Whytewidow's cellar grow....

The more I got to looking at it with a microscope the more amber I seen. It is about 30% amber. So I took the top half of it. My scissors freakn glued up on me. I had to take a razor blade and keep scraping the stuff off. So I could open them. Just did a quick wet trim. Hanging now to dry.... she's gonna make some great hash.

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It looks delicious..I mean for real that is some great looking smoke ....I wish I had that on my table right now!!!!
Yea that's what he said well that's what happens when u stun a plant specially an auto I have so many mephistos genetics seeds autos I'd like to grow out but iv never got over a zip for.some.reason but now with these new.lights I might
Yea that's what he said well that's what happens when u stun a plant specially an auto I have so many mephistos genetics seeds autos I'd like to grow out but iv never got over a zip for.some.reason but now with these new.lights I might
I've seen his genetics on seedsman I was curious on them I wanna get some from farmhouse just scared to order from here in the states cuz I'm from Texas...:cry: Don't wanna get the laws on me
Has anybody tried King Kong poison #4 from haze man seeds I'm stuck in between king long and midnight fantasy f2 I really want a sativa
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Yeah I stunted the shit out of it. I'm keeping the biggest cola. The one pictured with the lighter. The rest is going in the bags for hash. My main concern is the pev2. Which is huge. I should get well over a pound. From both combined. They have the room they need now.

Has anybody tried King Kong poison #4 from haze man seeds I'm stuck in between king long and midnight fantasy f2

You won't be disappointed with midnight fantasy. The only thing you may not like is, they reg seeds. Not female. But they are def worth it. Plus your first order you get 5% off. From dc seed bank.
You won't be disappointed with midnight fantasy. The only thing you may not like is, they reg seeds. Not female. But they are def worth it. Plus your first order you get 5% off. From dc seed bank.
Man they are really looking good bro they are nice looking getting a lb of of a harvest is good ..You sure are good at growing bud I hope to be as good as u when I grow up ...Lol Yeah and they are going to give some freebies with the order I just was wanting to add some color to my tent and a little purple would be nice....
Man they are really looking good bro they are nice looking getting a lb of of a harvest is good ..You sure are good at growing bud I hope to be as good as u when I grow up ...Lol Yeah and they are going to give some freebies with the order I just was wanting to add some color to my tent and a little purple would be nice....

I'm definitely not that good. I mean I grow decent enough to smoke it. I still have tons to learn. I read constantly about it. On any down time I have. Which isn't alot with two kids, ol lady, home life, and work. And I will never learn it all.
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I'm definitely not that good. I mean I grow decent enough to smoke it. I still have tons to learn. I read constantly about it. On any down time I have. Which isn't alot with two kids, ol lady, home life, and work. And I will never learn it all.
Yea I read when I can and still fuck shit up I honestly think this dirt I used is trash it's called Lambert it's supposed to be like a.promix but it's got.my plants all jacked up even the 10 day old.seedling are having issues and I do have one.plant that is having just lil N deff but that's it not sure the problem
Whytew kinda wish u was closer I'd give ya a bunch of.these seedling as I wish I would have waited to pop I popped 12 digital genetics Albino fire skunk OG and 12 super sour deisel all regs but I got some GG#4, cherry bomb, Gorilla bomb,and some.blue dream I'd like to run them which are fems but I'd give ya some.of.each the SSD is from hazemans kinda wanna run few GG#4 and the cherry bomb and don't wanna pull them.as.thats a waist
Yea I read when I can and still fuck shit up I honestly think this dirt I used is trash it's called Lambert it's supposed to be like a.promix but it's got.my plants all jacked up even the 10 day old.seedling are having issues and I do have one.plant that is having just lil N deff but that's it not sure the problem
I hear that I'm he same way but with one kid I'm working in town right now but I leave sometimes for months at a time I've just been fortunate to find jobs in town for the past three years I'm hoping when this one finishes I'll find something in town if not I'm gonna have to head to Pennsylvania they have a nuclear power plant going up that I might have to go to:cry:...union pipe welding is a good trade but I'm constantly on the road....That dirt u use is it like a store bought soil or made there in town??
If I order from dc exchange are they in the states ??? Or will it go through customs

They are in Washington dc. No problems man. Don't sweat it. The dude is super cool. I have spoken to him personally. He knows tx isn't a legal state. They ship them good man.
I hear that I'm he same way but with one kid I'm working in town right now but I leave sometimes for months at a time I've just been fortunate to find jobs in town for the past three years I'm hoping when this one finishes I'll find something in town if not I'm gonna have to head to Pennsylvania they have a nuclear power plant going up that I might have to go to:cry:...union pipe welding is a good trade but I'm constantly on the road....That dirt u use is it like a store bought soil or made there in town??

