont admit to, like the fact that those people that benefitted from Greed have given a lot more back to the country than you ever will. Bill Gates gave Billions to charity, Buffett, Bloomberg, Ellison. They all gave billions to charities. To state that Greed is bad when people that epitomize the philosophy of greed being good are giving away billions is stupid. Obviously if all there was to it was Greed, they wouldn't give anything to charities.
As far a Flint. Flint was destroyed by the Unions who were greedy, and destroyed three great companies. Flint was destroyed by bad management who was too busy worrying about the tax costs of actions, and debating with unions to actually confront market forces, and adapt to changing market demands.
I don't know anything about L.A. Though I can only imagine that since it is populated by people that largely think like you do, but consistently fail to put their money where their mouths are, that the problem isn't lack of greed, but idiots like you running around preventing people from helping themselves to get ahead.
Endless destruction of mining, and clear cutting. Still living in the 1970s eh, chuck. There is more forested land in the United Now then there was 50 years ago. There's more regulation to ensure that those greedy corporations you so hate actually do clean up after themselves.
Though I don't know why I bother responding to this when you fail to actually respond to my statements with out actually addressing the points I make.
Chuck, like I said, put your money where your mouth is, and sell your computer, and stop using electricity. If you don't like our capitalistic society that much why don't you move to the middle of Africa, or the Australian Outback and live in a little cave like you seem to want everyone else to do?
talk all you want