Nirvana Mystery Seed


About a week ago i germinated one of the mystery seeds Nirvana were giving away (dec - feb).
Has anyone identified this strain yet?
I germinated some of their mystery seeds as well.... it's deffinately Sativa dominate, based on the way it's growing. Not very many bud spots, and very spider-like, but the bud is amazing! They are in their 5th week of flower and completely covered in crystals, it's like the plants just sat in a fresh christmas snow! I'm very excited to see how they come along!
I just had 3 seedlings come up from nirvana freebies, 4th not broken the soil yet.. two of them were just plain green seeds, two were like either you could say tiger striped or maybe looked like a watermelon. No idea what they are tho.
I have four pack's of those beans from orders that where made for a friend, Maybe I should crack some.:hump:
unidentifiable seed you find in the ash tray are called bag seed that's what you have , they take all the seeds that are loose in the cushions of the love seat in the employees lounge and package them as mystery beans ,its bag seed
Heres pictures of my 2 girls. they are about to start on the 4th week of flower. Obviously a sativa since i cant take full sized plant pictures in my grow box
I have gotten 4 females out of the 8 mystery seeds I popped, i started to flower 2 of them about a week ago and other 2 are vegging alil longer, will post pics of the bud when they get bigger
A week ago I decided to put four of them in some dirt along with some sweet pepper seeds I saved out of a grocery store pepper. I'm using the bottom half of a gray pressed paper egg carton inside the top half of a styrofoam egg carton. Eight pepper seeds and four Nirvana mystery seeds. Six of eight pepper plants popped and three of four ganja seeds popped. I put several cuts in the paper egg carton so as to make it easier to separate the individual cells. I'll take some picks when I'm more impressed.
@Derick Crane unless that was an heirloom pepper you may be better off buying vegetable seeds to plant. Most store bought vegetables are hybrids and do not breed true. Best of luck tho
Yes I'm aware. One of them looks pretty healthy so I'm going to grow it out in a hempy style container. 2 of the mystery seedlings really leggy so when I transplant them, I'm going to bury the stem up to the first or second node and proceed under the assumption they're photoperiods. This will make my first so I intend to experiment with LST or HST.
Update on my Nirvana mystery seed outdoor grow. I planted it just outside my property line that borders a farm field. It's at the base of a cut off electric pole that's at the southeast corner of my property.

It's on the south side of the pole, so it's been exposed to full sunlight but not visible from my house or the road being several hundred feet away.

I'm keeping it short and bushy and there's enough tall grass around it that you wouldn't notice it unless you're looking for it.

The fields around it are planted in soybeans this year so a lot less likely for the DEA choppers to be looking than if it were corn back there.

It's chugging along. Next time I'm back there, I'll get a pic or two and post it.
I hate this cheap freebee seeds from Nirvana. I want to know what I grow. these are seeds the janitor finds loose on the floor or table. I once got a pebble that kinda looked like a seed in my 10 pack of junk