Canada could become the first country to allow unlimited possession of cannabis in private

They can hold protests in Toronto carrying signs saying
Hideous things that are on video
Like "death to Jews and Israel "
but any attempt to even say
"This is wrong" and
You are hit with a hate crime
Huh? Who is this 'they' that held protests in Toronto with 'death to Jews' signs? And who was arrested for hate crimes for denouncing hate? I didn't hear of either events.
Rebel media is (was) an Alt-Right, white supremacist media joke. They were forced to fire some of the more vocal bigots after condoning the Charlottsville murder by the alt-right and are being outed by former employees as a hate organization.They are no more credible than Alex Jones.
Unless they have photos and credible witnesses, along with copies of the police reports of these protests and arrests, it didn't happen and you are being duped.
never that's the worst thing the media can do...
take any ability they have to make money not support liars and cheats
Till something is done about Citizens United, which isn't happening, big money runs the show.
Big money will always run the show. Always has. But that doesnt mean we have to allow them to suck us completely dry. Regulation needs to be brought back and utilities need to be taken back into the public sector. There is no way that private for profit corps should be allowed to control water, healthcare, energy...etc.

Who let that happen?

They have the news that you don't get on CBC

The article was there..

And lots more ...but if you do not read them you do not get the news..because it is no where else

as well as the charlottesville not slanted reporting that even cbs and nbc used..


Pls donate to Save the Christian's
In Syria who get booted to the end of the line for being a minority

See you on this forum in another 6 months
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They have the news that you don't get on CBC

The article was there

And more

Pls donate to Save the Christian's
In Syria who get booted to the end of the line for being a minority

See you on this forum in another 6 months
They have news you don't see on CBC because they made it up. There has to be pictures and police reports. Someone getting arrested for denouncing a hate protest would be news - CBC would've gobbled it up. It didn't happen and I am surprised you would believe it did.
And re: PS
I don't donate to any group who identifies by their religious affiliation. Don't get me started on religion, but wasn't it Stevie Harper who was hand-picking Syrian christians?
no amigo CBC would not gobble it up

And the video was on that site I linked

I just mentioned donating to bug you

I admit I made a mistake voting Trudeau
Big money will always run the show. Always has. But that doesnt mean we have to allow them to suck us completely dry. Regulation needs to be brought back and utilities need to be taken back into the public sector. There is no way that private for profit corps should be allowed to control water, healthcare, energy...etc.

Who let that happen?
Can't speak on much but the sheeple of Oklahoma gave control of their solar power to the Kochs.
Big money will always run the show. Always has. But that doesnt mean we have to allow them to suck us completely dry. Regulation needs to be brought back and utilities need to be taken back into the public sector. There is no way that private for profit corps should be allowed to control water, healthcare, energy...etc.

Who let that happen?
Your friendly neighborhood right wing government, that's who. Paid for with campaign contributions and other blandishments from big business who stand to profit handsomely from their crimes- err, 'donations'.

It works so well now the Left is doing it, too. Ain't progress grand?
I meant dont lash out and call a jew a jew.... just cause..

and they publish 99% bs anyway on the news
What is published on the news is by and large true, assuming it's a reputable outlet.

The problem is what they choose NOT to tell us. Such information can still be found but it requires hunting for it.
Your friendly neighborhood right wing government, that's who. Paid for with campaign contributions and other blandishments from big business who stand to profit handsomely from their crimes- err, 'donations'.

It works so well now the Left is doing it, too. Ain't progress grand?
The left does it now because thats where the right went when the religious right kooks took over the right.