Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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Bloody hell, if there was ever an ignorant country America is it, you blokes have no idea what goes on in the rest of the world, unless you are invading some poor shithole.
How many country's left with out a independent central bank running the show
The good old USA, making debt slaves everywhere.
Read a history book, not an American one tho
Not a word of sense in it. I already told you I don't speak ignorant. A person has to grow up ignorant to speak that shit. Of course ignoramuses people don't have anything to say that would be of interest. So I'm good with not understanding it.
Not a word of sense in it. I already told you I don't speak ignorant. A person has to grow up ignorant to speak that shit. Of course ignoramuses people don't have anything to say that would be of interest. So I'm good with not understanding it.

No surprise there, most Americans have no idea what really go's on in the world
funny, i saw a bunch of people carrying tiki torches and chanting nazi slogans the other day, then they killed and injured some people too.
Far enough, not sure why anyone would want to pretend that they're a Nazi. seems a bit ridiculous
Its a crazy old world I suppose
you are literally trying to apologize for people who chanted nazi slogans then killed and injured dozens of innocent americans.

this is one of the most pathetic things i have ever seen in my life.

how hard could it possibly be to condemn nazis?
Don't worry I condemn all Nazi scum, and probably anyone stupid enough to pretend to be one
Not all white people are racists, and with good reason, most are dickheads, with there hand out like a refugee
People should learn to stand on their own two feet, and avoid the Socialist trap
you are literally trying to apologize for nazis who went out and chanted nazi slogans and killed people you total pussy bitch.
Who got killed?, not up with the latest American left v right bullshit
You cant change history, but if you are a leftie you can pretend it never happened
You blokes got any statues you need removing?
Who got killed?, not up with the latest American left v right bullshit
You cant change history, but if you are a leftie you can pretend it never happened
You blokes got any statues you need removing?
If you're not even capable of keeping up to date with current events then why the fuck are you here?
You stopped being rational when you used the fallacy of moral equivalence.

There is nothing to condemn from the Antifa actions in Charlottesville. The Governor of VA, the Mayor of Charlottesville and the Chief of police of Charlottesville all said the same thing. That the violence in Charlottesville was due to actions taken by the white nationalist hate mongers.

What part of Nazis and KKK caused the violence do you not understand?

the word Charlottesville wasn't in my haven't condemned any of it from the beginning, right Mr. bike lock?
Just to point out to the observer trying to catch up with what is now going on in this thread, They are debating whether or not some people vote against their own interests.

It stems from the common Berntard belief that black people are incapable of knowing what is in their interests. It has now spiraled into an unrelated segue since we all know there are plenty of reasons some people do vote against their own interests. However, it is not subject to racial generalizations as the berniebros suggest. Even the author of the comment to which the berniebabies are incessantly alluding has explained that there are reasons, such as propaganda and familial ties which might motivate someone to vote against their objective interests but that such people believe they are voting in accordance with their own best interests.

The bernard supporting clowns would have us believe that black people rejected Bernard because they have a herd mentality and are bigoted against gays and Jews.

No, I did not misconstrue or take it out of context, that is what they are arguing.

and yet there are direct quotes by the riu clintonites regarding same..but none from those accused- imagine that.
the word Charlottesville wasn't in my haven't condemned any of it from the beginning, right Mr. bike lock?

are you trying to compare defending yourself from a nazi by smashing them with a bike lock to the nazi who went on a murderous death-by-car rampage, killing and injuring dozens of innocent, non-nazi americans?

cry some more about nazis suffering minor injuries you nazi scum.
are you trying to compare defending yourself from a nazi by smashing them with a bike lock to the nazi who went on a murderous death-by-car rampage, killing and injuring dozens of innocent, non-nazi americans?

cry some more about nazis suffering minor injuries you nazi scum.

you contend that Eric clanton bike locked people out of self defense?

its all hate violence man, and that's the crux of the problem. congrats on being a part of it.
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