• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.


Well-Known Member
look over fert. i have afew wite flies, as long as trier arentevry where,have you flushed it w/water ,not sink water , like water you can get refills in town water. if not do somethin qik.


Active Member
Ok, so I'm sorry i haven't updated lately but i still really need everyones help. I would say it was about a week or two ago i started feeding them a weak solution of vigoro 24-8-16 plant food from Home Depot. I mixed up 1gal distilled water and about 1/3tsp of the ferts and fed em that for 3 straight feedings. Throughout the last few weeks almost all the lower fan leaves turned yellow and died off and alot of the stems are quite purple, including the main stem starting about 1/2 the way up. The Blue Cheese isnt doing quite as bad but its certainly not doing great. A few of the lower fan leaves have turned yellow and died and either fell off or were removed. One or two of the upper leaves is starting to brown around the tip and one has formed a grayish spot in the middle that looks like its going to maybe turn into a hole. I flushed em both a few days ago and at this point I just dont really know what to do. I know i should have been updating this entire time and that Id prolly have this problem fixed by now if i did but thats my mistake. So please, anyone still watching this, what do you think i should do cuz at this point im completely clueless. Thanks again, pictures as soon as my phone is charged so probably tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
REAIIy shouId have used haIf strength , then straight water , then fert haIf strenth, then straight water , to much nutes on each watering, you need to water with straight water tiII it drans reaI good then wait, Iet it get near dry for the next watering ,then water with straight water.. then scheduIed nutes .they wiII die if those nutes are'nt fIushed out.


Active Member
yeah, you need to flush it with a lot of water. general rule of thumb is about 3 gallons of water to about 1 gallon of soil. and yeah, you def should have been using weaker concentrations of nutes if you're going to be using them in your watering every day, like i do. I use about 1/8th strength, although now i'm getting closer to 1/4 strength when i mix it up with my water. i figured this comes closer to how they would get water and nutrients out in nature; rain and groundwater don't change their nute concentrations every other day, they just have miniscule amounts. Plus, my plants needed nutes way earlier then they usually do, and it was only because i decided not to listen to everyone else and start doing it my own way that they recovered and are doing so ridiculously well now. i'd show you all my stuff to prove i'm not just talking out of my ass but: a) this is JustBaked's log, not mine. and b) my log is posted on another forum i call the CannaBoards (note: not actual name of forums) and i don't know what the rules are on posting links to...competing?...let's call them "other" forums.


Active Member
Ok, so I flushed a couple days ago and the soils nearly dried now. Ill prolly water tomorrow with some distilled water ive had sittin around for a couple days. This may not be a major source of concern right now but does anyone know how I might be able to get rid of the little bugs flying around everytime i start messin with my plants? Anyways I dont know if im going to try a different fertilizer or weaken the amount im givin em but I do know they didnt respond well to the last time they got em. Thanks for all ur help again and Gedda Im gonna try and see if ur CO2 thing will help at all, its worth a shot i figure.


Well-Known Member
Try putting a layer of sand on top of your soil, if those are gnats they wont be able to get through it and that should calm you problem, i hope you have a fan blowing on your plants, its strengthens them and prevents pests from getting too comfy.
I'm an hid fanboy and thing everyone needs them, they're cooler per watt than cfls. someone recently posted a 20 dollar hps, do a search you should be able to find it.
good luck and happy growing!


Active Member
Ok, so I'm back for an update and I figure its time i get some pics up and try and figure out what this problem is. Over the last couple weeks growth has really slowed, apparently cuz i over nuted and about a week and a half ago i flushed em both and have given both 3 waterings of straight water. I want to start up the nutes in a very weak solution again but im afraid i might just completely destroy em this time. Oh yeah, I changed my lights the other day from 24-0 to 20-4 and i think the skunk likes it by the way its top has really perked up since i changed em over. Please, I'm taking any advice thats given and will use it as best i can to get these two back up and growin good again. New pics below, the cheese looks tiny in the picture behind the skunk but its not really that small.



