Canada could become the first country to allow unlimited possession of cannabis in private

Colorado, the first state to go rec legal and still one of the most legal places on the planet.

The problem is that cops in America don't have any accountability, so they can do what they want and it costs private citizens a lot of money to exercise and defend their rights against them.

America has taken leave of most of the principles it was founded on. That's the plain and simple truth.
Honestly from an outsiders standpoint you country seems a real mess. No offense meant. Trump has made America worse....not better. He's a raving lunatic to the rest of the planet.
fuck cop everywhere is my attitude.
Sorry for your legal hassles @ttystikk ....guess Colorado is no heaven after all huh?
Honestly from an outsiders standpoint you country seems a real mess. No offense meant. Trump has made America worse....not better. He's a raving lunatic to the rest of the planet.
fuck cop everywhere is my attitude.
Sorry for your legal hassles @ttystikk ....guess Colorado is no heaven after all huh?
Heaven is an ideal, not a place. We're all here to make a better world for each other and those who come after us. Some take this responsibility more seriously than others, it seems...

Believe me, I'm not offended by your comments; if anything, you're understating the case! The first thing to understand is that the Trump Presidency is a symptom of what's gone wrong here, not the cause.

America has spent the better part of the last half century dismantling the rule of law for the upper classes and civil protections for those who aren't- and in the process destroying the ties of accountability between people's actions and their consequences- especially the ultra wealthy and those in government and law enforcement.

I've spent my adult lifetime watching the process, wondering when the whole thing will come crashing down. It appears that time is finally coming, and soon- and I definitely don't want to be here when it happens.
Heaven is an ideal, not a place. We're all here to make a better world for each other and those who come after us. Some take this responsibility more seriously than others, it seems...

Believe me, I'm not offended by your comments; if anything, you're understating the case! The first thing to understand is that the Trump Presidency is a symptom of what's gone wrong here, not the cause.

America has spent the better part of the last half century dismantling the rule of law for the upper classes and civil protections for those who aren't- and in the process destroying the ties of accountability between people's actions and their consequences- especially the ultra wealthy and those in government and law enforcement.

I've spent my adult lifetime watching the process, wondering when the whole thing will come crashing down. It appears that time is finally coming, and soon- and I definitely don't want to be here when it happens.

"The first thing to understand is that the Trump Presidency is a symptom of what's gone wrong here, not the cause."

Very profound. My American cousins echo the same thoughts regularly. I hope you guys can deal with The Orange Catastrophe before he does something that can't be undone.
Heaven is an ideal, not a place. We're all here to make a better world for each other and those who come after us. Some take this responsibility more seriously than others, it seems...

Believe me, I'm not offended by your comments; if anything, you're understating the case! The first thing to understand is that the Trump Presidency is a symptom of what's gone wrong here, not the cause.

America has spent the better part of the last half century dismantling the rule of law for the upper classes and civil protections for those who aren't- and in the process destroying the ties of accountability between people's actions and their consequences- especially the ultra wealthy and those in government and law enforcement.

I've spent my adult lifetime watching the process, wondering when the whole thing will come crashing down. It appears that time is finally coming, and soon- and I definitely don't want to be here when it happens.
Gotta say I agree with you....chaos seems just around the bend down there. I won't even go there again as a tourist ever again. It's just too unstable appearing to me anyway.
I agree that Trump is just an example of the deterioration of America. But he's one scary clown at the same time. It seems like a bad dream no one can wake up from. My friend believes he's the anti Christ....could be right. If he gets shot in the head and more puzzle piece in place.
"The first thing to understand is that the Trump Presidency is a symptom of what's gone wrong here, not the cause."

Very profound. My American cousins echo the same thoughts regularly. I hope you guys can deal with The Orange Catastrophe before he does something that can't be undone.
Nothing he does can't be undone. It's only a question of time and the will to do it.

