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you can save it
So I'm curious about your next grow, have you chosen a soil or medium to grow with next grow?oops sorry for the many posts
mate dont use ph UP and DOWN in a soil/coco grow , its meant for hydro the acids in it will damage the soil ph even farther , soul should regulate its own ph for a single grow cycle no problem.
Didnt touch ph meter or up/down with my latest grow in all mix.
chuck that light mix out the window and stop with the mix mix for now and get the all mix , id also recommend biobizz grow,bloom and top max (wont regret top max when you see the trace nutrient list as long as your arm , cover every deficiency they could get apart from lack of NPK)
allmix seems to do them fine 4+ weeks but then they definitely need at least 1ml grow/litre feeding , even in all mix , theyll suck the nitrogen out of that light mix in a week or two.
If you can get rootriot cubes and a little propagator to start them off with you will be golden.
yeah!!the Light mix seems to crap.i have all products you mentioned, was feeding normally and all goes crazy on week 4-5.i have two bags of light mix now..thanks
Id also recommend NOT mixing the ALL mix with anything else , its counterproductive in my opinion especially if you are trying to get a successful grow or few under your belt and your knowledge base established (I really only truly learned through mistakes)
Just use the ALL mix , grow , bloom and top max and you cant go wrong man I swear as long as the rest of the environment is ok. In all mix they really dont need feeding for 3 weeks at least , 1ml / grow a litre might be ok then , and continue 1ml/litre of grow until late late flower , I slowly ramped my bloom and top max up to 3ml/litre each and a final 4ml burst before the end with at least a week or pure water at the end , bit more than theyd usually have a nice good soaking (nothing stupid) of course every strain and plant is different thats just what I did for my SLH grow
I also used biobizzs Leaf Coat natural latex spray/foliar feed and I will be using it again for SURE , used it up until buds really started to show
Can never really have enough air flow , unless you get really really silly , i had 18inch air circulator meant for blowing effect smoke etc in a 1.2x1.2x2 tent and on low/medium setting it was perfect , as long as all the leaves are moving and the stems wobbling a bit its all good usually.
Good vibes bro , I had 5 of the best looking Blueberry Skunks go mouldy from the inside out because I didn't have the correct environment control , and didnt realllllly know what I was doingbut it taught me a lot.
Ok thanks for the much needed help.
I have all the mentioned products, just need to order the all mix. I though/ read that the all mix may be too strong for seedlings?
Do you feed these amounts with every watering? And do you start to feed when plant starts to go pale-ish lime color or just from week 4?
I think im going to start over and follow your suggestion. So let me see if I go this
Start off with light mix in 5l pots for 2 weeks 24/7 lights and give it some bio bizz root.
I have 15lt or a 20lt airpot for transplanting in ALL MIX..
I just had read about perlite and cococoir making the earth nice and airy for roots to easily pass throughout the pot
I learnt the hard way with the airflow ,myself
Again thank you for all the help
np bro , yeah ideally light mix or ROOTRIOT cubes to start them off in , mine didnt need feeding for 4 weeks of veg at all basically , 1ml/grow a watering couldnt hurt (continued till end of flower with all mix)
Its difficult for watering and pot sizes etc , I basically gave 8x 11ltrs 20ltrs of water every few days but then they needed 30ltrs between them , underfeeding is better than over most of the time.
started to do 1ml grow , 2ml bloom 1 ml top max for a week........then 2ml bloom 2ml top max for a while.......started to make it 3ml each mid flower and a 4ml boost towards end (still always 1lm grow in allmix and stopped last feeding and obviously nothing for end flush)
How do you regulate the waters PH only with Biobizz ferts?My PH water her is almost 8,thus the PH down, as the vinegar i used may have caused PH problems
whether or not you need to ph when using soil depends on your water supply mainly, if its stable, you probably don't need to, but a lot of cities water will vary over the week, they treat the water on tuesdays here, the ppm in the tap water jumps from 25-30 to 300, and the ph goes from 7.0 to 7.7. , by thursdays its back to 25-30 and 7.0.
vinegar isn't a good choice, it can grow a slimey mass called mother of vinegar, which is basically like the bio-slime you see if you use too much hydroguard. the difference is that the hydroguard biomass is basically harmless, mother of vinegar absorbs oxygen and nutrients to reproduce itself. not saying thats whats happening in your case, but its a possibility.
i tried the soil/coco thing a long time ago, and it didn't work out for me, i went to hempy buckets with 50% perlite, 25% coco, and 25% pro-mix, and have been having very good luck.
i think part of your problem may be switching to flower ferts too early, i feed mine the same thing they were getting in the veg tent till i actually start to see some hairs, then over 2 weeks i switch them to flower feed, and i don't get much senescences till the very end, sometimes not even then
whether or not you need to ph when using soil depends on your water supply mainly, if its stable, you probably don't need to, but a lot of cities water will vary over the week, they treat the water on tuesdays here, the ppm in the tap water jumps from 25-30 to 300, and the ph goes from 7.0 to 7.7. , by thursdays its back to 25-30 and 7.0.
vinegar isn't a good choice, it can grow a slimey mass called mother of vinegar, which is basically like the bio-slime you see if you use too much hydroguard. the difference is that the hydroguard biomass is basically harmless, mother of vinegar absorbs oxygen and nutrients to reproduce itself. not saying thats whats happening in your case, but its a possibility.
i tried the soil/coco thing a long time ago, and it didn't work out for me, i went to hempy buckets with 50% perlite, 25% coco, and 25% pro-mix, and have been having very good luck.
i think part of your problem may be switching to flower ferts too early, i feed mine the same thing they were getting in the veg tent till i actually start to see some hairs, then over 2 weeks i switch them to flower feed, and i don't get much senescences till the very end, sometimes not even then
no, unless they add a LOT of chlorine, like swimming pool amounts, it shouldn't matter to your plants. chlorine is actually good for plants in the amount found in most muni. water supplies. the only problem with chlorine is if you're running beneficial microbes, then i'd draw it in buckets 2 days before i was going to use it .
look up hempy buckets if you don't know what they are, they're a hybrid form of hydroponics. if you're running in regular soil, or even a soil-less mix in regular pots, you'd probably not use more than 25% perlite.