Active Member
so i'm looking at that and thinking you may not have had a nutrient burn at all. the purple stems suggest phosphorus deficiency, which can also cause the leaves to yellow and then brown and die the same way nute burn does (check this out, scroll down to where you see Phosphorus and "Figure 11"). seems a likely cause considering that was the same problem i had with my plants. but my solution was, as i've said, the weak nute fed to the plants every day, and if i'm wrong and your problem really is nutrient burn you don't want to overdo it. i suggest getting some fert that's high phosphorus, making some roughly 1/4 strength of that, then watering in a schedule like this: high P, plain water, high N, plain water, high P, plain water...etc. if that works i suggest moving to the same kind of watering i've been doing (you've seen how my plants are doing on it) as the high P fert is generally for flowering, and you want them to recover better before they start to flower on ya. i can show you how to make up the exact concentrations i've been using that have worked so well. and i'm not trying to be a douche, but these forums would be more helpful if you'd update more often...


Active Member
Alright, back again and theres gonna be an update at least every 2 days from now on, I guess I haven't really been taking this too seriously and im thinking my plants are showin me that. Snoz, I remember seeing that same thing about purple/ red stems being a deficiency of some sorts but when I tried to find it again I had no luck. I plan on covering the top soil of both plants with a layer of sand tomorrow and possibly giving them a small amount of nutes on the next water. The fert i have is only a 8% phosphate solution so im thinking ill go to home depot tomorrow and look for something up around 15%. If I'm wrong with any of this please let me know, thanks again for any help and as I said I will update much more often from now on as Im going to start taking this alot more seriously now. New pictures should be up within the next few days depending on how things progress.


Active Member
Ok, so I'm back again and again its been a few days longer than i wanted. Yesterday i gave the BC its first nutes in a while and it was a 1/4 strength solution of the same fert i used the first time i had trouble with my plants, it might have been a bad idea but with a much weaker solution I'm going to take the risk. The PS im not so sure about. I checked it the other day and the soil is still pretty moist even after a couple day from watering and there is a white sort of residue or, i dont want to say mold, on top of the soil and it feels pretty cold to the touch. I can't imagine that the soil temp is above 60 and to me this seems like it would cause a problem. So, any ideas on how to heat that baby up or on what i should feed em next, I was thinking water and then a weak solution high in Phosphorus would be ok. So, anything to say just spit it out, all advise is greatly appreciated, and please dont lose faith in this journal, I will update much more often once i get these babies growing good again.


Well-Known Member
Go find yourself an ecolite UV sterilization lamp. Have that shine onm the plants,l this will help kill off any molds that might form in your soil grow. DO NOT BUY A BLACKLITE, or if you do, get a UVB bulb.

You've flushed, use 1/8 what you would normally use on the directions of the fertilizer. Actually, don't. Go back to home depot, go buy one of those little green pH/Moisture/Light meters, stick that thing in your soil and check your pH (make sure to flip the switch to pH!) and if it not 6.3-6.8 then you need to fix that first.


Active Member
i wouldn't worry too much about that white stuff, it's just mineral deposits form the water evaporating up through the soil, mostly calcium. i get it any time i let my soil dry out.


Active Member
Ok, just a quick question gedda, if the temps are so cold how id the water evaporating out if the soil, im not sayin ur wrong its just something i thought of. Oh, and im going to look into one of those lights, does it help keep the temp up in the box do you know? Thanks again and new pics should be up saturday.


Well-Known Member
Ok, just a quick question gedda, if the temps are so cold how id the water evaporating out if the soil, im not sayin ur wrong its just something i thought of. Oh, and im going to look into one of those lights, does it help keep the temp up in the box do you know? Thanks again and new pics should be up saturday.
Even frozen water (ice) sublimates and evaporates away at below freezing temperatures. Here, have an MSDS on water.

water msds sheet

Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 17.5 @ 20C (68F)

Even at below room temp, water can be vaporized into the air.

How else could you explain high humidity on a cold day?


Well-Known Member
Oh, and im going to look into one of those lights, does it help keep the temp up in the box do you know?
Yeah, any hid is gonna throw some heat. A lot of growers deal with heat issues so i figure you're better off cool than hot. 60 F is about 15 C, and at soil level thats not too bad at all.
HID lights can put off a lot of heat from ballasts and bulbs. I know some people grow in unheated barns all winter with 1000 watt lamps keeping everything nice and toasty.
All you need is a length of cord, wire it up, flip that bitch on its side and you're in the club. Though if i were you i'd get at least a couple, it seems like you can never get enough light.
Good luck and happy growing!