I'm not at all convinced America has the will and the stomach for the job. It's not like we can count on an FDR to come along right when we need him every time we step in the cowpie.
Gotta say I agree with you....chaos seems just around the bend down there. I won't even go there again as a tourist ever again. It's just too unstable appearing to me anyway.
I agree that Trump is just an example of the deterioration of America. But he's one scary clown at the same time. It seems like a bad dream no one can wake up from. My friend believes he's the anti Christ....could be right. If he gets shot in the head and more puzzle piece in place.
Please, don't shoot him!

The LAST thing this country needs is Trump the fucking martyr!
Nothing he does can't be undone. It's only a question of time and the will to do it.

I'm not at all convinced America has the will and the stomach for the job. It's not like we can count on an FDR to come along right when we need him every time we step in the cowpie.
Ya we have the same problem up here...not one politician worth two shits in a bag. We have a runway model for a leader.
Another FDR, we barley survived the last time we had a flog like that leading the nation, thank Christ for WW2
Ya we have the same problem up here...not one politician worth two shits in a bag. We have a runway model for a leader.
Freedom must be fought for. Many modern democracies- not all, but many- have fallen into the trap of complacency and letting someone else do the fighting for them.

Businesses and corporations will move into that gap because of the opportunity for gain, and for the same reasons they'll be very consistent in their quest for power and influence.

This might be a fundamental flaw of the modern world.
We must use him as an example of what's wrong and fix the underlying causes, rather than fixating on the freak show itself.
Hard to ignore basically the biggest idiot I've ever seen. He never ceases to amaze me the way he redesigns and redefines idiocy every time his yap flaps.
Except for a few slack jawed morons on here maybe. Ssssshhhh don't tell em.
What president has ever had more folks hate him?

For those of us old enough to remember, Richard Nixon was hated by a very large number of people. He motivated generations to work to limit the power of govt corruption and corporate greed. unfortunately trump can undo that in a few years.

And I'm not sure that can be repaired in any of our lifetimes. His supreme court alone can last 40 or more years. And no tax cut in recent memory has been reversed. Destroy enough infrastructure and regulatory capacity and the decline can never be stopped.

The barbarians aren't at the gates, they are guarding them.
Hard to ignore basically the biggest idiot I've ever seen. He never ceases to amaze me the way he redesigns and redefines idiocy every time his yap flaps.
Except for a few slack jawed morons on here maybe. Ssssshhhh don't tell em.
Just don't let him distract you from what's important, such as the travesty of the NAFTA negotiations.
For those of us old enough to remember, Richard Nixon was hated by a very large number of people. He motivated generations to work to limit the power of govt corruption and corporate greed. unfortunately trump can undo that in a few years.

And I'm not sure that can be repaired in any of our lifetimes. His supreme court alone can last 40 or more years. And no tax cut in recent memory has been reversed. Destroy enough infrastructure and regulatory capacity and the decline can never be stopped.

The barbarians aren't at the gates, they are guarding them.
... From us.
The western world, and North America in particular, needs a revolution. Time to take out the trash, destroy the system and start over.
Having personally seen what that looks like up close, I'm looking for other alternatives besides armed revolution.
Having personally seen what that looks like up close, I'm looking for other alternatives besides armed revolution.
I don't think there is one. Money and the 1% who control it runs government and the rest of us are dispensable. I'm against any violence usually, but it's either be content with what they give us or take what is rightfully ours - and they ain't giving that up without a fight, imo.
I don't think there is one. Money and the 1% who control it runs government and the rest of us are dispensable. I'm against any violence usually, but it's either be content with what they give us or take what is rightfully ours - and they ain't giving that up without a fight, imo.
This country managed to beat back the corporatists in the 1930s without bloodshed.

Taking our country back can and should be done through the polls, not armed insurrection.
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This country managed to beat back the corporatists I'm the 1930s without bloodshed.

Taking our country back can and should be done through the polls, not armed insurrection.

Your polls are an affront to the concept of democracy tho. The electoral college is corrupt as the rest of the gov't. It's like WWF where they draw straws to see who wins the next round.

There's a clown in the white house and the rest of the world doesn't know whether to laugh, cry or head for the hills.

Should be an interesting weekend with my Republicunt cousins coming up from WA and OR for a big family wedding. I may end up disowned! :D