I don't live but 2 hours roughly from where that power plant is being built.
Whytew kinda wish u was closer I'd give ya a bunch of.these seedling as I wish I would have waited to pop I popped 12 digital genetics Albino fire skunk OG and 12 super sour deisel all regs but I got some GG#4, cherry bomb, Gorilla bomb,and some.blue dream I'd like to run them which are fems but I'd give ya some.of.each the SSD is from hazemans kinda wanna run few GG#4 and the cherry bomb and don't wanna pull them.as.thats a waist

I may not be popping anymore after these are down. I'm having some bullshit with the person I'm buying our house and property off of. It's my ol lady's uncle he lives in Florida. He is absolutely loaded he inherited this place from my old lady's grandfather when he died he has zero money in this place we bought it on a land contract for $30,000 for 4 years very short loan we have paid him over 15 grand in 19 months less than 2 years which is half of the loan already. My old lady lost her job and I got two months behind on our house payment so now he's trying to evict me and say I breach the land contract so now he could if he wins in court resale the entire Place properly and all to someone else for 30 Grand again and I lose the 15 grand that I have in it and it's her own family. He's trash in every sense of the form I mean I could understand if he had thousands of dollars tied up into this place but he doesn't have a dime in it it hasn't cost him anything we paid all the property taxes we pay for the homeowners insurance we pay all the bills it's in our name I just don't get it he's just a money-hungry prick and he's loaded so if I got to move depends where and if I'm buying or renting if im growing so that's how my life's been going for the last 2 weeks. He wouldn't even work with me I gave him $7,500 down and I've never missed a payment since we've lived here in 19 months and it's actually been 21 months I haven't made a payment for 2 months and he won't even budge but we had a hail storm two months after we moved in and in my contract that says if we have any insurance claims because the insurance on the house is in his name that All the Monies received from the insurance has to go into the house to fix it or the difference comes to us in the form of cash or he keeps the money and he takes it off the total price of the loan which he didn't he pocketed the money. He got $7,421 from the insurance it was $912 to fix the windows in the house cuz it busted windows from the hail and he kept the rest of the money so he breach the contract before I ever got behind so I don't know what the court is going to say about that cuz I let it go but he still breached it so I guess we'll see
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I don't live but 2 hours roughly from where that power plant is being built.
That's kool bro if I end up out there at least I got a hook up..Lol They making some money ...That's fucked up.. I sure do hope everything works out with that ... I'm over here dealing with a hurricane but know where near the problems u are having sorry to hear that bud ... We'll maybe when you go to court the judge will see that he breached the contract first or that they will count that 5,000 he put in his pocket towards your note... The best of luck bud god will see through the bullshit and help you karma is a bitch and he will get what he deserves !!! Just have faith brother ... My old lady lost her job Monday also so I'm leaving it up to god to keep us good
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That's kool bro if I end up out there at least I got a hook up..Lol They making some money ...That's fucked up.. I sure do hope everything works out with that ... I'm over here dealing with a hurricane but know where near the problems u are having sorry to hear that bud ... We'll maybe when you go to court the judge will see that he breached the contract first or that they will count that 5,000 he put in his pocket towards your note... The best of luck bud god will see through the bullshit and help you karma is a bitch and he will get what he deserves !!! Just have faith brother ... My old lady lost her job Monday also so I'm leaving it up to god to keep us good

That hurricane ain't no joke man. My ol lady lost her job bc she got a ruptured lung. Was in the hospital for 10 days. Then got out went back to work. Doc told her if it ruptured again. She needs surgery. Well 21 days after she got out the first time it did it again. So she had surgery. They rebuilt her left lung. Couldn't work for almost 6 months. She just started a new job last monday. He such a piece of shit man. His own neice and our kids. . I mean honestly I could see it if he had thousands of dollars tied up. But he doesnt. And he got 50 grand cash when he died. Plus this place. So we've had rough last year. That's why I started back up in the first place. Extra paper. But now having to deal with his shit.