Active Member
Alright there chief thanks for the little science lesson, I think you answered my question well enough. Now, I know I said I would have pictures up today but the pics might have to wait a little longer. However, even though I don't have pictures I am still happy to say that both plants are improving and the main stem on the PSkunk is growing nicely and im going to try and find a high phosphate fert for it tomorrow because the soil is finally close to needing some refreshments, tomorrow I imagine she'll be mighty thirsty and just suck that shit right up. Just one question about the PSkunk, what strength do u think I should give her? I started the BCheese on a 1/4 strength diet and its seemed to take well to that, but more on that in a second. Do you think I should give it something like that on an alternating diet between the high P fert then water then my other high N fert then water then the P fert etc... Thats something like what Gedda suggested and it sounds like a good plan to me.
Now to the BCheese. Its been doing well after the first feeding from flush and we'll see how she responds to pure water tomorrow and the N fert again on the next dry day. A lot of what I'm trying is information from someone close who has had success with these methods growing one of the 2 plants I have here. Well anyways, I'm going to keep them in veg for as long as it takes them to get to where i think they'll get me a decent yield with my lst. Please let me know what you think and as always all help is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
well if you're gonna do that alternating between high P and high N ferts like i said, remember that i was just saying to use that for the beginning to recover the plants from what looks like P deficiency. but if they're recovering already after being flushed and then started on a weak nute regimen you may not need to do it at all. you may have just been using too high a strength of fert too often (again, nute burn and P deficiency can look very much the same). if you can't get it weak enough to work out the way i've been doin it, i'd say just go with the regular method of doing fert every other watering.


Active Member
Ok, so I guess I've been takin longer than i planned but heres the scoop. A few days ago fed the PS a 1/4 strength of the 24-8-16 Vigoro fert and she has responded well. Her top is coming in much greener and fuller and has grown a decent bit of height, although I have her tied down. I suppose it will be time to water tomorrow and I was wondering if I should just go with straight water as originally planned or maybe throw a little bone meal on top to try and clear up those stems. I'm leaning towards just water but if someone out there has any experience with bone meal please give me a little info about it. I just used some on my BCheese and I'm hoping I didnt mess it up.

But, that BCheese is kinda screwin with me i think. After flush i watered a few times and then gave it a 1/4 strength feeding of the Vigoro ferts. I then followed that with another watering and I looked at her yesterday only to find that a few leaves had started turning purplish on the outside and it continued to engulf the leaves on into today. As i said I fed her today with about 2/3 tsp of bone meal mixed into the top of the soil before watering. I'm not sure if this is too much or if I applied it wrong but I've been searchin and couldn't find anything so just did what seemed somewhat logical.

So, let me know what you think about the water or fert for the PSkunk tomorrow and again if you have any experience with bone meal please let me know. I know it usually blood meal veg and bone meal bud but I think they need the P now. Thanks again and pics will be up tomorrow when they wake up, I snapped a few today before I fed the BCheese but I'm just gonna wait til tomorrow and post em all at once after I take more, Peace.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm sorry i haven't updated lately but i still really need everyones help. I would say it was about a week or two ago i started feeding them a weak solution of vigoro 24-8-16 plant food from Home Depot. I mixed up 1gal distilled water and about 1/3tsp of the ferts and fed em that for 3 straight feedings. Throughout the last few weeks almost all the lower fan leaves turned yellow and died off and alot of the stems are quite purple, including the main stem starting about 1/2 the way up. The Blue Cheese isnt doing quite as bad but its certainly not doing great. A few of the lower fan leaves have turned yellow and died and either fell off or were removed. One or two of the upper leaves is starting to brown around the tip and one has formed a grayish spot in the middle that looks like its going to maybe turn into a hole. I flushed em both a few days ago and at this point I just dont really know what to do. I know i should have been updating this entire time and that Id prolly have this problem fixed by now if i did but thats my mistake. So please, anyone still watching this, what do you think i should do cuz at this point im completely clueless. Thanks again, pictures as soon as my phone is charged so probably tomorrow.
I found your problem - you're using lawn fertilizer (The 3:1:2 ratio is a dead giveaway, as that's military standard for their cemetaries.)

You likely have micronutrient lock. Flush your soil and use something like 10-15-10 with added micronutes (manganese, magnesium, etc. Even Miracle-Gro tomato food has all the micronutes required, and will work just as fine.)