How thick of aluminum?


So i finally made the order and got 20 2ft eb strips. Now for the aluminum. I found a bunch (for a steep price) but they are all soo damn flimsy. Im gonna have to order some.

So my question is how thick should the 2 ft flat aluminum bars be? I dont wanna get something super thick but i also dont want something thats gonna bend on me.


Well-Known Member
I prefer c-channels, 1-2mm thick, 1x1x1" and cheap ebay thermal tape with no screws. It works great and you can go up to 1,4A with no issues.


Well-Known Member
I actually ordered 20 2ft 2 inch c channel at 1/8th thick. Cheapest i could get. 95 bucks total. Getting it in town. Needed 2inch cuz of the eb strips being 24mm.
Sorry why did you order 2" when your strip is 24mm? An inch is 25.4mm.


Well-Known Member
I was wanting the samsungs but i can get two ebs for one samsung. When i add the extra bars i plan to use samsungs. Probably be cheaper then too
Really? I used samsung because they were very cheap. I picked these up for 7$ US each, each has 96 lm561 c s6 3500k 80cri diodes.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHAHA most obviously a knockoff huhXD cant even spell samsung
You obviously have never dealt with buying direct from China before if you feel a sticker a Chinese vendor makes a spelling mistake on it leads to immediate knockoff.

That's why I asked seller to send pic of leds being used. You can go to Samsung's website and verify the serial numbers to see they are legit. I also did a Google image search to make sure the image wasn't stolen. HTB1dkoISpXXXXXVaFXXq6xXFXXXe.jpg.png