Trellis netting tips please


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to support my plants bought some trellis netting and I already have some bamboo sticks. I went and tried yesterday but failed hard. Anybody have any tips on putting this stuff on a already big plant? Thanks in advance guys


Well-Known Member
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we put the poles in the dirt and wrap the trelless netting around using wire ties and it works great also when the plants grow out thru it they are good to go i get alot of wind rain and heavy fog here and they dont break branches at all if you are wrapping them now put your poles in around plant hook one end of netting to first pole and then walk gently around plant and wire tie the netting as you go around plant work the branches out thru the squares in netting and it works great take ya time and have an extra person to help hold the netting while ya wire tie the netting no problem buddy -- patients " tip " put the top wire tie on each pole first all way around on last 3 poles only then its alot easier to work the netting around branches and then put the middles and bottom wire ties no damage then hope this helps good luck